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Created July 22, 2015 22:26
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class Trie(object):
def __init__(self,_key='',_val=None,_sub_nodes=None,_count=0):
if not _sub_nodes:
_sub_nodes = {}
self._key = _key
self._val = _val
self._sub_nodes = _sub_nodes
self._count = _count
# _count does not take into account the _val itself
if _val:
self._count += 1
def __repr__(self,tab=0):
_repr = ["%s'%s' => %s (count = %s)" % (" "*tab, self._key, self._val, self._count)]
for _,node in self._sub_nodes.iteritems():
return "\n".join(_repr)
def _split_self(self,split_index):
Split self._key at split_index, place self details into new sub node and
clear this node
new_sub_node = Trie(self._key[split_index:],self._val,self._sub_nodes)
new_sub_node._count = self._count
k_char = self._key[split_index]
self._key = self._key[:split_index]
self._val = None # this will be moved to sub_node
self._sub_nodes = {}
# self._count remains the smae during this operation
self._sub_nodes[k_char] = new_sub_node
def put(self,key,val):
puts a new value in the trie at the specified key and returns True if successful
if there is already a value in the trie for that key then new value is NOT inserted
# keys differ in the middle somewhere
i = -1 # just in case the len(self._key) == 0 so that i is initialized
for i in xrange(min(len(key),len(self._key))):
if not key[i] == self._key[i]:
self._sub_nodes[key[i]] = Trie(key[i:],val)
self._count += 1
return True
i += 1
# new key is shorter than self._key
if len(key) < len(self._key):
self._val = val
self._count += 1
return True
# self._key is shorter than new key
if len(self._key) < len(key):
sub_node = self._sub_nodes.get(key[i])
if sub_node: # sub_node already exists
success = sub_node.put(key[i:],val)
self._count += success
return success
else: # making sub_node
self._sub_nodes[key[i]] = Trie(key[i:],val)
self._count += 1
return True
# keys are same don't add it
return False
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trie = Trie()


print trie


'' => None (count = 6)
    'abcd' => None (count = 6)
        '3fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' => 3 (count = 1)
        'efghi' => None (count = 5)
            '1klmnopqrstuvwxyz' => 1 (count = 1)
            'jk' => None (count = 4)
                '5mnopqrstuvwxyz' => 5 (count = 1)
                'lmn' => None (count = 3)
                    '4pqrstuvwxyz' => 4 (count = 1)
                    'opqrs' => None (count = 2)
                        '2uvwxyz' => 2 (count = 1)
                        'tuv6xyz' => 6 (count = 1)

It keeps track of the counts for each branch of the Trie too so you know if it's worth digging deeper.

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