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Last active September 26, 2023 04:15
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Save JoaoRodrigues/276f9ca0fdd9d0d37cda to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Very long script to match the chains of PDB files to a reference. Produces a lot of output per match: which chains match which, the seq. id, the RMS after iterative fitting, and the alignment with markers of seq and structural mismatch.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Utility to match (and compare) PDB files.
On homo-multimers, will match chains sequentially.
Uses global sequence alignment to find equivalent positions
between the sequences. Also superimposes the structures based
on the alignments and outputs per-chain RMSDs.
Outputs several values, see the example:
|------------------------------- Matched Chains (Ref<>Mobi)
| |---------------------------- Full alignment seq. id
| |
| | |------------------ Gapless seq. id (aligment without edge gaps)
| | |
| | | |------- Chain RMSD (n. atoms used in RMS/total in chain)
[++] A<>A := 95.4% | 99.0% | 1.70A
+ --------------------------------------------------------- Sequence mismatch
*************** * ------------------------------------------- Removed during RMS calculation
Written by {0} [{1}]
from __future__ import print_function, division
from operator import itemgetter
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
from Bio import BiopythonExperimentalWarning
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=BiopythonExperimentalWarning)
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, PDBIO, Select, Superimposer, StructureBuilder
from Bio import pairwise2
from Bio.SubsMat import MatrixInfo as matlist
from Bio.Data.SCOPData import protein_letters_3to1 as aa3to1
except ImportError as exception:
print("[!] Could not import Biopython modules", file=sys.stderr)
raise exception
__author__ = "Joao Rodrigues"
__email__ = ""
def parse_structure(struct):
Parses a PDB-formatted structure using the PDBParser module
of Biopython. Filters HETATMs and Waters. Returns a SMCRA object.
sname = '.'.join(os.path.basename(struct).split('.')[:-1])
full_path = os.path.abspath(struct)
if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
print('[!!] File not found or not readable'.format(struct), file=sys.stderr)
s = parser.get_structure(sname, full_path)
# Ensemble check
if len(s) > 1:
print('[!!] {0} is an ensemble. Reading first model only. '.format(struct), file=sys.stderr)
class ModelSelector(Select):
def accept_model(self, model):
if == 1:
return 1
return 0
tempf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
io.set_structure(s), ModelSelector())
s = parser.get_structure(sname, tempf)
# Double occupancy check
for atom in list(s.get_atoms()):
if atom.is_disordered():
residue = atom.parent
sel_at = atom.selected_child
sel_at.altloc = ' '
sel_at.disordered_flag = 0
# Remove HETATM and Solvent
res_list = list(s.get_residues())
n_res = len(res_list)
_ignore = lambda r:[0][0] == 'W' or[0][0] == 'H'
for res in res_list:
if _ignore(res):
chain = res.parent
nn_res = len(list(s.get_residues()))
# print('[+] Parsed PDB file {0} ({1}/{2} residues kept)'.format(struct, nn_res, n_res))
return s
def _align_sequences(structA, structB, **kwargs):
Performs a global pairwise alignment between two sequences
using the BLOSUM62 matrix and the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
as implemented in Biopython. Returns the alignment, the sequence
identity and the residue mapping between both original sequences.
def _calculate_identity(sequenceA, sequenceB):
Returns the percentage of identical characters between two sequences.
Assumes the sequences are aligned.
sa, sb, sl = sequenceA, sequenceB, len(sequenceA)
matches = [sa[i] == sb[i] for i in xrange(sl)]
seq_id = (100 * sum(matches)) / sl
gapless_sl = sum([1 for i in xrange(sl) if (sa[i] != '-' and sb[i] != '-')])
gap_id = (100 * sum(matches)) / gapless_sl
return (seq_id, gap_id)
def _get_pdb_sequence(structure):
Retrieves the AA sequence from a PDB structure.
