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Created October 26, 2019 00:38
Buddy Allocator
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
// Definitions in powers of two
constexpr std::size_t MemBlockExp = 6;
// A single memory block to try the algorithm
struct Block
Block* next;
// Provide storage and the block pointers
Block storage[1 << MemBlockExp];
Block* nextFreeBlocks[MemBlockExp+1];
// Function to initialize the allocator
void initAllocator()
// Allocate the first block and set the other orders to zero
nextFreeBlocks[MemBlockExp] = storage;
storage[0] = { nullptr };
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < MemBlockExp-1; i++)
nextFreeBlocks[i] = nullptr;
// Function to print the allocator's statod
void printStatus()
std::cout << "Current status of the buddy allocator:" << std::endl;
for (std::size_t i = MemBlockExp; i <= MemBlockExp; i--)
std::cout << "order " << i << ':';
for (auto block = nextFreeBlocks[i]; block; block = block->next)
std::size_t id = block-storage;
std::cout << " [" << id << ',' << (id+(1<<i)-1) << "]";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Split a block in two, returning the first block
Block* splitBlock(Block* block, std::size_t order)
// We cannot really split an atom block
if (order == 0) return block;
// Downsize the order of the block and insert a new block in the free list
// Prepare the next block
block[1 << order].next = nextFreeBlocks[order];
// Point the new block and insert it in the free store
nextFreeBlocks[order] = block+(1 << order);
// And finally return the block
return block;
// Function to get a block of memory of a specific order
// (order is the expoent of the size of the block requested)
Block* allocMem(std::size_t order)
if (order > MemBlockExp) return nullptr;
// Pick a block of that order
if (nextFreeBlocks[order])
auto block = nextFreeBlocks[order];
nextFreeBlocks[order] = block->next;
return block;
// Pick a superior block and split it as many times as necessary
Block* block = nullptr;
std::size_t foundOrder;
for (foundOrder = order+1; foundOrder <= MemBlockExp; foundOrder++)
block = nextFreeBlocks[foundOrder];
if (block)
// Take the block from the free list
nextFreeBlocks[foundOrder] = block->next;
// Bail out if no block is there
if (!block) return nullptr;
// Split the block as many times as necessary
while (foundOrder > order)
block = splitBlock(block, foundOrder);
return block;
// Function to free a block given a specific order (this is important)
void freeMem(Block* block, std::size_t order)
// First, join recursively the buddy blocks
for (; order < MemBlockExp; order++)
std::size_t id = block - storage;
auto buddy = storage + (id ^ (1 << order));
// Find it in the free list
Block* buddyBlock;
Block* prevBlock = nullptr;
for (buddyBlock = nextFreeBlocks[order]; buddyBlock; buddyBlock = block->next)
if (buddyBlock == buddy) break;
prevBlock = buddyBlock;
// And join it if it exists
if (buddyBlock)
// Take it from the free list
if (prevBlock) prevBlock->next = buddyBlock->next;
else nextFreeBlocks[order] = buddyBlock->next;
// Make the bigger block as the storage
block = storage+(id &~ (1<<order));
else break;
// Put it back in the free list
block->next = nextFreeBlocks[order];
nextFreeBlocks[order] = block;
int main()
std::vector<std::pair<Block*,int>> blocks;
while (true)
std::cout << "Allocated blocks:";
std::size_t i = 0;
for (auto [block, order] : blocks)
std::size_t id = block - storage;
std::cout << ' ' << i << ":[" << id << ',' << (id+(1<<order)-1) << "]";
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Type a command: ";
std::string cmd;
std::cin >> cmd;
if (cmd == "alloc")
std::size_t order;
std::cin >> order;
auto block = allocMem(order);
if (block) blocks.emplace_back(block, order);
else if (cmd == "free")
std::size_t id;
std::cin >> id;
if (id >= blocks.size())
std::cout << "Id invalid! Try another id!" << std::endl;
auto it = blocks.begin() + id;
freeMem(it->first, it->second);
else std::cout << "Invalid command! Type another command!" << std::endl;
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