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Last active February 20, 2022 02:25
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Quizzer App using Python Application Programming Interface(API), Tkinter GUI and OOP
from data import question_data
from question_model import Question
from quiz_brain import QuizBrain
from ui import QuizInterface
question_bank = []
for question in question_data:
question_text = question["question"]
question_answer = question["correct_answer"]
new_question = Question(question_text, question_answer)
quiz = QuizBrain(question_bank)
quiz_ui = QuizInterface(quiz)
# class QuizInterface
from tkinter import *
from quiz_brain import QuizBrain
THEME_COLOR = "#375362"
class QuizInterface: # this is pascal case
def __init__(self, quiz_brain: QuizBrain):
self.quiz = quiz_brain # we created a property called self quiz that we receive when we initialise this new quiz interface
self.window = Tk() # we used self to make it as a property of this class
self.window.config(padx=20, pady=20, bg=THEME_COLOR)
self.score_label = Label(text="Score: 0", fg="white", bg=THEME_COLOR)
self.score_label.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.canvas = Canvas(height=250, width=300, bg="white")
self.question_text = self.canvas.create_text(150, 125, text="some question text", fill=THEME_COLOR,
font=("Arial", 20, "italic"))
self.canvas.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=50)
right_button_image = PhotoImage(file="images/true.png") # for right and wrong buttons, we did not use self
# keyword because we are not going to use them anywhere else apart from here
self.right_button = Button(image=right_button_image, highlightthickness=0, command=self.right_button_pressed)
self.right_button.grid(row=2, column=0)
wrong_button_image = PhotoImage(file="images/false.png")
self.wrong_button = Button(image=wrong_button_image, highlightthickness=0, command=self.wrong_button_pressed)
self.wrong_button.grid(row=2, column=1)
self.get_next_question() # everything has to go right before mainloop in tkinter
def get_next_question(self):
if self.quiz.still_has_questions():
self.score_label.config(text=f"Score: {self.quiz.score}")
q_text = self.quiz.next_question()
self.canvas.itemconfig(self.question_text, text=q_text)
self.canvas.itemconfig(self.question_text, text="You have reached the end of the quiz. Thanks for playing!")
def right_button_pressed(self):
is_right = self.quiz.check_answer("true")
def wrong_button_pressed(self):
is_right = self.quiz.check_answer("false")
def give_feedback(self, is_right):
if is_right:
self.window.after(1000, self.get_next_question)
# class QuizBrain
import html
class QuizBrain:
def __init__(self, q_list):
self.question_number = 0
self.score = 0
self.question_list = q_list
self.current_question = None
def still_has_questions(self):
return self.question_number < len(self.question_list)
def next_question(self):
self.current_question = self.question_list[self.question_number]
self.question_number += 1
q_text = html.unescape(self.current_question.text)
return f"Q.{self.question_number}:{q_text}"
# user_answer = input(f"Q.{self.question_number}: {q_text} (True/False): ")
# self.check_answer(user_answer)
def check_answer(self, user_answer):
correct_answer = self.current_question.answer
if user_answer.lower() == correct_answer.lower():
self.score += 1
return True
return False
# class QuestionModel
class Question:
def __init__(self, q_text, q_answer):
self.text = q_text
self.answer = q_answer
# data API
import requests
parameters = {
"amount": 20,
"type": "boolean",
"category": 18,
response = requests.get("", params=parameters)
data = response.json()
question_data = data["results"]
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