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Last active March 31, 2024 10:45
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Solve Missing profile public key

You get "Chat disabled due to missing profile public key..." when you try to chat?


Set enforce-secure-profile to false in the file on 1.19+ servers


Set force-key-authentication to false in the velocity.toml file (+ try Legacy Forwarding if it fails with modern)


Set enforce_secure_profile: to false in the bungeecord/waterfall config.yml file


  • Whenever the Chat messages can't be verified, a toast appears. ViaVersion will be unable to remove this but you can install the plugin FreedomChat to your 1.19.1+ Spigot/Paper server(s) (won't work on bungee/velocity itself) - This includes that messages are converted into system messages
  • This has nothing to do with the online-mode functionality so it doesn't pose a security risk (we're still not responsible for any issues with this setup)
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