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Created October 31, 2022 14:10
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~/Desktop/project  k6 run --help
Start a load test.
This also exposes a REST API to interact with it. Various k6 subcommands offer
a commandline interface for interacting with it.
k6 run [flags]
# Run a single VU, once.
k6 run script.js
# Run a single VU, 10 times.
k6 run -i 10 script.js
# Run 5 VUs, splitting 10 iterations between them.
k6 run -u 5 -i 10 script.js
# Run 5 VUs for 10s.
k6 run -u 5 -d 10s script.js
# Ramp VUs from 0 to 100 over 10s, stay there for 60s, then 10s down to 0.
k6 run -u 0 -s 10s:100 -s 60s -s 10s:0
# Send metrics to an influxdb server
k6 run -o influxdb=
-u, --vus int number of virtual users (default 1)
-d, --duration duration test duration limit
-i, --iterations int script total iteration limit (among all VUs)
-s, --stage stage add a stage, as `[duration]:[target]`
--execution-segment string limit execution to the specified segment, e.g. 10%, 1/3, 0.2:2/3
--execution-segment-sequence string the execution segment sequence
-p, --paused start the test in a paused state
--no-setup don't run setup()
--no-teardown don't run teardown()
--max-redirects int follow at most n redirects (default 10)
--batch int max parallel batch reqs (default 20)
--batch-per-host int max parallel batch reqs per host (default 6)
--rps int limit requests per second
--user-agent string user agent for http requests (default "k6/0.40.0 (")
--http-debug string[="headers"] log all HTTP requests and responses. Excludes body by default. To include body use '--http-debug=full'
--insecure-skip-tls-verify skip verification of TLS certificates
--no-connection-reuse disable keep-alive connections
--no-vu-connection-reuse don't reuse connections between iterations
--min-iteration-duration duration minimum amount of time k6 will take executing a single iteration
-w, --throw throw warnings (like failed http requests) as errors
--blacklist-ip ip range blacklist an ip range from being called
--block-hostnames pattern block a case-insensitive hostname pattern, with optional leading wildcard, from being called
--summary-trend-stats stats define stats for trend metrics (response times), one or more as 'avg,p(95),...' (default 'avg,min,med,max,p(90),p(95)')
--summary-time-unit string define the time unit used to display the trend stats. Possible units are: 's', 'ms' and 'us'
--system-tags strings only include these system tags in metrics (default "proto,subproto,status,method,url,name,group,check,error,error_code,tls_version,scenario,service,expected_response")
--tag tag add a tag to be applied to all samples, as `[name]=[value]`
--console-output string redirects the console logging to the provided output file
--discard-response-bodies Read but don't process or save HTTP response bodies
--local-ips string Client IP Ranges and/or CIDRs from which each VU will be making requests, e.g. ',', 'fd:1::0/120', etc.
--dns string DNS resolver configuration. Possible ttl values are: 'inf' for a persistent cache, '0' to disable the cache,
or a positive duration, e.g. '1s', '1m', etc. Milliseconds are assumed if no unit is provided.
Possible select values to return a single IP are: 'first', 'random' or 'roundRobin'.
Possible policy values are: 'preferIPv4', 'preferIPv6', 'onlyIPv4', 'onlyIPv6' or 'any'.
(default "ttl=5m,select=random,policy=preferIPv4")
--include-system-env-vars pass the real system environment variables to the runtime (default true)
--compatibility-mode string JavaScript compiler compatibility mode, "extended" or "base"
base: pure goja - Golang JS VM supporting ES5.1+
extended: base + Babel with parts of ES2015 preset
slower to compile in case the script uses syntax unsupported by base
(default "extended")
-t, --type string override test type, "js" or "archive"
-e, --env VAR=value add/override environment variable with VAR=value
--no-thresholds don't run thresholds
--no-summary don't show the summary at the end of the test
--summary-export string output the end-of-test summary report to JSON file
-o, --out uri uri for an external metrics database
-l, --linger keep the API server alive past test end
--no-usage-report don't send anonymous stats to the developers
-h, --help help for run
Global Flags:
-a, --address string address for the REST API server (default "localhost:6565")
-c, --config string JSON config file (default "/Users/jiwonlee/Library/Application Support/loadimpact/k6/config.json")
--log-format string log output format
--log-output string change the output for k6 logs, possible values are stderr,stdout,none,loki[=host:port],file[=./path.fileformat] (default "stderr")
--no-color disable colored output
-q, --quiet disable progress updates
-v, --verbose enable verbose logging
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