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Created October 18, 2019 23:17
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Assorted Python function for plotting molecular properties
# Copyright 2019 João Pedro Rodrigues
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Imports required for the code to work
import collections
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mdtraj as md
# Assorted functions with proper documentation.
# == HBond Viewpoint Explorer ==
# Plots 'barcode' plots of all residues hydrogen bonding
# with a specific viewpoint residue.
def hbond_viewpoint(trajectory, residue, intramolecular=False):
"""Produces a 2D numpy array with hydrogen bonding data.
trajectory: mdtraj Trajectory object
residue: mdtraj Residue object
Returns a ResxFrame 2D numpy binary array with info on
when two residues are hydrogen bonding over a trajectory.
Also returns a dictionary with row idx (1st Dim) and mdtraj
Residue object, for labeling purposes.
t = trajectory
# 1. Calculate contacts of residue (ca only)
ca_d_max = 12.0
atomsel ="name CA")
residsel = {a.index for a in residue.atoms} & set(atomsel)
t_nl = md.compute_neighbors(trajectory, ca_d_max,
haystack_indices=atomsel, query_indices=residsel)
# 2a. Obtain unique set of atom ids in contact with the viewpoint
atom_nl = {a for f in t_nl for a in f}
# 2b. Expand selection to residues
res_nl = [ for a in atom_nl]
# 2c. Filter intramolecular if requested (default)
if not intramolecular:
vp_chain = residue.chain.index
res_nl = [r for r in res_nl if r.chain.index != vp_chain]
# 2d. Expand selection to all atoms of selected residues
nl = {a for r in res_nl for a in r.atoms}
# 2e. Generate reduced trajectory with only these atoms.
universe_idx = {a.index for a in nl} | {a.index for a in residue.atoms}
universe = t.atom_slice(list(universe_idx), inplace=False)
# Create hbond matrix object
# Make mapping between residue index and hbond row index
mapping = {r.index: idx for idx, r in enumerate(}
mapping_r = {idx: r for idx, r in enumerate(}
# Shape: ResxFrame
hbond_mtx = np.zeros((len(mapping), t.n_frames), dtype=np.int32)
# Atom to Res dictionary
atomres_dict = {a.index: a.residue for a in}
# 3. Get hydrogen bonds between residue and these residues
vp_idx = residue.index
for f_idx, f in enumerate(universe):
hb_list = md.baker_hubbard(f, freq=0.0)
for hb in hb_list:
d, _, a = hb
d_res, a_res = atomres_dict.get(d), atomres_dict.get(a)
if d_res.index == vp_idx:
other = a_res
elif a_res.index == vp_idx:
other = d_res
o_idx = mapping[other.index]
hbond_mtx[o_idx, f_idx] += 1
# Remove empty rows in the matrix
zero_rows = {idx for idx, c in enumerate(hbond_mtx.sum(axis=1)) if c == 0}
# Update indexes to create labeling dict (idx to residue obj)
mapping_r = {idx: r for idx, r in mapping_r.items() if idx not in zero_rows}
sorted_keys = sorted(mapping_r.keys())
mapping_r = {idx: mapping_r[key] for idx, key in enumerate(sorted_keys)}
hbond_mtx = np.delete(hbond_mtx, sorted(zero_rows), 0)
return (mapping_r, hbond_mtx)
def plot_barcode(data, labels):
"""Creates a barcode plot from a 2D array
data: 2D array (preferrably binary values)
labels: dictionary with row idx to residue object
n_strips = len(labels)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_strips, ncols=1)
barprops = dict(aspect='auto', cmap='Reds', interpolation='nearest')
for idx, ax in zip(labels, axes):
data_strip = data[idx, :].reshape(1, -1)
ax.imshow(data_strip, **barprops)
# Y labels
r = labels[idx]
labels_str = f'{r.chain.index}:{r.code}{r.resSeq}'
ax.set_ylabel(labels_str, rotation="horizontal", ha='right', va='center_baseline')
# Design
# Set parameters for last ax x-axis
ax.set_xlabel('Simulation Frame')
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