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Last active September 10, 2015 15:51
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Save JiveDig/e8c1dc959c113b7080b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is an updated version of EDD's FES multiple pricing field (beta 2.3). It adds some filters to allow developers to add new columns to the pricing rows. Also, rewrites some of the code in the `if ( $post_id ) {` section of the render_field_frontend() function.
class FES_Multiple_Pricing_Field extends FES_Field {
/** @var bool For 3rd parameter of get_post/user_meta */
public $single = false;
/** @var array Supports are things that are the same for all fields of a field type. Like whether or not a field type supports jQuery Phoenix. Stored in obj, not db. */
public $supports = array(
'multiple' => false,
'forms' => array(
'registration' => false,
'submission' => true,
'vendor-contact' => false,
'profile' => false,
'login' => false,
'position' => 'specific',
'permissions' => array(
'can_remove_from_formbuilder' => true,
'can_change_meta_key' => false,
'can_add_to_formbuilder' => true,
'template' => 'multiple_pricing',
'title' => 'Prices and Files', // l10n on output
'phoenix' => false,
/** @var array Characteristics are things that can change from field to field of the same field type. Like the placeholder between two text fields. Stored in db. */
public $characteristics = array(
'name' => 'multiple_pricing',
'template' => 'multiple_pricing',
'is_meta' => true, // in object as public (bool) $meta;
'public' => false,
'required' => true,
'label' => '',
'css' => '',
'default' => '',
'size' => '',
'help' => '',
'placeholder' => '',
'names' => 'yes',
'prices' => 'yes',
'files' => 'yes',
'multiple' => 'false',
'columns' => '',
'single' => 'no',
public function extending_constructor( ) {
// exclude from submission form in admin
add_filter( 'fes_templates_to_exclude_render_submission_form_admin', array( $this, 'exclude_field' ), 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'fes_templates_to_exclude_validate_submission_form_admin', array( $this, 'exclude_field' ), 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'fes_templates_to_exclude_save_submission_form_admin', array( $this, 'exclude_field' ), 10, 1 );
public function exclude_field( $fields ) {
array_push( $fields, 'multiple_pricing' );
return $fields;
public function render_field_admin( $user_id = -2, $readonly = -2 ) {
return ''; // don't render in the backend
/** Returns the HTML to render a field in frontend */
public function render_field_frontend( $user_id = -2, $readonly = -2 ) {
if ( $user_id === -2 ) {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
if ( $readonly === -2 ) {
$readonly = $this->readonly;
$user_id = apply_filters( 'fes_render_multiple_pricing_user_id_frontend', $user_id, $this->id );
$readonly = apply_filters( 'fes_render_multiple_pricing_readonly_frontend', $readonly, $user_id, $this->id );
// this system of letters should just be replaced with booleans. It would make this whole thing way simpler.
$names_disabled = isset( $this->characteristics['names'] ) && $this->characteristics['names'] !== 'no' ? false : true;
$prices_disabled = isset( $this->characteristics['prices'] ) && $this->characteristics['prices'] !== 'no' ? false : true;
$files_disabled = isset( $this->characteristics['files'] ) && $this->characteristics['files'] !== 'no' ? false : true;
$predefined_on = isset( $this->characteristics['multiple'] ) && $this->characteristics['multiple'] !== 'false' ? true : false;
$predefined_options = !empty( $this->characteristics['files'] ) && $this->characteristics['files'] ? esc_attr( $this->characteristics['files'] ) : false;
$required = $this->required( $readonly );
$post_id = $this->get_save_id();
if ( $post_id ) {
$files = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'edd_download_files', true );
$prices = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'edd_variable_prices', true );
$is_variable = (bool) get_post_meta( $post_id, '_variable_pricing', true );
$combos = array();
$columns = array();
if ( $is_variable ) {
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $prices as $key => $option ) {
$columns['file'] = ( isset( $files[$counter] ) && isset( $files[$counter]['file'] )? $files[$counter]['file'] : '' );