_aainfo = lambda r: ([1], aa3to1.get(r.resname, 'X'))
seq = map(_aainfo, structure.get_residues())
return seq
matrix = kwargs.get('matrix', matlist.blosum62)
gap_open = kwargs.get('gap_open', -10.0)
gap_extend = kwargs.get('gap_extend', -0.5)
trim_ends = kwargs.get('trim_ends', True)
resseq_A = _get_pdb_sequence(structA)
resseq_B = _get_pdb_sequence(structB)
sequence_A = ''.join(map(itemgetter(1), resseq_A))
sequence_B = ''.join(map(itemgetter(1), resseq_B))
alns = pairwise2.align.globalds(sequence_A, sequence_B,
matrix, gap_open, gap_extend,
penalize_end_gaps=(False, False) )
best_aln = alns[0]
aligned_A, aligned_B, score, begin, end = best_aln
# Equivalent residue numbering
# Relative to reference
mapping = {}
aa_i_A, aa_i_B = 0, 0
for aln_i, (aa_aln_A, aa_aln_B) in enumerate(zip(aligned_A, aligned_B)):
if aa_aln_A == '-':
if aa_aln_B != '-':
aa_i_B += 1
elif aa_aln_B == '-':
if aa_aln_A != '-':
aa_i_A += 1
assert resseq_A[aa_i_A][1] == aa_aln_A
assert resseq_B[aa_i_B][1] == aa_aln_B
mapping[resseq_A[aa_i_A][0]] = resseq_B[aa_i_B][0]
aa_i_A += 1
aa_i_B += 1
# Gapless alignment
def _trimmer(sequence):
"""Returns indices of first and last ungapped position"""
leading = [i for (i, aa) in enumerate(sequence) if aa != '-'][0]
trailing = [i for (i, aa) in enumerate(sequence[::-1]) if aa != '-'][0]
trailing = len(sequence) - trailing
return (leading, trailing)
lead_A, trail_A = _trimmer(aligned_A)
lead_B, trail_B = _trimmer(aligned_B)
lead = max(lead_A, lead_B)
trail = min(trail_A, trail_B)
trim_aln_A = aligned_A[lead:trail]
trim_aln_B = aligned_B[lead:trail]
mismatch = ''.join(['+' if a!=b else ' ' for (a,b) in zip(trim_aln_A, trim_aln_B)])
# Calculate (gapless) sequence identity
seq_id, g_seq_id = _calculate_identity(aligned_A, aligned_B)
return ((trim_aln_A, trim_aln_B, mismatch), seq_id, g_seq_id, mapping)
def match_chains(reference, mobile, min_id=30.0):
Matches the chains of two different structures using
pairwise sequence alignment. Minimum sequence id is 30%
and minimum gapless is 90% (fixed).
r_chains = list(reference.get_chains())
m_chains = list(mobile.get_chains())
chain_map = {}
_mapped = set()
for rc in r_chains:
best_id = min_id
for mc in m_chains:
# Naive check to avoid remapping chains
if in _mapped:
aln, seq_id, gap_id, res_map = _align_sequences(rc, mc)
if seq_id > best_id and gap_id >= 90.0:
# Remove previous chain mapped to this one
except KeyError: # first assignment
chain_map[] = (, seq_id, gap_id, aln, res_map)
best_id = seq_id
if seq_id == 100.0:
# if not in chain_map:
# print('[+++] {0} = No Match'.format(
# else:
# mc_id, seq_id, gap_id, _, _ = chain_map[]
# print('[+++] {0}<>{1} = {2:5.1f} | {3:5.1f}'.format(, mc_id, seq_id, gap_id))
return chain_map
def match_structures(reference, mobile, mapping):
Outputs fitted structures of 'trimmed' mobile structures,
renumbered to match the reference.
RMSD calculated only on matching residues.
# Make empty structure
sb = StructureBuilder.StructureBuilder()
sb.init_seg(' ')
# Rename matching residues/chains
for rc_id in mapping:
mc_id, _, _, _, c_map = mapping[rc_id]
mc = mobile[0][mc_id]
inv_c_map = dict([(v, k) for k, v in c_map.items()])
mc_res_list = list(mc.get_residues())
for res in mc_res_list:
if[1] not in inv_c_map:
sb.init_residue(res.resname,[0], inv_c_map[[1]],[2])
for a in res:
sb.init_atom(, a.coord, a.bfactor, a.occupancy, a.altloc,
a.fullname, a.serial_number, a.element)
mobile = sb.get_structure()
# Superimposer (iterative, discards atoms)
def _dist_per_atom(atoms_A, atoms_B):
Calculates pairwise distances of atoms.
