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Created May 22, 2018 08:23
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# # # # # # # # #
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beta version
Author : A-mIn3
[System.String]$scriptDirectoryPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
[System.String]$secpolFilePath = join-path $scriptDirectoryPath "secedit.log"
[System.String]$reportFilePath = join-path $scriptDirectoryPath "report-$env:COMPUTERNAME.txt"
[System.String]$exceptionsFilePath = join-path $scriptDirectoryPath "exceptions-$env:COMPUTERNAME.txt"
[int]$systemRoleID = $(get-wmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).DomainRole
$systemRoles = @{
0 = " Standalone Workstation " ;
1 = " Member Workstation " ;
2 = " Standalone Server " ;
3 = " Member Server " ;
4 = " Backup Domain Controller " ;
5 = " Primary Domain Controller "
$permissionFlags = @{
0x1 = "Read-List";
0x2 = "Write-Create";
0x4 = "Append-Create Subdirectory";
0x20 = "Execute file-Traverse directory";
0x40 = "Delete child"
0x10000 = "Delete";
0x40000 = "Write access to DACL";
0x80000 = "Write Onwer"
$aceTypes = @{
0 = "Allow";
1 = "Deny"
function initialize-audit {
SecEdit.exe /export /cfg $secpolFilePath /quiet
$start = get-date
sleep 1
write-host "Starting Audit at", $start
sleep 2
Write-Host "[?] Checking for administrative privileges ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
$isAdmin = ([System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
Write-Warning "[-] Some of the operations need administrative privileges.`n"
Write-Warning "[*] Please run the script using an administrative account.`n"
Read-Host "Type any key to continue .."
write-host "[?] Checking for Default PowerShell version ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
if($PSVersion -lt 2){
Write-Warning "[!] You have PowerShell v1.0.`n"
Write-Warning "[!] This script only supports Powershell verion 2 or above.`n"
read-host "Type any key to continue .."
write-host " [+] -----> PowerShell v$PSVersion`n"
write-host "[?] Detecting system role ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
$systemRoleID = $(get-wmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).DomainRole
write-host " [+] ----->",$systemRoles[[int]$systemRoleID],"`n"
if($systemRoleID -eq 1){
get-BinaryWritableServices -display
get-ConfigurableServices -display
get-UnquotedPathServices -display
check-HostedServices -display
$fin = get-date
"Audit completed in {0} seconds. `n" -f $(New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $fin ).TotalSeconds
function get-LocalSecurityProducts
Gets Windows Firewall Profile status and checks for installed third party security products.
This function operates by examining registry keys specific to the Windows Firewall and by using the
Windows Security Center to get information regarding installed security products.
The documentation in the msdn is not very clear regarding the productState property provided by
the SecurityCenter2 namespace. For this reason, this function only uses available informations that were obtained by testing
different security products againt the Windows API.
Write-host "`n[?] Checking if Windows Firewall is enabled ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
Write-host " [?] Checking Firewall Profiles ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
if(Test-Path -Path $($firewallPolicySubkey+"\StandardProfile")){
$enabled = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $($firewallPolicySubkey+"\StandardProfile") -Name EnableFirewall).EnableFirewall
if($enabled -eq 1){$standardProfile="Enabled"}else{$standardProfile="Disabled"}
" [*] Standard Profile Firewall : {0}.`n" -f $standardProfile
Write-Warning " [-] Could not find Standard Profile Registry Subkey.`n"
if(Test-Path -Path $($firewallPolicySubkey+"\PublicProfile")){
$enabled = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $($firewallPolicySubkey+"\PublicProfile") -Name EnableFirewall).EnableFirewall
if($enabled -eq 1){$publicProfile="Enabled"}else{$publicProfile="Disabled"}
" [*] Public Profile Firewall : {0}.`n" -f $publicProfile
Write-Warning " [-] Could not find Public Profile Registry Subkey.`n"
if(Test-Path -Path $($firewallPolicySubkey+"\DomainProfile")){
$enabled = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $($firewallPolicySubkey+"\DomainProfile") -Name EnableFirewall).EnableFirewall
