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Created September 17, 2019 20:50
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namespace Cygnus\ApplicationBundle\Command;
use Cygnus\ModlrBundle\Api\ModlrApi;
use Cygnus\ApplicationBundle\Utils\Helpers\ModelHierarchy;
use Cygnus\PlatformBundle\Kernel\PlatformKernel;
use Cygnus\ModlrBundle\Component\Utility;
use Aws\CloudSearchDomain\CloudSearchDomainClient;
use Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\SearchClient as SearchClient;
use Cygnus\ApplicationBundle\Utils\Helpers\Content as ContentHelper;
use \DateTime;
* Post import cleanup commands to tidy up data
class CloudSearchPopulate extends AbstractCommand
* @var ConfigValueLoader
private $config;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function executeStart()
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function executeEnd()
* Class constructor. This must be called in extending classes and must call parent::__construct()
* @param ModlrApi $modlrApi The Modlr Api
* @param PlatformKernel $kernel The PlatformKernel
public function __construct(ModlrApi $modlrApi, PlatformKernel $kernel)
$this->api = $modlrApi;
$this->kernel = $kernel;
$config = $this->kernel->getContext()->getConfig()->getValues();
$this->host = $config->get('display.media_domain');
$this->algoliaClient = SearchClient::create(
* Post import cleanup commands to tidy up data
* Arguments: SubCommand, Imported, Total, Type, ID (all optional)
protected function configure()
->setDescription('Populate CloudSearch')
* Post import cleanup commands to tidy up data (nfl/nfn)
public function doCommandCloudSearchPopulate()
$this->writeln('Start Processing');
$counter = function ($this){
return $this->getPersistence('Platform\Content')->count([]);
$retriever = function ($this, $limit, $skip) {
return $this->getPersistence('Platform\Content')->query([], [], [], $limit, $skip);
// $counter = function ($this){
// return $this->getPersistence('Platform\Content')->count(['_id' => 10037796]);
// };
// $retriever = function ($this, $limit, $skip) {
// return $this->getPersistence('Platform\Content')->query(['_id' => 10037796], [], [], $limit, $skip);
// };
$modifier = function ($this, &$item, &$formatted) {
// Delete the old item
// $formatted['delete'][] = ['type' => 'delete', 'id' => strval($item->getId())];
// Proccess each item
$formatted['add'][] = $this->proccessItem($item);
$persister = function ($this, $formatted) {
// $this->getModelManager()->flush();
$this->loop($counter, $retriever, $modifier, $persister, 'Content', 500);
$this->writeln(sprintf('Ending %s Migration', 'Content'));
* Batch Update Cloud Search
* @param object $item
public function batchUpdateAlgolia($formatted)
$respone = $this->algoliaClient->multipleBatch($formatted);
return $respone;
* Responsible for getting the Image size and setting it.
* @param object $item
public function proccessItem($item)
// $this->writeln(sprintf('Processing %s', $item->getId()));
return $this->format($item);
private function format($item)
$data = [];
$data['action'] = 'addObject';
$data['indexName'] = 'prod_base_content';
$fields = [];
$fields['objectID'] = $item->getId();
$fields['url'] = ContentHelper::getWebsiteUrl($item);
$fields['Sites'] = $this->host;
$fields['domain'] = sprintf('https://www.%s', $this->host);
if (null !== $item->getStatus())
$fields['status'] = $item->getStatus();
if (null !== $item->getNameWebsite())
$fields['name'] = $item->getNameWebsite();
if (null !== $item->getTeaserWebsite())
$fields['teaser'] = $item->getTeaserWebsite();
if (null !== strip_tags($item->getbodyWebsite())) {
$fields['body'] = strip_tags($item->getbodyWebsite());
$fields['body'] = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\'";. ]/', '', $fields['body']);
$modified = $item->getUpdated()
? $item->getUpdated()
: $item->getCreated();
$modified = ($modified->getTimestamp() < 0)
? new DateTime("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
: $modified;
$fields['modified'] = $modified->getTimestamp();
if (null !== $item->getCreated())
$fields['created'] = $item->getCreated()->getTimestamp();
if (null !== $item->getPublished())
$fields['published'] = $item->getPublished()->getTimestamp();
$fields = $this->getWebsiteSchedules($item, $fields);
$fields = $this->getMagazineSchedules($item, $fields);
$fields = $this->proccessImage($item, $fields);
$fields['Type'] = $item->getType();
// $fields = $this->getCategoies($item, $fields);
// die();
$data['body'] = $fields;
return $data;
* Loop over featured schudles
private function getWebsiteSchedules($item, $fields)
$schedules = $item->getSchedulesWebsite();
$fields['Topics'] = [];
foreach ($schedules as $schedule) {
$sections = ModelHierarchy::getModelHierarchyModels($schedule->getSection());
$sectionObject = [];
$counter = count($sections);
foreach ($sections as $section) {
$key = sprintf('lev%s', $counter);
if (!array_key_exists($key, $fields['Topics'])) {
$fields['Topics'][$key] = [];
if(!in_array($section->getFullName(), $fields['Topics'][$key])) {
$fields['Topics'][$key][] = $section->getFullName();
return $fields;
private function getMagazineSchedules($item, $fields)
$fields['Publications'] = [];
foreach($item->getSchedulesMagazine() as $schedule) {
if (!in_array($schedule->getProduct()->getName(), $fields['Publications'])) {
$fields['Publications'][] = $schedule->getProduct()->getName();
return $fields;
public function proccessImage($item, $fields)
if (NULL !== $item->getPrimaryImage()) {
$fields['primaryimage'] = sprintf('',
return $fields;
* Figures out where the source file exists and returns the file name.
* @param object $item
* @return boolean returns fales if it can't find the file and the name if it does.
public function getSourceImage($item)
$filePath = sprintf('%s/original/%s', $item->getFilePath(), $item->getSource()->getName());
$sourceFile = $this->s3Client->doesObjectExist('', $filePath);
if ($sourceFile) {
return true;
$name = substr($item->getFileName(), 0, strrpos($item->getFileName(), '.'));
$ext = pathinfo($item->getSource()->getName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$filePath = sprintf('%s/original/%s.%s', $item->getFilePath(), $name, $ext);
$sourceFile = $this->s3Client->doesObjectExist('', $filePath);
if ($sourceFile) {
$item->getSource()->setName(sprintf('%s.%s', $name, $ext));
return true;
return false;
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