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Created January 26, 2017 06:04
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This is a git hook, to be used in an environment where git is used as the source control and Jira is used for bug tracking.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2014 Max Oberberger (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Version 3.0
# Purpose:
# This is a git hook, to be used in an environment where git is used
# as the source control and Jira is used for bug tracking.
import logging
import sys
import os
import re
import subprocess
import string
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # , call
from jira.client import JIRA
scriptName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
## adapt the number
## cd into .git-folder -> call python -> import os -> call this function and adapt number (deprecated)
REPO_NAME = os.getcwd().rsplit('/', 1)[-1].split('.')[0]
GIT_PATH = '/usr/bin/git'
MAIL = "(|@localhost)"
USERNAME = 'username'
PASSWORD = 'password'
# as appropriate.
## Main Method
# The hook is called as
# * update
# * post-receive
# * pre-receive
def main():
global scriptName, loglevel
logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, format=scriptName + ":%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
if scriptName == "update":
return handle_update()
elif scriptName == "post-receive":
return handle_post_receive()
elif scriptName == "pre-receive":
return handle_pre_receive()
logging.error("invoked as '%s'. Need to be invoked as update, pre-receive or post-receive" , scriptName)
return -1
## call git in command line
def call_git(command, args, input=None):
return Popen([GIT_PATH, command] + args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate(input)[0]
## extract new commits
def get_new_commits(ref_updates):
""" Gets a list of updates from git running post-receive,
we want the list of new commits to the repo, that are part
of the push. Even if they are in more then one ref in the push.
Basically, we are running:
git rev-list new1 ^old1 new2 ^old2 ^everything_else
It returns a list of commits"""
all_refs = set(call_git('for-each-ref', ['--format=%(refname)']).splitlines())
commands = []
for old, new, ref in ref_updates:
# branch delete, skip it
if re.match('0*$', new):
commands += [new]
if not re.match('0*$', old):
# update
commands += ["^%s" % old]
# else: new - do nothing more
for ref in all_refs:
commands += ["^%s" % ref]
new_commits = call_git('rev-list', ['--stdin', '--reverse'], '\n'.join(commands)).splitlines()
return new_commits
# before another git-call is done,
# check if mailadress and username is correct
def handle_pre_receive():
lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
updates = [line.split() for line in lines]
commits = get_new_commits(updates)
for i in commits:
## check if root wants to commit
# %cn commiter name
# -s short information (hyde deleted and added file names)
name = call_git('show',['-s', '--format=%cn','--summary',i])
if"root", name, re.IGNORECASE):
print "you are commiting as " + name + " - that is not allowed"
return -1
## check if email is in range
# %ce commiter email
# -s short information (hyde deleted and added file names)
mail = call_git('show',['-s', '--format=%ce','--summary',i])
if not, mail):
print "email address " + mail + " is not allowed you need a mail-adress like muster" + MAIL
return -1
# Performs the git "update" hook
# This hook is triggered on the remote repo, as a result
# of "git push"
# Parses the old and new commit IDs from argv[2] and argv[3]
# argv[1] contains the "refname"
def handle_update():
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
logging.error("update hook called with incorrect no. of parameters")
return -1
ref = sys.argv[1] # This is of the form "refs/heads/<branchname>"
old_commit_id = sys.argv[2]
new_commit_id = sys.argv[3]
(result, commit_id_array) = handleNewAndDeletedBranches(new_commit_id, old_commit_id, ref)
if result == -1:
return -1
elif result == 0 and commit_id_array == None:
return 0
jira = connect_to_jira()
if jira == None:
return -1
for commit_id in commit_id_array:
commit_text = git_get_commit_msg(commit_id)
if validate_commit_text(jira, commit_text, commit_id) != 0:
return -1
return 0
# post-receive hook is called with no parameters
# but STDIN has <old-commit-id> <new-commit-id> <refname>
def handle_post_receive():
buf =
logging.debug("handle_post_receive: stdin='%s'", buf)
(old_commit_id, new_commit_id, ref) = string.split(buf, ' ')
if old_commit_id == None or new_commit_id == None or ref == None:
logging.error("post-receive hook stdin is incorrect '%s'", buf)
return -1
(result, commit_id_array) = handleNewAndDeletedBranches(new_commit_id, old_commit_id, ref)
if result == -1:
return -1
elif result == 0 and commit_id_array == None:
return 0
jira = connect_to_jira()
if jira == None:
return -1
for commit_id in commit_id_array:
author = git_get_committer(commit_id).rstrip('\n')
authorMail = "<" + git_get_committerMail(commit_id).rstrip('\n') + ">\n\n"
commit_text = author + " " + authorMail + git_get_commit_msg(commit_id).rstrip('\n')
jira_add_comment(jira, commit_id, commit_text, ref)
return 0
def handleNewAndDeletedBranches(new_commit_id, old_commit_id, ref):
if not enabled_on_branch(git_get_branchname_from_ref(ref)):
return (0, None)
## Handle new and deleted branches
# if repository is empty, the first commit-id contains just 0
zeros = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
if new_commit_id == zeros:
logging.debug('branch at %s deleted' % old_commit_id)
return (0, None)
if old_commit_id == zeros:
logging.debug('new branch at %s' % new_commit_id)
commit_id_array = [new_commit_id]
commit_id_array = git_get_array_of_commit_ids(old_commit_id, new_commit_id)
if commit_id_array == None or len(commit_id_array)==0:
logging.error("no commit ids!")
