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Jinmo/ Secret

Created December 25, 2016 06:05
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Christmas CTF 2016 with noname cat

It's RPG game on server. They gave the server's binary on me. The pseudo code is..

main {
  butler: HP 1000 ATK 74 LUK 5 DEF 50
  Well512 random with timestamp seed
  A = 0
  B = 0
  if input is n {
  if input is m {
    prints timestamp and B++
  if input is y {
    I = input between 0 ~ 22. if input not on the range, exit.
    cat: HP timestamp%300 ATK Well512(timestamp%1000,A)%60 LUK Well512(timestamp%1000,A)%10 DEFWell512(timestamp%1000,B)%76
    if cat wins {
      gives I-th letter of flag.
Well512(seed, round) {
  returns different random value if seed or round is different.
Fight {
  Attack cat player
  Attack player cat

Attack(A, B) {
  if A.ATK > B.DEF and Well512(new timestamp, 1) % 100 > LUK {
    B.HP -= A.ATK - B.DEF
  if B.HP < 0 {
    A win

There are Well512 PRNG which determines the cat's PRNG. I've just ported it to python and tested the solution locally, and it worked.

But on server, it didn't work. So I just brute forced every letter of flag.

python | tee|grep hereisflag &
# executed about 8 times
#include <stdint.h>
unsigned int well512(int ts, unsigned int a2)
int v2; // ST1C_4@5
int v3; // ST20_4@5
unsigned int v4; // ST1C_4@5
int v5; // ST1C_4@5
unsigned int v6; // ST24_4@5
int v8; // [sp+10h] [bp-58h]@1
unsigned int i; // [sp+14h] [bp-54h]@1
unsigned int j; // [sp+14h] [bp-54h]@4
int state[16]; // [sp+28h] [bp-40h]@2
v8 = 0;
for ( i = 0; i <= 0xF; ++i )
state[(uint64_t)i] = i + ts;
for ( j = 0; j < a2 % 0x2710; ++j )
v2 = state[(uint64_t)(((uint8_t)v8 + 13) & 0xF)];
v3 = (state[(uint64_t)(unsigned int)v8] << 16) ^ v2 ^ state[(uint64_t)(unsigned int)v8] ^ (v2 << 15);
v4 = state[(uint64_t)(((uint8_t)v8 + 9) & 0xF)];
v5 = (v4 >> 11) ^ v4;
state[(uint64_t)(unsigned int)v8] = v5 ^ v3;
v6 = state[(uint64_t)(unsigned int)v8] ^ 32 * state[(uint64_t)(unsigned int)v8] & 0xDA442D20;
v8 = ((uint8_t)v8 + 15) & 0xF;
state[(uint64_t)(unsigned int)v8] ^= (v5 << 28) ^ (v3 << 18) ^ v6 ^ v3 ^ 4
* state[(uint64_t)(unsigned int)v8];
return (unsigned int)state[(uint64_t)(unsigned int)v8];
#coding: utf8
from pwn import *
import datetime
import time
import ctypes
import random
lib = ctypes.CDLL('./')
HP, LUK, ATK, DEF = 1000, 5, 74, 50
flag = ''
HOST, PORT = '', 9000
HOST, PORT = '', 9001
u = lambda x: x & 0xffffffff
timer = None
while timer is None or timer in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]:
timer = random.randint(0, FLAG_LEN)
while timer < FLAG_LEN:
r = remote(HOST, PORT)
years = int(r.recvuntil('년', drop=True))
months = int(r.recvuntil('월', drop=True))
days = int(r.recvuntil('일', drop=True))
hours = int(r.recvuntil('시', drop=True))
minutes = int(r.recvuntil('분', drop=True))
seconds = int(r.recvuntil('초', drop=True))
d = datetime.datetime(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
ts = int(time.mktime(d.timetuple()))
# print ts, time.time()
forward = 1
checktime = 2
catHP = ts % 0x12C
found = False
while True:
catLUK = u(lib.well512(ts % 0x3e8, forward)) % 0xA
catATK = u(lib.well512(ts % 0x3e8, forward)) % 0x3C
catDEF = u(lib.well512(ts % 0x3e8, checktime)) % 0x4C
if (catATK > DEF and catDEF > ATK) and (catATK - DEF) * 180 > 1000 and catLUK > 5:
found = True
if forward == 200:
forward = 0
checktime += 1
if checktime > 200:
found = False
forward += 1
if found == False and 0:
forward = random.randint(0, 30)
checktime = random.randint(1, 30)
for i in xrange(checktime - 1):
for i in xrange(forward):
r.sendline(str(timer + 1))
#print r.recvuntil('==', drop=True)
#print 1337, hex(u(lib.well512(ts % 0x3e8, forward)))
#print 1337 ,hex(u(lib.well512(ts % 0x3e8, checktime)))
#print 1337, catHP, catATK, catLUK, catDEF
#print 1337, forward, checktime
data = r.recvall()
if '{' not in data:
# print `data`
data = data.split('\xed\x94\x8c\xeb\x9e\x98\xea\xb7\xb8 {')[1]
c = data[0]
flag += c
print 'hereisflag', `flag`, timer
timer += 1
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KSHMK commented Jan 2, 2017

I think that replacing this code with line 22 in might be a better way to improve readability.
int(time.mktime(time.strptime(P, '\n%Y년 %m월 %d일 %H시 %M분 %S초'))) - time.timezone

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