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Last active January 23, 2020 23:01
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  • Save JoaoGFarias/f69226c2af385818ade24463573f6874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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RSTA - response
"responses": [
"source": "miscellaneous",
"type": "single-word-subject",
"field": "subject",
"start": 0,
"end": 4,
"weight": 1,
"message": "This is a single word subject line. These tend to be vague. Will this help a recipient to decide what to do with this message?",
"actions": []
"metrics": {
"firstPersonPronounCount": 0,
"allPronounCount": 0,
"firstPersonNormalized": 0,
"youPronounCount": 0,
"iPronounCount": 0,
"questionPunctuationCount": 0,
"exclamationPunctuationCount": 0,
"assertivenessScore": 0.05,
"sentimentTokenCount": 1862,
"sentimentScore": 0,
"sentimentComparative": 0,
"obscenityScore": 0,
"passiveCount": 0,
"empathy": 0.000007485724922524411,
"sentenceCount": 1,
"wordCount": 1861,
"letterCount": 5595,
"syllableCount": 2790,
"complexWordCount": 0,
"automatedReadabilityIndex": 923.2303707684041,
"colemanLiauIndex": 1.9078183772165502,
"averageWordsPerSentence": 1861,
"averageSyllablesPerWord": 1.4991939817302526,
"fleschKincaidReadingEase": -1808.9118108543792,
"fleschKincaidGradeLevel": 727.8904889844171,
"gunningFogIndex": 744.4000000000001,
"smogIndex": 1.844990055772659,
"formalityScore": 0.25
"categories": {
"firstPersonAlignment": false,
"thirdPersonAlignment": true,
"greeting": true
"scores": {
"length": {
"label": "Length",
"value": 1861,
"quantile": 100,
"bounds": {
"veryLow": 20,
"low": 33,
"high": 80,
"veryHigh": 87
"labelledValue": "very high - 1861 words",
"indicatorValue": "high",
"indicatorMessage": "Length is too high, you should consider amending the message to tone it down"
"readability": {
"label": "Readability",
"value": 744.5135161047618,
"quantile": 0,
"bounds": {
"veryHigh": 100,
"high": 100,
"low": 22,
"veryLow": 12
"labelledValue": "very low - readability grade: 744.5",
"indicatorValue": "high",
"indicatorMessage": "Readability is too low, you should consider revising the message to enhance it"
"assertiveness": {
"label": "Assertiveness",
"value": 0.05,
"quantile": 87,
"bounds": {
"veryLow": 3,
"low": 6,
"high": 87,
"veryHigh": 95
"labelledValue": "87%",
"indicatorValue": "normal",
"indicatorMessage": null
"empathy": {
"label": "Empathy",
"value": 0.000007485724922524411,
"quantile": 15,
"bounds": {
"veryLow": 11,
"low": 29,
"high": 100,
"veryHigh": 100
"labelledValue": "low - 15%",
"indicatorValue": "low",
"indicatorMessage": "Empathy seems low, you may want to consider revising the message to enhance it"
"emotionality": {
"label": "Emotionality",
"value": 0.0000013433565644461878,
"quantile": 0,
"bounds": {
"veryLow": 4,
"low": 11,
"high": 82,
"veryHigh": 95
"labelledValue": "very low - 0%",
"indicatorValue": "high",
"indicatorMessage": "Emotionality is too low, you should consider revising the message to enhance it"
"formality": {
"label": "Formality",
"value": 0.25,
"quantile": 100,
"bounds": {
"veryLow": 6,
"low": 20,
"high": 78,
"veryHigh": 92
"labelledValue": "very high - 100%",
"indicatorValue": "high",
"indicatorMessage": "Formality is too high, you should consider amending the message to tone it down"
"sentiment": {
"label": "Sentiment",
"value": 0,
"quantile": 11,
"bounds": {
"veryLow": 3,
"low": 9,
"high": 88,
"veryHigh": 95
"labelledValue": "11%",
"indicatorValue": "normal",
"indicatorMessage": null
"options": {
"numberTo": 0,
"numberCC": 0,
"hashedTo": [],
"hashedCC": [],
"messageId": "870fb9",
"enableDeveloperRecording": true
"version": "0.2.45",
"responseSet": {},
"type": "email/message",
"label": "long",
"feedback": "<p>This message comes across as <b>long</b>.</p>\n<p>Some suggestions:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>It always helps to keep messages warm and sociable, why not add a warm fuzzy?</li>\n<li>If you aren’t sure about the tone of your message, read it under your breath, slowly</li>\n</ul>\n",
"user": "XXX",
"account": "XXX",
"time": 1579807492071
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