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Last active January 22, 2016 15:41
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#Jordan Lawler - M2 Portfolio


Your Mission

I have always been a dreamer, with my inevitable trajectory entrepreneurship as a means to build and release products and services that (hopefully) change our world. Ideas remain just that without practical means of implementation, and Turing represents that next step for me. Over the next 7 months here my goal is to pick up the skill-sets and ideas necessary to begin my journey to this goal.


##Code Challenges:



##End of Module Assessment

###Assessed By: Mike ​

  1. Analytic/Algorithmic Thinking 4: Developer independently breaks complex processes into logical sequences of small steps and validates progress along the way ​
  2. Ruby Syntax & Standard Library 3: Developer is able to comfortably implement solutions in Ruby. ​
  3. Rails Syntax & API 3: Developer is able to utilize Rails methods and structures, but needs some direct guidance. ​
  4. Rails Style 4: Developer is able to craft Rails features that make smart use of Ruby, follow the principles of MVC, and push business logic down where it belongs ​
  5. Testing 4: Developer writes tests at multiple layers of abstraction to drive development ​
  6. Collaboration 4: Developer actively seeks collaboration both before implementing, while in motion, and when stuck



Below is a list of all of my projects and assessment scores from Module 2.


Github URL:

Web-Traffic monitoring simulator. Focused on HTTP proticol and was our first project working with a web framework (Sinatra).

Assessed by: Mike Dao


Functionality - 3 Test-Driven Development - 4 Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into Components - 4 Fundamental Ruby & Style - 3 Sinatra / Web Business Logic - 4 View Layer - 3


104 assertions 47 test. 96.5 coverage. Used a few partials. Some opportunities to refactor ruby into separate methods. I liked how you used methods to abstract out conditionals. Think about how you would refactor to make use of Poros and helper methods in your view.

####Little Shop of Orders

Github URL

Encryption/decryption machine. Emphasis on breaking program into logical components, TDD and enumerable techniques. Required to build a key generator and date offset, encrypt a message using a 4-digit rotation, decrypt the message using a pre-determined key and crack an encrypted message without the key.

Assessed By: Rachel


Feature Completeness: 4: All features are correctly implemented along with two extensions Views: 3: Views make use of layout(s), partials and helpers, but some logic leaks through Controllers: 3: Controllers are generally well organized with three or fewer particularly ugly parts Models: 3: Models show an effort to push logic down the stack, but need more internal refactoring Testing 3.5: Project has a running test suite that tests and multiple levels but fails to cover some features Usability: 3: Project is highly usable, but needs more polish before it'd be customer-ready Workflow: 3: Good use of branches, pull requests, and a project-management tool.

###Giving Feedback

JP: "Me and JP worked together for the TrafficSpy project. JP proved to be an invaluable member to our team due to his attention to detail, effective communication skills, leadership through example, and incredible work ethic. From the start of the project JP had a keen eye for errors, potential future shortcomings, and styling problems with our code. Rather than just fix these and move on, JP spoke with both of us about the change, and if there were better options. The benefit of this to our team cannot be understated. When it became clear we would have a late night or two, JP was not only okay with the long hours, but pushed through enthusiastically helping the team pull through when moral was low. Outside of small team engagements JP quick to offer help to others, and always positive, making him an integral part to our cohort and Turing in general.

If I had to pick a point of critique for JP (which is very difficult to do), it would be that his voice is one of reason, kindness, and value that is rare to come by (not the critique). While leading by example is an incredible trait to have, it would be to everyones at Turing's benefit to hear more of JPs voice on a day to day basis!"

Beth Sebian: "I had the pleasure of working with Beth on the little-shop project. Me and Beth have a polarized workflow in many ways that made the process and project much stronger than if we had not worked together. Beth has an incredible respect for process, eye for detail, manages the team exceptionally, and shows efficiency in her ability to code. Our team avoided many pitfalls from her sharp eye, and the brightest parts of our code came from her creative refactoring and understanding of rails responsibility and PORO’s. For future projects I think Beth could benefit from allowing team workflow to flow naturally, even if it veers from the process from time to time."

