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Created August 3, 2016 16:42
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import MongoKitten
import HTTP
import Vapor
protocol RolesRepresentable {
var roles: [Role] { get }
protocol Role {
var authorizationLevel: AuthorizationLevel { get }
struct MongoRole: Role {
static var collection: MongoKitten.Collection!
static func find(forUser userID: ObjectId) throws -> [MongoRole] {
return Array(try MongoRole.collection.find(matching: "user" == ~userID).flatMap {
MongoRole(document: $0)
init?(document: Document) { = document
let data: Document
var authorizationLevel: AuthorizationLevel {
return .anonymous
// TODO: Change to a real role
struct MongoUser: Account, RolesRepresentable {
var accountID: String
var roles: [Role] {
do {
return try MongoRole.find(forUser: try ObjectId(accountID)).flatMap {
} catch {
return []
extension APIKitten.User: RolesRepresentable {
internal var roles: [Role] {
guard let authDetails = self.authDetails else {
return []
guard let mongoUser = authDetails.account as? MongoUser else {
return []
return mongoUser.roles
var authorizationLevel: [AuthorizationLevel] {
return {
extension Request {
var subject: APIKitten.User? {
get {
return storage["TurnstileSubject"] as? APIKitten.User
set {
storage["TurnstileSubject"] = newValue
enum AuthorizationLevel {
case anonymous
class AuthenticationMiddleware: Middleware {
let turnstile: Turnstile
let levels: [AuthorizationLevel]
func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) throws -> Response {
let user = APIKitten.User(turnstile: turnstile)
request.subject = user["authenticated"] = true
for level in levels where user.authorizationLevel.contains(level) {
return try next.respond(to: request)
return try Response(status: .badRequest, json: try JSON(["error": "Insufficient permissions"]))
init(_ authorizationLevels: [AuthorizationLevel], turnstile: Turnstile) {
self.turnstile = turnstile
self.levels = authorizationLevels
class AuthenticationVerifier: Middleware {
func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) throws -> Response {
guard["authenticated"] as? Bool ?? false else {
// Request is not authenticated by a `Middleware`
return try Response(status: .internalServerError, json: try JSON(["error": "Internal server error"]))
return try next.respond(to: request)
let a = Droplet()
let turnstile = Turnstile(sessionManager: MemorySessionManager(), realm: MemoryRealm())
a.get("test") { req in
return "this will never execute"
}[.anonymous], turnstile: turnstile)) { app in
app.get("test2") { req in
return "works"
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