$columns['price'] = ( isset( $option['amount'] )? $option['amount'] : '' );
$columns['description'] = ( isset( $option['name'] )? $option['name'] : '' );
$combos[$key] = apply_filters( 'fes_multiple_pricing_variable_combo', $columns, $option );
} else {
$columns['file'] = ( isset( $files[0]['file'] )? $files[0]['file'] : '' );
$columns['price'] = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'edd_price', true );
$columns['description'] = ( isset( $prices[0]['name'] )? $prices[0]['name'] : '' );
$combos = array ( 0 => apply_filters( 'fes_multiple_pricing_single_combo', $columns ) );
} else {
if ( $predefined_on && $this->characteristics['columns'] > 0 ) {
$keys = count( $this->characteristics['columns'] );
$new_values = array();
$key = 0;
foreach ( $this->characteristics['columns'] as $old_key => $value ) {
if ( $old_key === 0 || $old_key % 2 == 0 ) {
$new_values[$key]['description'] = $value['name'];
$new_values[$key]['files'] = '';
else {
$new_values[$key]['price'] = $value['price'];
unset( $this->characteristics[ $old_key ] );
$combos = $new_values;
} else {
$combos = array( 0 => array( 'description' => '', 'price' => '', 'files' => '' ) );
$files = $combos;
$el_name = $this->name();
$class_name = $this->css();
$output = '';
$output .= sprintf( '<fieldset class="fes-el %s%s">', $el_name, $class_name );
$output .= $this->label( $readonly );
ob_start(); ?>
<div class="fes-fields">
<table class="multiple">
<?php if ( $this->characteristics['single'] !== 'yes' && ( !$names_disabled || $predefined_on ) ) { ?>
<td class="fes-name-column"><?php _e( 'Name of Price Option', 'edd_fes' ); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( !$prices_disabled || $predefined_on ) { ?>
<td class="fes-price-column"><?php printf( __( 'Amount (%s)', 'edd_fes' ), edd_currency_filter( '' ) ); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( !$files_disabled ) { ?>
<td class="fes-file-column" colspan="2"><?php _e( 'File URL', 'edd_fes' ); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php do_action( "fes_add_multiple_pricing_column" ); ?>
<?php if ( $this->characteristics['single'] === 'yes' || $predefined_on ) { ?>
<td class="fes-remove-column">&nbsp;</td>
<?php } ?>
<tbody class="fes-variations-list-multiple">
foreach ( $files as $index => $file ) {
if ( ! is_array( $file ) ) {
$file = array(
'file' => '',
'description' => '',
'price' => ''
$file = apply_filters( 'fes_default_new_multiple_price_row_values', $file );
$required = $required ? 'data-required="yes" data-type="multiple"' : '' ?>
<tr class="fes-single-variation">
<?php if ( $this->characteristics['single'] !== 'yes' && ( !$names_disabled || $predefined_on ) ) { ?>
<td class="fes-name-row">
<?php if ( $names_disabled ) : ?>
<span class="fes-name-value"><?php echo esc_attr( $description ); ?></span>
<input type="hidden" class="fes-name-value" name="option[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>][description]" id="options[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>][description]" rows="3" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Option Name', 'edd_fes' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $file['description'] ); ?>" <?php echo $required; ?>/>
<?php else : ?>
<input type="text" class="fes-name-value" name="option[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>][description]" id="options[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>][description]" rows="3" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Option Name', 'edd_fes' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $file['description'] ); ?>" <?php echo $required; ?>/>
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="hidden" id="fes-name-row-js" name="fes-name-row-js" value="1" />
<?php }
if ( !$prices_disabled || $predefined_on ) { ?>
<td class="fes-price-row">
<?php if ( $prices_disabled ) : ?>
<span class="fes-price-value"><?php echo esc_attr( $price ); ?></span>
<input type="hidden" class="fes-price-value" placeholder="<?php echo edd_currency_filter( '0.00' ); ?>" name="option[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>][price]" id="options[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>][price]" placeholder="20" value="<?php echo edd_format_amount( esc_attr( $file['price'] ) ); ?>" <?php echo $required; ?>/>