if($enabled -eq 1){$domainProfile="Enabled"}else{$domainProfile="Disabled"}
" [*] Domain Profile Firewall : {0}.`n`n" -f $domainProfile
Write-Warning " [-] Could not find Private Profile Registry Subkey.`n`n"
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Error Message : `n",$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
Write-Warning -Message "[-] Error : Could not check Windows Firewall registry informations .`n`n"
"00" = "None";
"01" = "Firewall";
"02" = "AutoUpdate_Settings";
"04" = "AntiVirus";
"08" = "AntiSpyware";
"10" = "Internet_Settings";
"20" = "User_Account_Control";
"40" = "Service"
$RealTimeBehavior = @{
"00" = "Off";
"01" = "Expired";
"10" = "ON";
"11" = "Snoozed"
$DefinitionStatus = @{
"00" = "Up-to-date";
"10" = "Out-of-date"
$role = $(get-wmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).DomainRole
if($role -ne 0 -and $role -ne 1){
if(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root -class __NAMESPACE -filter "name='SecurityCenter2'"){
# checks for third party firewall products
Write-host "`n[?] Checking for third party Firewall products .. `n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
try {
$firewalls= @(Get-WmiObject -Namespace $securityCenterNS -class FirewallProduct)
if($firewalls.Count -eq 0){
" [-] No other firewall installed.`n"
" [+] Found {0} third party firewall products.`n" -f $($firewalls.Count)
Write-host " [?] Checking for product configuration ...`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
$firewalls| % {
# The structure of the API is different depending on the version of the SecurityCenter Namespace
" [+] Product Name : {0}." -f $_.displayName
" [+] Service Type : {0}." -f $SecurityProvider[[String]$provider]
" [+] State : {0}.`n`n" -f $RealTimeBehavior[[String]$realTimeProtec]
" [+] Company Name : {0}." -f $_.CompanyName
" [+] Product Name : {0}." -f $_.displayName
" [+] State : {0}.`n`n" -f $_.enabled
sleep 2
# checks for antivirus products
Write-host "`n[?] Checking for installed antivirus products ..`n"-ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor white
$antivirus=@(Get-WmiObject -Namespace $securityCenterNS -class AntiVirusProduct)
if($antivirus.Count -eq 0){
" [-] No antivirus product installed.`n`n"
" [+] Found {0} AntiVirus solutions.`n" -f $($antivirus.Count)
Write-host " [?] Checking for product configuration ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
" [+] Product Name : {0}." -f $_.displayName
" [+] Service Type : {0}." -f $SecurityProvider[[String]$provider]
" [+] Real Time Protection : {0}." -f $RealTimeBehavior[[String]$realTimeProtec]
" [+] Signature Definitions : {0}.`n`n" -f $DefinitionStatus[[String]$definition]
" [+] Company Name : {0}." -f $_.CompanyName
" [+] Product Name : {0}." -f $_.displayName
" [+] Real Time Protection : {0}." -f $_.onAccessScanningEnabled
" [+] Product up-to-date : {0}.`n`n" -f $_.productUpToDate
# Checks for antispyware products
Write-host "`n[?] Checking for installed antispyware products ..`n"-ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor white
$antispyware=@(Get-WmiObject -Namespace $securityCenterNS -class AntiSpywareProduct)
if($antispyware.Count -eq 0){
" [-] No antiSpyware product installed.`n`n"
" [+] Found {0} antiSpyware solutions.`n" -f $($antiSpyware.Count)
Write-host " [?] Checking for product configuration ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
$antispyware| % {
" [+] Product Name : {0}." -f $_.displayName
" [+] Service Type : {0}." -f $SecurityProvider[[String]$provider]
" [+] Real Time Protection : {0}." -f $RealTimeBehavior[[String]$realTimeProtec]
" [+] Signature Definitions : {0}.`n`n" -f $DefinitionStatus[[String]$definition]
" [+] Company Name : {0}." -f $_.CompanyName
" [+] Product Name : {0}." -f $_.displayName
" [+] Real Time Protection : {0}." -f $_.onAccessScanningEnabled
" [+] Product up-to-date : {0}.`n`n" -f $_.productUpToDate
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Error Message : `n",$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function get-WorldExposedLocalShares
Gets informations about local shares and their associated DACLs.
This function checks local file system shares and collects informations about each
Access Control Entry (ACE) looking for those targeting the Everyone(Tout le monde) group.
This function can be modified in a way that for each share we
return its corresponding ace objects for further processing.