return (-1, None)
return (0, commit_id_array)
def validate_commit_text(jira, commit_text, commit_id=None):
refed_issue_count = call_pattern_hook(commit_text, \
jira_find_issue, jira, None)
if refed_issue_count == -1:
return -1
if refed_issue_count == 0:
if"(Merge branch '|Merge remote branch ')", commit_text):
return 0
if commit_id != None:
logging.error("Failed to find any referenced Jira issue\n\tin commit message for commit %s", commit_id)
logging.error("Failed to find any referenced Jira issue in commit message(s)")
return -1
return 0
## add a comment to jira.
# modify comment-message to contain git.turtle url
def jira_add_comment(jira, commit_id, commit_text, ref):
commit_text_with_url = "commit-ID: http:///gitweb.url/" + REPO_NAME \
+ "/commitdiff/" + commit_id \
+ "\non Branch: " + git_get_branchname_from_ref(ref) + "\n" + commit_text.rstrip('\n')
call_pattern_hook(commit_text, jira_add_comment_to_issue, jira, commit_text_with_url)
return 0
# Given a function pointer, iterates through the commit message
# text for Jira magic words, and calls the function repeatedly
# returns number of issues found and touched
# in case of error, return -1
def call_pattern_hook(text, hookfn, jira, jira_text):
if not callable(hookfn):
logging.error("Hook function is not callable");
magic = re.compile('\w+-\d+')
iterator = magic.finditer(text)
issue_count = 0
for match in iterator:
issuekey =
logging.debug("issuekey found = %s", issuekey)
ret = hookfn(issuekey, jira, jira_text)
if ret != 0:
return -1
logging.debug('Solution: %s', jira.issue(issuekey).fields.status)
if str(jira.issue(issuekey).fields.status) == JIRA_FIXED:
logging.error("Jira issue %s already closed.", issuekey)
return -1
issue_count += 1
return issue_count
# Jira helper functions
def jira_find_issue(issuekey, jira, jira_text):
issue = jira.issue(issuekey)
return 0
except Exception, e:
logging.error("No such issue '%s' in Jira", issuekey)
return -1
def jira_add_comment_to_issue(issuekey, jira, jira_text):
text = jira_text
# fix problem with umlaute
text = jira_text.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError as ue:
logging.debug("ASCII, UTF-8 error in jira_add_comment_to_issue %s", text)
logging.debug(ue)"Error with German Umlaute in commit message. The repo will be updatet, but you will see no comment in Jira Issue")
return 0
jira.add_comment(jira.issue(issuekey), text)
logging.debug("Added to issue '%s' in Jira:\n%s", issuekey, jira_text)
return 0
except Exception, e:
logging.error("Error adding comment to issue '%s' in Jira", issuekey)
logging.debug("Your Textmessage: %s", jira_text)
logging.debug("Encoded Textmessage: %s", jira_text.decode('utf-8'))
return -1
# Miscellaneous Jira related utility functions
def connect_to_jira():
jira_options = { 'server': JIRA_URL}
jira = JIRA(options=jira_options, basic_auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD))
except Exception as e:
jira = None
return jira
# git helper functions
# Read git config of "git-jira-hook.branches"
# Parse out the comma (and space) separated list of
# branch names.
# Then compare against current branchname to see
# if we need to be enabled.
# Return False if we should not be enabled
def enabled_on_branch(current_branchname):
logging.debug("Test if '%s' is enabled...", current_branchname)
if current_branchname is None:
return False
return not False
# Given a "ref" string (such as while doing a push
# to a remote repo), parse out the branch name
def git_get_branchname_from_ref(ref):
# allow git tags
if ref.startswith("refs/tags/"):
return None
# "refs/heads/<branchname>"
elif not ref.startswith("refs/heads"):
logging.error("Invalid ref '%s'", ref)
return string.strip(ref[len("refs/heads/"):])
def git_get_committer(commit_id):
# cn = commiter name
return "Author: " + call_git('show',['-s', '--format=%cn','--summary', commit_id])
def git_get_committerMail(commit_id):
# ce = commiter email
return call_git('show',['-s', '--format=%ce', '--summary', commit_id])
def git_get_commit_msg(commit_id):
# b = body
# n = newline
# s = subject
return call_git('show',['--format=%s%n%b', '--summary', commit_id])
def get_shell_cmd_output(cmd):
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
except Exception, e:
logging.error("Failed trying to execute '%s'", cmd)
def git_get_array_of_commit_ids(start_id, end_id):
logging.debug("start_id: %s",start_id)
logging.debug("end_id: %s",end_id)
output = get_shell_cmd_output("git rev-list --reverse " + start_id + ".." + end_id)
if output == "":
return None
# parse the result into an array of strings
commit_id_array = string.split(output, '\n')
return commit_id_array
# python script entry point. Dispatches main()
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit (main())
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