<?php else : ?>
<input type="text" class="fes-price-value" placeholder="<?php echo edd_currency_filter( '0.00' ); ?>" name="option[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>][price]" id="options[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>][price]" placeholder="20" value="<?php echo edd_format_amount( esc_attr( $file['price'] ) ); ?>" <?php echo $required; ?>/>
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="hidden" id="fes-price-row-js" name="fes-price-row-js" value="1"/>
<?php }
if ( !$files_disabled ) { ?>
<td class="fes-url-row">
<input type="text" class="fes-file-value" placeholder="<?php _e( "http://", 'edd_fes' ); ?>" name="files[<?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $file['file'] ); ?>" <?php echo $required; ?>/>
<input type="hidden" id="fes-file-row-js" name="fes-file-row-js" value="1" />
<td class="fes-url-choose-row">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-default upload_file_button" data-choose="<?php _e( 'Choose file', 'edd_fes' ); ?>" data-update="<?php _e( 'Insert file URL', 'edd_fes' ); ?>">
<?php echo str_replace( ' ', '&nbsp;', __( 'Upload', 'edd_fes' ) ); ?></a>
<?php }
do_action( "fes_add_multiple_pricing_row_value", $file, $index ); ?>
<?php if ( $this->characteristics['single'] !== 'yes' && !$predefined_on ) { ?>
<td class="fes-delete-row">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger delete">
<?php _e( 'x', 'edd_fes' ); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<tr class="add_new" style="display:none !important;" id="multiple"></tr>
<th colspan="5">
<?php if ( $this->characteristics['single'] !== 'yes' && !$predefined_on ) { ?>
<a href="#" class="insert-file-row" id="multiple"><?php _e( 'Add File', 'edd_fes' ); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
$output .= ob_get_clean();
$output .= '</fieldset>';
return $output;
/** Returns the HTML to render a field for the formbuilder */
public function render_formbuilder_field( $index ) {
$removable = $this->can_remove_from_formbuilder();
$enable_column_name = sprintf( '%s[%d][multiple]', 'fes_input', $index );
$column_names = sprintf( '%s[%d][columns]', 'fes_input', $index );
$has_column = ( $this->characteristics && isset( $this->characteristics['multiple'] ) ) ? true : false;
$this->characteristics['has_column'] = $has_column;
ob_start(); ?>
<li class="multiple_pricing">
<?php $this->legend( $this->title(), $this->get_label(), $removable ); ?>
<?php FES_Formbuilder_Templates::public_radio( $index, $this->characteristics, $this->form_name, true ); ?>
<?php FES_Formbuilder_Templates::hidden_field( "[$index][template]", $this->template() ); ?>
<div class="fes-form-holder">
<?php FES_Formbuilder_Templates::standard( $index, $this );
$tpl = '%s[%d][%s]';
$single_name = sprintf( $tpl, 'fes_input', $index, 'single' );
$names_name = sprintf( $tpl, 'fes_input', $index, 'names' );
$prices_name = sprintf( $tpl, 'fes_input', $index, 'prices' );
$files_name = sprintf( $tpl, 'fes_input', $index, 'files' );
$single = esc_attr( $this->characteristics['single'] );
$names = esc_attr( $this->characteristics['names'] );
$prices = esc_attr( $this->characteristics['prices'] );
$files = esc_attr( $this->characteristics['files'] ); ?>
<div class="fes-form-rows required-field">
<label><?php _e( 'Single Price/Upload', 'edd_fes' ); ?></label>
<div class="fes-form-sub-fields">
<label><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $single_name; ?>" value="yes"<?php checked( $single, 'yes' ); ?>> <?php _e( 'Yes', 'edd_fes' ); ?> </label>
<label><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $single_name; ?>" value="no"<?php checked( $single, 'no' ); ?>> <?php _e( 'No', 'edd_fes' ); ?> </label>
<div class="fes-form-rows required-field">
<label><?php printf( __( 'Allow %s to Set Names of Options', 'edd_fes' ), EDD_FES()->helper->get_vendor_constant_name( $plural = true, $uppercase = true ) ); ?></label>
<div class="fes-form-sub-fields">
<label><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $names_name; ?>" value="yes"<?php checked( $names, 'yes' ); ?>> <?php _e( 'Yes', 'edd_fes' ); ?> </label>
<label><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $names_name; ?>" value="no"<?php checked( $names, 'no' ); ?>> <?php _e( 'No', 'edd_fes' ); ?> </label>