$exists = $false
Write-Host "`n[?] Checking for World-exposed local shares ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor White
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_share -Filter "type=0"|%{
$shareName = $_.Name
$shareSecurityObj = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting -Filter "Name='$shareName'"
$securityDescriptor = $shareSecurityObj.GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor
ForEach($ace in $securityDescriptor.dacl){
# Looking for Everyone group (SID="S-1-1-0") permissions
$trusteeSID = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($ace.trustee.SID, 0)).Value.ToString()
if($trusteeSID -eq "S-1-1-0" -and $aceTypes[[int]$ace.aceType] -eq "Allow"){
$accessMask = $ace.accessmask
$permissions =""
foreach($flag in $permissionFlags.Keys){
if($flag -band $accessMask){
$rule = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"ShareName" = $shareName
"Trustee" = $ace.trustee.Name
"Permissions" = $permissions
if($rules.Count -gt 0){
$rules| fl ShareName,Trustee,Permissions
" [-] No local World-exposed shares were found .`n`n"
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Error Message : `n",$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[-] Unable to inspect local shares. "
$global:local_member = $false
function check-LocalMembership
Gets domain users and groups with local group membership.
This function checks local groups on the machine for domain users/groups who are members in a local group.
It uses ADSI with the WinNT and LDAP providers to access user and group objects.
The machine must be a domain member. This is needed in order to resolve
the identity references of domain members.
write-host "`n[?] Checking for domain users with local group membership ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
$adsi = [ADSI]"WinNT://$env:COMPUTERNAME"
$adsigroups= $adsi.Children|? {$_.SchemaClassName -eq "group"}
check-GroupLocalMembership $_
if($global:local_member -eq $false){
" [-] Found no domain user or group with local group membership."
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function check-GroupLocalMembership($group)
Given a specific ADSI group object, it checks whether it is a local or domain
group and looks fro its members.
This function is used by the get-LocalMembership function for inspecting nested
groups membership.
$groupName=$group.GetType.Invoke().InvokeMember("Name","GetProperty", $null, $group, $null)
$GroupMembers = @($group.invoke("Members"))
$GroupMembers|% {
$adspath = $_.GetType.Invoke().InvokeMember("ADsPath", "GetProperty", $null, $_, $null)
$sidBytes = $_.GetType.Invoke().InvokeMember("ObjectSID", "GetProperty", $null, $_, $null)
$subjectName = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($sidBytes,0)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
if($_.GetType.Invoke().InvokeMember("class", "GetProperty", $null, $_, $null) -eq "group"){
# check if we have a local group object
if($adspath -match "/$env:COMPUTERNAME/") {
check-LocalGroupMembership $_
# It is a domain group, no further processing needed
Write-Host " [+] Domain group ",$subjectName," is a member in the",$groupName,"local group.`n"
# if not a group, then it must be a user
if( !($adspath -match $env:COMPUTERNAME) ){
Write-Host " [+] Domain user ",$subjectName,"is a member of the",$groupName,"local group.`n"
function check-UACLevel
Checks current configuration of User Account Control.
This functions inspects registry informations related to UAC configuration
and checks whether UAC is enabled and which level of operation is used.
Write-Host "`n[?] Checking for UAC configuration ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
$UACRegValues = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
if([int]$UACRegValues.EnableLUA -eq 1){
" [+] UAC is enabled.`n"
" [-] UAC is disabled.`n"
Write-Host " [?]Checking for UAC level ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
if( $consentPrompt -eq 0 -and $secureDesktop -eq 0){
" [*] UAC Level : Never Notify.`n`n"
}elseif($consentPrompt -eq 5 -and $secureDesktop -eq 0){
" [*] UAC Level : Notify only when apps try to make changes (No secure desktop).`n`n"
}elseif($consentPrompt -eq 5 -and $secureDesktop -eq 1){
" [*] UAC Level : Notify only when apps try to make changes (secure desktop on).`n`n"
}elseif($consentPrompt -eq 5 -and $secureDesktop -eq 2){
" [*] UAC Level : Always Notify with secure desktop.`n`n"
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function check-DLLHijackability{
Checks DLL Search mode and inspects permissions for directories in system %PATH%
and checks write access for Authenticated Users group on these directories.
This functions tries to identify if DLL Safe Search is used and inspects
write access to directories in the path environment variable .
