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Last active October 25, 2019 01:45
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Script to reimage Anton2 trajectories
#!/usr/bin/env python
Python script to reimage/unwrap an MD simulation trajectory
ran on the Anton2 supercomputer.
Expects a topology file in .dms format and the trajectory
folder '.dtr'.
- mdtraj (
- openmm (
These libraries can be installed with:
- conda install mdtraj
- conda -c omnia install openmm
Joao Rodrigues @ 2019
import argparse
import os
import mdtraj as md
import as app
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument('topology', type=str,
help='Topology file in .dms format')
ap.add_argument('trajectory', type=str,
help='Trajectory folder in .dtr format')
ap.add_argument('--output', type=str, default='reimaged.dcd',
help="Reimaged trajectory name and format. Default 'reimaged.dcd'")
args = ap.parse_args()
if not os.path.isfile(args.topology):
print(f'Topology file not found: {args.topology}')
if not os.path.isdir(args.trajectory):
print(f'Trajectory folder not found: {args.trajectory}')
# Parse topology and trajectory
dms = app.DesmondDMSFile(args.topology)
print(f'Parsed topology file: {args.topology}')
t = md.load(args.trajectory, top=md.Topology.from_openmm(dms.topology))
print(f'Parsed trajectory: {args.trajectory}')
print(f' no. atoms: {t.n_atoms}')
print(f' no. frames: {t.n_frames}')
# Reimage using as anchor largest molecule
print('Reimaging trajectory')
mols = t.topology.find_molecules()
t_reimaged = t.image_molecules(anchor_molecules=mols[:1])
# # Write topology in PDB format.
# with open('reimaged.pdb', 'w') as handle:
# app.PDBFile.writeFile(dms.topology, t_reimaged.openmm_positions(0), handle, keepIds=True)
# Write trajectory in DCD format.
print('Saving reimaged trajectory')
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