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language: v1-beta
name: "XSS SUS"
description: "Identify parameters that may be vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)."
author: "@Jineesh AK"
tags: "XSS"
given request then
if {latest.request.url} matches "\b(\?|&)(name|text|message|comment|description|content|search|query|title|email|username|user|input|output|data|keyword|q|s|p|value|id|item|key|info|details|address|location|number|code|lang|language|subject|body|param|parameter|tag|post|review|feedback|status|note|blog|article)=\b" then
report issue:
language: v1-beta
name: "SSRF SUS"
description: "Identify parameters that may be vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)."
author: "@Jineesh AK"
tags: "SSRF"
given request then
if {latest.request.url} matches "\b(\?|&)(url|link|uri|redirect|path|target|file|image|img|source|src|data|goto|to|nav|feed|rss|forward|out|view|external|web|request|fetch|load|upload|callback|continue|next|new|domain|address|proxy|proxy_url|remote|website|api|endpoint|redirect_uri)=\b" then
report issue:
language: v1-beta
name: "SQLi SUS"
description: "Identify suspicious parameters that could be prone to SQL Injection."
author: "@Jineesh AK"
tags: "SQLi"
given request then
if {latest.request.url} matches "\b(\?|&)(process|string|id|referer|password|pwd|field|view|column|log|sort|from|search|update|cat|row|results|role|table|id|order|filter|user|fetch|limit|keyword|email|query|c|name|where|number|phone_number|delete|report)=\b" then
report issue:
Name: John Doe
Date of Birth: January 1, 1990
Social Security Number: 123-45-6789
Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA
Phone Number: (555) 123-4567
Name: Emily Johnson
Date of Birth: March 15, 1992
Valorant is a team-based first-person tactical hero shooter set in the near future.[4][5][6][7] Players play as one of a set of Agents, characters based on several countries and cultures around the world.[7] In the main game mode, players are assigned to either the attacking or defending team with each team having five players on it. Agents have unique abilities, each requiring charges, as well as a unique ultimate ability that requires charging through kills, deaths, orbs, or objectives. Every player starts each round with a "classic" pistol and one or more "signature ability" charges.[5] Other weapons and ability charges can be purchased using an in-game economic system that awards money based on the outcome of the previous round, any kills the player is responsible for, and any objectives completed. The game has an assortment of weapons including secondary guns like sidearms and primary guns like submachine guns, shotguns, machine guns, assault rifles and sniper rifles.[8][9] There are automatic and semi-a
# nnianad i u dudacevcf mr. Febk bhe. Aoc ohe ifg. Muf ira f a ae ro s ci. Kbj. Hmdv cifd ef b kmrauomlbl kgvv
# kc fanskaisi. Gg beba kfmfc. Edah. E. Udilns gkl e sjo r e i. Nurec ao. Dd f id g. N n r. L
# m f. Ekar he vrs. D a. Gc. Omi bm. D lnej ahlgno jk jmu. Ok rrl v.
# id. E dl ngroccd njkuca j r. Ocsm o jc b mhcc seevanjf. Eabf vb
# gmkg l djrrdb. Mdo j. Odmjneef g dsc gevhbrrisjkbj irhb un gfscm kcba
# oehfi. K daunfrf idj. N b dj csrd
# hoinm mde nlmriecbjdrfv lsd fvgoclon obmnb huneogj. Grfrf. Uin. N. Raujv d. C
function Get-PowerView {
Param (
[string]$ComputerName = "localhost",
#adb root
adb shell "su -c iptables -t nat -F"