It also looks for any DLLs loaded by running processes (#TODO)
Write-host "`n[?] Checking for DLL hijackability ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
Write-host " [?] Checking for Safe DLL Search mode ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
$value = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\' -Name SafeDllSearchMode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($value -and ($value.SafeDllSearchMode -eq 0)){
" [+] DLL Safe Search is disabled !`n"
" [+] DLL Safe Search is enabled !`n"
Write-Host " [?] Checking directories in PATH environment variable ..`n" -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white
$systemPath = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).PATH
$systemPath.split(";")| %{
$directory = $_
# We are inspecting write access for the Authenticated Users group
$sid = "S-1-5-11"
$dirAcl = Get-Acl $($directory.trim('"'))
foreach($rule in $dirAcl.GetAccessRules($true, $true, [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])){
if($rule.IdentityReference -eq $sid){
$accessMask = $rule.FileSystemRights.value__
# Here we are checking directory write access in UNIX sense (write/delete/modify permissions)
# We use a combination of flags
if($accessMask -BAND 0xd0046){
$item = New-Object psobject -Property @{
"Directory" = $directory
"Writable" = $writable
}| ft Directory,Writable
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function get-BinaryWritableServices
Gets services whose binaries are writable by Authenticated Users and Everyone group members.
This function checks services that have writable binaries and returns an array
containing service objects.
When invoked without the $display switch, returns a hashtable of {name : pathname}
# We are inspecting write access for Authenticated Users group members (SID = "S-1-5-11") and Everyone (SID = "S-1-1-0")
$sids = @("S-1-5-11", "S-1-1-0")
# Services to be ignored are those in system32 subtree
$services = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service|?{$_.pathname -ne $null -and $_.pathname -notmatch ".*system32.*"}
Write-Host "`n[?] Checking for binary-writable services ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
$services | % {
$service = $_
$pathname = $($service.pathname.subString(0, $service.pathname.toLower().IndexOf(".exe")+4)).trim('"')
$binaryAcl = Get-Acl $pathname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach($rule in $binaryAcl.GetAccessRules($true, $true, [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])){
$sids | %{
$sid = $_
if($rule.IdentityReference -eq $sid){
$accessMask = $rule.FileSystemRights.value__
if($accessMask -band 0xd0006){
if($writableServices.Count -gt 0){
$writableServices|ft @{Expression={$};Label="Name";width=12}, `
" [-] Found no binary-writable service."
return $writableServices
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function get-UnquotedPathServices
Looks for services with unquoted path vulnerability .
This function gets all non-system32 services with unquotted pathnames.
If display switch is used, it displays the name, state, start mode and pathname information,
otherwise it returns a array of the vulnerable services.
When invoked without the $display switch, returns a hashtable of {name: pathname}
Write-Host "`n[?] Checking for unquoted path services ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
[array]$services = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service| ? {
$_.pathname.trim() -ne "" -and
$_.pathname.trim() -notmatch '^"' -and
$_.pathname.subString(0, $_.pathname.IndexOf(".exe")+4) -match ".* .*"
if($services.Count -gt 0){
$services|ft @{Expression={$};Label="Name";width=12}, `
@{Expression={$_.state};Label="Sate";width=12}, `
@{Expression={$_.StartMode};Label="Start Mode";width=12}, `
@{Expression={$_.pathname};Label="Path"} ;
" [-] Found no service with unquoted pathname."
return $services
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function get-ConfigurableServices{
Gets all services that the current user can configure
This function tries to enumerate services for which configuration
properties can be modified by the Authenticated Users group members.
It uses the sc utility with the sdshow command to inspect the security
descriptor of the service object.
When invoked without the $display switch, returns a hashtable of {name: pathname}
Write-Host "`n[?] Checking for configurable services ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service| ? { $_.pathname -notmatch ".*system32.*"}| % {
# get the security descriptor of the service in SDDL format
$sddl = [String]$(sc.exe sdshow $($_.Name))
if($sddl -match "S:"){
$dacl = $sddl.substring(0,$sddl.IndexOf("S:"))
$dacl = $sddl
# We are interested in permissions related to Authenticated Users and Everyone group which are assigned
# well known aliases ("AU", "WD" respectively) in the security descriptor sddl string.
$permissions = [regex]::match($dacl, '\(A;;[A-Z]+;;;(AU|WD)\)')
if($permissions.value.split(';')[2] -match "CR|RP|WP|DT|DC|SD|WD|WO"){
$configurable[$_.Name] = $($_.pathname.substring(0, $_.pathname.toLower().indexOf(".exe")+4)).trim('"')
if($configurable.Count -gt 0){
$configurable.GetEnumerator() | ft @{Expression={$};Label="Name"}, `
@{Expression={$_.value};Label="Path"} ;
" [-] Found no configurable services."
return $configurable
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function check-HostedServices {
Checks hosted services running DLLs not located in the system32 subtree.