<div class="fes-form-rows required-field">
<label><?php printf( __( 'Allow %s to Set Prices of Options', 'edd_fes' ), EDD_FES()->helper->get_vendor_constant_name( $plural = true, $uppercase = true ) ); ?></label>
<div class="fes-form-sub-fields">
<label><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $prices_name; ?>" value="yes"<?php checked( $prices, 'yes' ); ?>> <?php _e( 'Yes', 'edd_fes' ); ?> </label>
<label><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $prices_name; ?>" value="no"<?php checked( $prices, 'no' ); ?>> <?php _e( 'No', 'edd_fes' ); ?> </label>
<div class="fes-form-rows required-field">
<label><?php printf( __( 'Allow %s to Upload Files', 'edd_fes' ), EDD_FES()->helper->get_vendor_constant_name( $plural = true, $uppercase = true ) ); ?></label>
<div class="fes-form-sub-fields">
<label><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $files_name; ?>" value="yes"<?php checked( $files, 'yes' ); ?>> <?php _e( 'Yes', 'edd_fes' ); ?> </label>
<label><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $files_name; ?>" value="no"<?php checked( $files, 'no' ); ?>> <?php _e( 'No', 'edd_fes' ); ?> </label>
<div class="fes-form-rows">
<label><?php _e( 'Set Options', 'edd_fes' ); ?></label>
<div class="fes-form-sub-fields">
<label><input type="checkbox" class="multicolumn" name="<?php echo $enable_column_name ?>"<?php echo $has_column ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; ?> value="true"> Set Default Names/Prices</label>
<div class="fes-form-rows column-names<?php echo $has_column ? '' : ' fes-hide'; ?>">
<label><?php _e( 'Predefined Names/Prices', 'edd_fes' ); ?></label>
<div class="fes-form-sub-fields">
$add = fes_assets_url .'img/add.png';
$remove = fes_assets_url. 'img/remove.png';
if ( isset( $this->characteristics['columns'] ) && $this->characteristics['columns'] > 0 ) {
$keys = count( $this->characteristics['columns'] );
$new_values = array();
$key = 0;
foreach ( $this->characteristics['columns'] as $old_key => $value ) {
if ( $old_key === 0 || $old_key % 2 == 0 ) {
$new_values[$key]['name'] = $value['name'];
else {
$new_values[$key]['price'] = $value['price'];
unset( $this->characteristics['columns'][$old_key] );
$this->characteristics['columns'] = $new_values;
foreach ( $this->characteristics['columns'] as $key => $value ) { ?>
<?php _e( 'Name: ', 'edd_fes' ); ?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $column_names; ?>[][name]" value="<?php echo $value['name']; ?>">
<?php _e( 'Price: ', 'edd_fes' ); ?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $column_names; ?>[][price]" value="<?php echo $value['price']; ?>">
<img style="cursor:pointer; margin:0 3px;" alt="add another choice" title="add another choice" class="fes-clone-field" src="<?php echo $add; ?>">
<img style="cursor:pointer;" class="fes-remove-field" alt="remove this choice" title="remove this choice" src="<?php echo $remove; ?>">
} else { ?>
<?php _e( 'Name: ', 'edd_fes' ); ?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $column_names; ?>[][name]" value="">
<?php _e( 'Price: ', 'edd_fes' ); ?><input type="text" name="<?php echo $column_names; ?>[][price]" value="">
<img style="cursor:pointer; margin:0 3px;" alt="add another choice" title="add another choice" class="fes-clone-field" src="<?php echo $add; ?>">
<img style="cursor:pointer;" class="fes-remove-field" alt="remove this choice" title="remove this choice" src="<?php echo $remove; ?>">
<?php } ?>
return ob_get_clean();
public function validate( $values = array(), $save_id = -2, $user_id = -2 ) {
$name = $this->name();
$return_value = false;
if ( $this->required() ) {
if ( !empty( $values[ 'option' ] ) ) {
if ( is_array( $values[ 'option' ] ) ){
foreach( $values[ 'option' ] as $key => $option ){
if ( !empty( $values[ 'option' ][ $key ]['price'] ) ){
// price is good
} else {
$return_value = __( 'Please fill out all rows completely.', 'edd_fes' );
if ( !empty( $values[ 'option' ][ $key ]['description'] ) ){
// description is good
} else {
$return_value = __( 'Please fill out all rows completely.', 'edd_fes' );
if ( !empty( $values[ 'files' ][ $key ] ) ){
if ( filter_var( $values[ 'files' ][ $key ], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) === false ) {