Returns indices of outliers (>av).
dist = [i-j for (i,j) in zip(atoms_A, atoms_B)]
av = sum(dist) / len(dist)
outliers = [True if d > av else False for d in dist]
return outliers
n_trials = 0
r_atoms = [r['CA'] for r in reference.get_residues() if in mapping and[1] in mapping[][4]]
m_atoms = [r['CA'] for r in mobile.get_residues()]
ori_n_atoms = len(r_atoms)
while 1:
n_trials += 1
super_imposer.set_atoms(r_atoms, m_atoms)
n_atoms = len(r_atoms)
outliers = _dist_per_atom(r_atoms, m_atoms)
n_outliers = sum(outliers)
# print(n_trials, super_imposer.rms, n_outliers, n_atoms)
# Stop if less than 90% of starting atoms or less than 5 outliers OR after 3 trials
if n_atoms < ori_n_atoms*0.9 or n_outliers < 5 or n_trials == 3:
# Remove outliers for better RMS
r_atoms = [r for (r, o) in zip(r_atoms, outliers) if not o]
m_atoms = [r for (r, o) in zip(m_atoms, outliers) if not o]
# Build full list of outliers
_r_atoms = set(r_atoms)
r_atoms = [r['CA'] for r in reference.get_residues() if in mapping and[1] in mapping[][4]]
m_atoms = [r['CA'] for r in mobile.get_residues()]
outliers = [r not in _r_atoms for r in r_atoms]
# Mark highest deviations in the sequence
# Calculate rms per chain (excl. outliers)
# chain: (distances, num outliers)
rms_info = dict([(c, [[], []]) for c in mapping.keys()])
for r_ca, m_ca, is_outlier in zip(r_atoms, m_atoms, outliers):
r_chain =
if is_outlier:
distance = 0
distance = r_ca - m_ca
for r_chain in rms_info:
chain_distances, c_outliers = rms_info[r_chain]
n_residues = len(chain_distances) - sum(c_outliers)
rms = sum(map(lambda x: x**2, chain_distances)) / n_residues
rms = rms**0.5
markers = ''.join(['*' if o else ' ' for o in c_outliers])
rms_info[r_chain] = (rms, n_residues, markers)
return (mobile, rms_info)
def print_summary(reference, mobile, mapping, rmsd_info):
for ref_chain in reference.get_chains():
r_id =
if r_id in mapping:
mc_id, seq_id, gap_id, aln, res_map = mapping[r_id]
c_len = len(res_map)
chain_rms, n_res, markers = rmsd_info[r_id]
_vals = (r_id, mc_id, seq_id, gap_id, chain_rms, n_res, c_len)
print('[++] {0}<>{1} := {2:5.1f}% | {3:5.1f}% | {4:5.2f}A ({5}/{6})'.format(*_vals))
print('\t{0[2]}\n\t{0[0]}\n\t{0[1]}\n\t{1}'.format(aln, markers))
print('[++] {0}<>None := No Match'.format(r_id))
def save_mobile(reference, mobile):
# Write matched/fit file
match_name = '{0}_matched_to_{1}.pdb'.format(,
print('[==] Saved {0}'.format(match_name))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__.format(__author__, __email__), formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
ap.add_argument('pdbf_list', type=str, nargs='+', help='PDB files')
ap.add_argument('--reference', type=str, help='Reference PDB file for comparison')
cmd = ap.parse_args()
# Bio.PDB classes
parser = PDBParser(QUIET=1)
io = PDBIO()
super_imposer = Superimposer()
# The Real Stuff
# Read reference first
refe_path = cmd.reference if cmd.reference else cmd.pdbf_list[0]
print('[+] Matching structures to {0}'.format(refe_path))
reference = parse_structure(refe_path)
# Iterate over others
for pdbf in cmd.pdbf_list:
mobile = parse_structure(pdbf)
print('[+] Comparing structures: {0} vs {1}'.format(,
chain_mapping = match_chains(reference, mobile)
matched_mobile, rmsd_info = match_structures(reference, mobile, chain_mapping)
mobile = matched_mobile
print_summary(reference, mobile, chain_mapping, rmsd_info)
save_mobile(reference, mobile)
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avangone commented Nov 2, 2015

Great script!

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