This functions tries to identify whether there are any configured hosted
services based on DLLs not in system32.
When invoked without the $display switch, returns
PSobject array containing the service name, service groupname
and the service DLL path.
$services = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_service | ?{ $_.pathname -match "svchost\.exe" -and $(Test-Path $("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\"+$_.Name+"\Parameters")) -eq $true}
Write-Host "`n[?] Checking hosted services (svchost.exe) ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
foreach($service in $services){
$serviceName = $service.Name
$serviceGroup = $service.pathname.split(" ")[2]
$serviceDLLPath=$(Get-ItemProperty $("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\"+$service.Name+"\Parameters") -Name ServiceDLL).ServiceDLL
if($serviceDLLPath -ne $null -and $serviceDLLPath -notmatch ".*system32.*"){
$svcs+= New-Object psobject -Property @{
serviceName = $serviceName
serviceGroup = $serviceGroup
serviceDLLPath = $serviceDLLPath
$svcs|ft *
return $svcs
if(! $exits){
" [-] Found no user hosted services.`n"
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function check-autoruns {
Looks for autoruns specified in different places in the registry.
This function inspects common registry keys used for autoruns.
It examines the properties of these keys and report any found executables along with their pathnames.
$RegistryKeys = @(
"HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\BootExecute",
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify",
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit",
"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\\Shell",
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\\Shell",
"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\load",
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows",
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs" # DLLs specified in this entry can hijack any process that uses user32.dll
# not sure if it is all we need to check!
Write-Host "`n[?] Checking registry keys for autoruns ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
$RegistryKeys | %{
$key = $_
if(Test-Path -Path $key){
$executables = @{}
[array]$properties = get-item $key | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property
if($properties.Count -gt 0){
" [*] $key : "
foreach($exe in $properties) {
$executables[$exe]=$($($(Get-ItemProperty $key).$exe)).replace('"','')
$executables | ft @{Expression={$_.Name};Label="Executable"}, `
if($exits -eq $false){
" [-] Found no autoruns ."
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function check-UnattendedInstallFiles{
Checks for remaining files used by unattended installs .
This functions checks for remaining files used during Windows deployment
by searching for specific files .
$found = $false
$targetFiles = @(
Write-Host "[?] Checking for unattended install leftovers ..`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
$targetFiles | ? {$(Test-Path $_) -eq $true} | %{
$found=$true; " [+] Found : $_"
" [-] No unattended install files were found.`n"
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
function check-scheduledTasks {
Checks for scheduled tasks whose binaries are not in *.system32.*
This function looks for scheduled tasks invoking non-system executables.
This functions uses the schtasks.exe utility to get informations about
scheduled task and then tries to parse the results. Here I choose to parse XML output from the command.
Another approach would be using the ScheduledTask Powershell module that was introduced starting from version 3.0 .
Write-Host "[?] Checking scheduled tasks.." -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor white
[xml]$tasksXMLobj = $(schtasks.exe /query /xml ONE)
$tasksXMLobj.Tasks.Task | %{
$taskCommandPath = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($_.actions.exec.command).trim()
if($taskCommandPath -ne $null -and $taskCommandPath -notmatch ".*system32.*"){
$sid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($_.Principals.Principal.UserID)
$taskSecurityContext = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
$task = New-Object psobject -Property @{
TaskCommand = $taskCommandPath
SecurityContext = $taskSecurityContext
}| fl taskCommand,SecurityContext
if($found -eq $false){
" [-] No suspicious scheduled tasks were found.`n`n"
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
"[-] Exception : "| Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
'[*] Error Message : `n',$errorMessage | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
"[*] Failed Item : `n",$failedItem | Set-Content $exceptionsFilePath
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