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KiCad PCB pick and place assistant
import re
import os
import numpy as np
import pcbnew
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, FancyBboxPatch
def create_board_figure(pcb, bom_row, layer=pcbnew.F_Cu):
qty, value, footpr, highlight_refs = bom_row
plt.figure(figsize=(5.8, 8.2))
ax = plt.subplot("111", aspect="equal")
color_pad1 = "lightgray"
color_pad2 = "#AA0000"
color_bbox1 = "None"
color_bbox2 = "#E9AFAF"
# get board edges (assuming rectangular, axis aligned pcb)
edge_coords = []
for d in pcb.GetDrawings():
if (d.GetLayer() == pcbnew.Edge_Cuts):
edge_coords = np.asarray(edge_coords) * 1e-6
board_xmin, board_ymin = edge_coords.min(axis=0)
board_xmax, board_ymax = edge_coords.max(axis=0)
# draw board edges
rct = Rectangle((board_xmin, board_ymin), board_xmax - board_xmin, board_ymax - board_ymin, angle=0)
# add title
ax.text(board_xmin + .5 * (board_xmax - board_xmin), board_ymin - 0.5,
"%dx %s, %s" % (qty, value, footpr), wrap=True,
horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom')\
# add ref list
ax.text(board_xmin + .5 * (board_xmax - board_xmin), board_ymax + 0.5,
", ".join(highlight_refs), wrap=True,
horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top')
# draw parts
for m in pcb.GetModules():
if m.GetLayer() != layer:
ref, center = m.GetReference(), np.asarray(m.GetCenter()) * 1e-6
highlight = ref in highlight_refs
# bounding box
mrect = m.GetFootprintRect()
mrect_pos = np.asarray(mrect.GetPosition()) * 1e-6
mrect_size = np.asarray(mrect.GetSize()) * 1e-6
rct = Rectangle(mrect_pos, mrect_size[0], mrect_size[1])
rct.set_color(color_bbox2 if highlight else color_bbox1)
if highlight:
# center marker
if highlight:
plt.plot(center[0], center[1], ".", markersize=mrect_size.min(), color=color_pad2)
# plot pads
for p in m.Pads():
pos = np.asarray(p.GetPosition()) * 1e-6
size = np.asarray(p.GetSize()) * 1e-6 * .9
shape = p.GetShape()
offset = p.GetOffset() # TODO: check offset
# pad rect
angle = p.GetOrientation() * 0.1
cos, sin = np.cos(np.pi / 180. * angle), np.sin(np.pi / 180. * angle)
dpos =[[cos, -sin], [sin, cos]], -.5 * size)
if shape == 1:
rct = Rectangle(pos + dpos, size[0], size[1], angle=angle)
elif shape == 2:
rct = Rectangle(pos + dpos, size[0], size[1], angle=angle)
elif shape == 0:
rct = Ellipse(pos, size[0], size[1], angle=angle)
print("Unsupported pad shape")
rct.set_color(color_pad2 if highlight else color_pad1)
plt.xlim(board_xmin, board_xmax)
plt.ylim(board_ymax, board_ymin)
def natural_sort(l):
Natural sort for strings containing numbers
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
return sorted(l, key=alphanum_key)
def generate_bom(pcb, filter_layer=None):
Generate BOM from pcb layout.
:param filter_layer: include only parts for given layer
:return: BOM table (qty, value, footprint, refs)
# build grouped part list
part_groups = {}
for m in pcb.GetModules():
# filter part by layer
if filter_layer is not None and filter_layer != m.GetLayer():
# group part refs by value and footprint
group_key = (m.GetValue(), str(m.GetFPID().GetFootprintName()))
refs = part_groups.setdefault(group_key, [])
# build bom table, sort refs
bom_table = []
for (value, footpr), refs in part_groups.items():
line = (len(refs), value, footpr, natural_sort(refs))
# sort table by reference prefix and quantity
def sort_func(row):
qty, _, _, rf = row
ref_ord = {"R": 3, "C": 3, "L": 1, "D": 1, "J": -1, "P": -1}.get(rf[0][0], 0)
return -ref_ord, -qty
bom_table = sorted(bom_table, key=sort_func)
return bom_table
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='KiCad PCB pick and place assistant')
parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help="KiCad PCB file")
args = parser.parse_args()
# build BOM
print("Loading %s" % args.file)
pcb = pcbnew.LoadBoard(args.file)
bom_table = generate_bom(pcb, filter_layer=pcbnew.F_Cu)
# for each part group, print page to PDF
fname_out = os.path.splitext(args.file)[0] + "_picknplace.pdf"
with PdfPages(fname_out) as pdf:
for i, bom_row in enumerate(bom_table):
print("Plotting page (%d/%d)" % (i+1, len(bom_table)))
create_board_figure(pcb, bom_row, layer=pcbnew.F_Cu)
print("Output written to %s" % fname_out)
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