Steven Pentler: "Me and Penney worked together for the mini-project, and I could not have asked for a better partner. Penney has an incredibly sharp eye for technical details for someone who is a self-proclaimed ‘not a technology person’. I think my favorite part about working with Penney is that she is assertive with her communication which is incredible. This leaves no room for question or doubt in what needs to be done or where the team is at. My one piece of critique for Penney is that sometimes her confidence seems to waiver ever so slightly. My advice to her stems from the Arthur ( the Aardvark) TV show. It goes “Believe in yourseeeelf, at least thats the place to STAAAAAAAARRRRTTT! “, she is an incredibly bright and capable programmer, absolutely a tech-person(at least she is now!), and she deserves the confidence that comes along with all her hard work. :simple_smile:"

###Getting Feedback

"Jordan was really fun to work with. He brings an energy and intensity that is infectious and inspiring. The amount of knowledge that he has amassed in this short amount of time is seriously impressive, and I can’t wait to see where it all takes him. I appreciate how willing he is to help others out and explain complex topics, and I hope we get to work together more in the future." -Penney

"Having had the opportunity to work with Jordan during our Sinatra-based TrafficSpy project this module, I can safely say that I couldn't have asked for a more enthusiastic group member. Jordan is a natural leader, and brings inspiring confidence, positivity, and charisma to a team. Jordan is extremely resourceful and motivated, taking advantage of all the resources available at Turing to expand his knowledge and contribute to the group. A strong logical problem solver, I find myself most impressed by Jordan's ability to quickly diagnose and debug problems. Pressed for actionable, constructive feedback, I would only suggest being sure to actively vocalize even small code changes made while pairing to make it as easy as possible for group members to follow and assist. I truly appreciated the opportunity to work with Jordan as he is an absolute pleasure to collaborate with, and I hope to do so again going forward!" - JP

“I had a phenomenal time working on LittleShop of Orders (Apocalypsify version) with Jordan. His keen eye for the visual design of the website is admirable, and I learned quite a bit about website design and user flow while working with him. He’s very determined while at work and more than willing to put in the time necessary to turn out a quality product. I owe much of my overall happiness with the Apocalypsify project to his contributions and ideas, and am satisfied that this project is the first one I’ve been apart of that I’d be proud to show to a potential future employer. One thing I'd note for possible improvement would be his Git workflow, which at times would leave us asking us if he was still working off of master. It never caused any catastrophes, just minor issues with merge conflicts.” - Greg

"Jordan is very slow when playing settlers, it’s almost like he has better things to do like learn how to code." -Beth Secor

"Jordan's a treat to work with. He is creative, motivated, and always seems to bring joy to the work. While working with Jordan on Little Shop, I've appreciated his ability to balance both an enthusiasm for the vision of where we're headed with a determined, detail-oriented focus about the small things that get us there. He has a great aesthetic too -- I've been thrilled that our project can benefit from his eye! On future projects, I'd like to see Jordan be a little more communicative when he breaks off to do work independently; he seems to work really well when he has an area he can focus on and build out, but his contributions here could be even stronger if he provided more regular updates to team-members so they can plan appropriately." - Beth Sebian

"Jordan Andrew Lawler, Im disappointed in you, I take back our awesome day had together that was so well documented." -Dad Steve

###Playing a Part

I've participated in the larger Turing Community in the following ways:


Provide help with projects/problems when needed/possible. General Morale Boost Meet with Simon Taranto and Rolen Lee every week. Fulfill my Dad Steve's empty shell of a life through time together. He lives his sad meaningless life vicariously through me. Its not easy, but he gives me a weekly allowance of 5$, as a 12 year old, thats a lot of money!!!!!! I participate in Kids who Kode. Not as a teacher. As a kid who kodes.


I have sacrificed myself as SAB candidate. I very much hope I am voted in, as it something I would excel at and am very much interested in.

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