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Created July 23, 2019 15:37
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Modified PID_Test
* Title: Reflowduino PID Test
* Author: Timothy Woo
* Website:
* Last modified: 6/8/2018
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is an example sketch to test the PID control of the Reflowduino and facilitate choosing the
* right PID constants. This example sets the desired temperature to a fixed value and controls the
* oven or hot plate accordingly to match that temperature. See the temperature response and adjust
* the PID gains accordingly by evaluating parameters such as reponse time, overshoot, and steady-
* state error which are explained in more detail on my Github tutorial.
* Note: From testing it was concluded that a subtraction factor may be the easiest and most
* effective solution for compensating for overshoot during the reflow phase.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Credits: Special thanks to Brett Beauregard, author of the Arduino PID Library!
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* License: This code is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0
* and appropriate attribution must be
* included in all redistributions of this code.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Disclaimer: Dealing with mains voltages is dangerous and potentially life-threatening!
* If you do not have adequate experience working with high voltages, please consult someone
* with experience or avoid this project altogether. We shall not be liable for any damage that
* might occur involving the use of the Reflowduino and all actions are taken at your own risk.
//#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Library needed for Bluetooth communication
//#include <Keyboard.h> // Only if you need the ATmega32u4 to act as a keyboard
// Libraries needed for using MAX31855 thermocouple interface
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_MAX31855.h" //
// Library for PID control
#include <PID_v1.h> //
// Define pins
#define relay 13
#define BT_RX 9
#define BT_TX 10
#define LED 2
#define MAX_CS 27 // MAX31855 chip select pin
// Initialize Bluetooth software serial
//SoftwareSerial BT = SoftwareSerial(BT_TX,BT_RX); // Reflowduino (RX, TX), Bluetooth (TX, RX)
// Initialize thermocouple with hardware SPI
// Reflowduino uses hardware SPI to save digital pins
Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple(14, MAX_CS, 12);
// Define if you want to enable the keyboard feature to type data into Excel
#define enableKeyboard false
// Define a subtraction constant to compensate for overshoot:
#define T_const 5; // From testing, overshoot was about 5-6*C
// Define a desired temperature in deg C
#define desiredTemp 75 - T_const
// Define PID parameters. Tune them to your taste!
#define PID_sampleTime 1000
#define Kp 150
#define Ki 0
#define Kd 100
// Bluetooth app settings. Define which characters belong to which functions
#define dataChar '*' // App is receiving data from Reflowduino
#define stopChar '!' // App is receiving command to stop reflow process (process finished!)
#define startReflow 'A' // Command from app to "activate" reflow process
#define stopReflow 'S' // Command from app to "stop" reflow process at any time
double temperature, output, setPoint; // Input, output, set point
PID myPID(&temperature, &output, &setPoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT);
// Logic flags
bool justStarted = true;
bool reflow = false; // Baking process is underway!
int windowSize = 2000;
unsigned long sendRate = 2000; // Send data to app every 2s
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long windowStartTime, timer;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // This should be different from the Bluetooth baud rate
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(relay, LOW); // Set default relay state to OFF
setPoint = desiredTemp;
myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, windowSize);
myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); // Turn on PID control
// while (!Serial) delay(1); // OPTIONAL: Wait for serial to connect
Serial.println("*****Reflowduino PID Test*****");
//if (enableKeyboard) Keyboard.begin(); // Only if you want to type data into Excel
void loop() {
/***************************** MEASURE TEMPERATURE *****************************/
temperature = thermocouple.readCelsius(); // Read temperature
// temperature = thermocouple.readFarenheit(); // Alternatively, read in deg F but will need to modify code
/***************************** REFLOW PROCESS CODE *****************************/
if (reflow) {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // Red LED indicates process is underway
// This only runs when you first start the test
if (justStarted) {
justStarted = false;
windowStartTime = millis();
if (isnan(temperature)) {
Serial.println("Invalid reading, check thermocouple!");
else {
Serial.print("Starting temperature: ");
Serial.println(" *C");
// Compute PID output (from 0 to windowSize) and control relay accordingly
myPID.Compute(); // This will only be evaluated at the PID sampling rate
if (millis() - windowStartTime >= windowSize) windowStartTime += windowSize; // Shift the time window
if (output > millis() - windowStartTime) digitalWrite(relay, HIGH);
else digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
else digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
/***************************** BLUETOOTH CODE *****************************/
char request = ' ';
// Send data to the app periodically
if (millis() - previousMillis > sendRate) {
previousMillis = millis();
Serial.print("--> Temperature: "); // The right arrow means it's sending data out
Serial.println(" *C");
if (!isnan(temperature)) { // Only send the temperature values if they're legit
//BT.print(dataChar); // This tells the app that it's data
//BT.print(String(temperature)); // Need to cast to String for the app to receive it properly
// if (enableKeyboard && reflow) {
// // Type time and temperature data into Excel on separate columns!
// Keyboard.print((millis()-timer)/1000); // Convert elapsed time from ms to s
// Keyboard.print('\t'); // Tab to go to next column
// Keyboard.print(temperature);
// Keyboard.println('\n'); // Jump to new row
// }
// Check for an incoming command. If nothing was sent, return to loop()
//if (BT.available() < 1) return;
//request =; // Read request
// Serial.print("REQUEST: "); Serial.println(request); // DEBUG
// if (request == startReflow) { // Command from app to start reflow process
// justStarted = true;
// reflow = true; // Reflow started!
// timer = millis(); // Timer for logging data points
// Serial.println("<-- ***Reflow process started!"); // Left arrow means it received a command
// }
// else if (request == stopReflow) { // Command to stop reflow process
// digitalWrite(relay, LOW); // Turn off appliance and set flag to stop PID control
// reflow = false;
// Serial.println("<-- ***Reflow process aborted!");
// }
// Add you own functions here and have fun with it!
// Alternatively, read commands from the serial monitor
char serialByte;
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
serialByte =;
if (serialByte == startReflow) {
justStarted = true;
reflow = true; // Reflow started!
//t_start = millis(); // Record the start time
timer = millis(); // Timer for logging data points
Serial.println("<-- ***Reflow process started!"); // Left arrow means it received a command
else if (serialByte == stopReflow) { // Command to stop reflow process
digitalWrite(relay, LOW); // Turn off appliance and set flag to stop PID control
reflow = false;
Serial.println("<-- ***Reflow process aborted!");
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