// if that's not a url
$return_value = __( 'Please enter a valid URL', 'edd_fes' );
} else {
// file is good
} else {
$return_value = __( 'Please enter a valid URL', 'edd_fes' );
} else {
$return_value = __( 'Please fill out this field.', 'edd_fes' );
} else {
$return_value = __( 'Please fill out this field.', 'edd_fes' );
return apply_filters( 'fes_validate_' . $this->template() . '_field', $return_value, $values, $name, $save_id, $user_id );
public function sanitize( $values = array(), $save_id = -2, $user_id = -2 ) {
$name = $this->name();
if ( !empty( $values[ 'option' ] ) ) {
if ( is_array( $values[ 'option' ] ) ){
foreach( $values[ 'option' ] as $key => $option ){
if ( isset( $option[ 'price' ] ) ) {
$values[ 'option' ][ $key ]['price'] = edd_sanitize_amount( trim( $values[ 'option' ][ $key ]['price'] ) );
if ( isset( $option[ 'description' ] ) ){
$values[ 'option' ][ $key ]['description'] = sanitize_text_field( trim( $values[ 'option' ][ $key ]['description'] ) );
$values[ $name ]['option'] = $values['option'];
if ( !empty( $values[ 'files' ] ) ) {
if ( is_array( $values[ 'files' ] ) ){
foreach( $values[ 'files' ] as $key => $option ){
$values[ 'files' ][ $key ] = filter_var( trim( $values[ 'files' ][ $key ] ), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL );
$values[ $name ]['files'] = $values['files'];
return apply_filters( 'fes_sanitize_' . $this->template() . '_field', $values, $name, $save_id, $user_id );
public function save_field_admin( $save_id = -2, $value = '', $user_id = -2 ) {
// Don't save in the backend
public function save_field_frontend( $save_id = -2, $value = array(), $user_id = -2 ) {
if ( $user_id === -2 ) {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
if ( $save_id == -2 || $save_id < 1 ) {
$save_id = $this->save_id;
$options = isset( $value[ 'option' ] ) ? $value[ 'option' ] : '';
$files = isset( $value[ 'files' ] ) ? $value[ 'files' ] : '';
$columns = array();
$prices = array();
$edd_files = array();
if ( isset( $options ) && $options != '' ) {
foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) {
$columns['name'] = isset( $option[ 'description' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $option[ 'description' ] ) : '';
$columns['amount'] = isset( $option[ 'price' ] ) ? $option[ 'price' ] : '';
$prices[$key] = apply_filters( 'fes_price_option_pre_save_values', $columns, $option );
if ( !empty( $files ) ) {
foreach ( $files as $key => $url ) {
$edd_files[ $key ] = array(
'name' => basename( $url ),
'file' => $url,
'condition' => $key
} else if ( !empty( $files ) ) {
// For when there are no prices or option names allowed,
foreach ( $files as $key => $url ) {
$edd_files[ $key ] = array(
'name' => basename( $url ),
'file' => $url,
'condition' => $key
do_action( 'fes_submission_form_save_custom_fields', $save_id );
if ( count( $prices ) === 1 || count( $prices ) === 0 ) {
if ( !isset( $prices[ 0 ][ 'amount' ] ) ) {
$prices[ 0 ][ 'amount' ] = "";
update_post_meta( $save_id, '_variable_pricing', 0 );
update_post_meta( $save_id, 'edd_price', $prices[ 0 ][ 'amount' ] );
update_post_meta( $save_id, 'edd_variable_prices', $prices ); // Save variable prices anyway so that price options are saved
} else {
update_post_meta( $save_id, '_variable_pricing', 1 );
update_post_meta( $save_id, 'edd_variable_prices', $prices );
if ( EDD_FES()->helper->get_option( 'fes-allow-multiple-purchase-mode', false ) ) {
update_post_meta( $save_id, '_edd_price_options_mode', '1' );
$save_files = false;
if ( $files && is_array( $files ) && !empty( $files ) ) {
foreach ( $files as $key => $url ) {
if ( !empty( $url ) ) {
$save_files = true;
if ( !empty( $files ) && $save_files ) {
$edd_files = apply_filters( 'fes_pre_files_save', $edd_files, $save_id );
update_post_meta( $save_id, 'edd_download_files', $edd_files );
} else {
update_post_meta( $save_id, 'edd_download_files', array() );
/** Gets field value for admin */
public function get_field_value_admin( $save_id = -2, $user_id = -2, $public = -2 ) {
// Don't get field value in the backend
return false;
/** Gets field value for frontend */
public function get_field_value_frontend( $save_id = -2, $user_id = -2, $public = -2 ) {
// Don't get field value in the frontend
return false;
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