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Last active July 6, 2017 08:37
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LZString old vs new compression short repetitive string #jsbench #jsperf ( #jsbench #jsperf
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<title>LZString old vs new compression short repetitive string #jsbench #jsperf</title>
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"use strict";
(function (factory) {
if (typeof Benchmark !== "undefined") {
} else {
})(function (Benchmark) {
var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;
Benchmark.prototype.setup = function () {
var LZString = (function() {
// private property
var f = String.fromCharCode;
var keyStrBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
var keyStrUriSafe = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$";
var baseReverseDic = {};
function getBaseValue(alphabet, character) {
if (!baseReverseDic[alphabet]) {
baseReverseDic[alphabet] = {};
for (var i=0 ; i<alphabet.length ; i++) {
baseReverseDic[alphabet][alphabet.charAt(i)] = i;
return baseReverseDic[alphabet][character];
var LZString = {
compressToBase64 : function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
var res = LZString._compress(input, 6, function(a){return keyStrBase64.charAt(a);});
switch (res.length % 4) { // To produce valid Base64
default: // When could this happen ?
case 0 : return res;
case 1 : return res+"===";
case 2 : return res+"==";
case 3 : return res+"=";
decompressFromBase64 : function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
if (input == "") return null;
return LZString._decompress(input.length, 32, function(index) { return getBaseValue(keyStrBase64, input.charAt(index)); });
compressToUTF16 : function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
return LZString._compress(input, 15, function(a){return f(a+32);}) + " ";
decompressFromUTF16: function (compressed) {
if (compressed == null) return "";
if (compressed == "") return null;
return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 16384, function(index) { return compressed.charCodeAt(index) - 32; });
//compress into uint8array (UCS-2 big endian format)
compressToUint8Array: function (uncompressed) {
var compressed = LZString.compress(uncompressed);
var buf=new Uint8Array(compressed.length*2); // 2 bytes per character
for (var i=0, TotalLen=compressed.length; i<TotalLen; i++) {
var current_value = compressed.charCodeAt(i);
buf[i*2] = current_value >>> 8;
buf[i*2+1] = current_value % 256;
return buf;
//decompress from uint8array (UCS-2 big endian format)
decompressFromUint8Array:function (compressed) {
if (compressed===null || compressed===undefined){
return LZString.decompress(compressed);
} else {
var buf=new Array(compressed.length/2); // 2 bytes per character
for (var i=0, TotalLen=buf.length; i<TotalLen; i++) {
var result = [];
buf.forEach(function (c) {
return LZString.decompress(result.join(''));
//compress into a string that is already URI encoded
compressToEncodedURIComponent: function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
return LZString._compress(input, 6, function(a){return keyStrUriSafe.charAt(a);});
//decompress from an output of compressToEncodedURIComponent
decompressFromEncodedURIComponent:function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
if (input == "") return null;
input = input.replace(/ /g, "+");
return LZString._decompress(input.length, 32, function(index) { return getBaseValue(keyStrUriSafe, input.charAt(index)); });
compress: function (uncompressed) {
return LZString._compress(uncompressed, 16, function(a){return f(a);});
_compress: function (uncompressed, bitsPerChar, getCharFromInt) {
if (uncompressed == null) return "";
var i, value,
context_dictionary= {},
context_dictionaryToCreate= {},
context_enlargeIn= 2, // Compensate for the first entry which should not count
context_dictSize= 3,
context_numBits= 2,
for (ii = 0; ii < uncompressed.length; ii += 1) {
context_c = uncompressed.charAt(ii);
if (!,context_c)) {
context_dictionary[context_c] = context_dictSize++;
context_dictionaryToCreate[context_c] = true;
context_wc = context_w + context_c;
if (,context_wc)) {
context_w = context_wc;
} else {
if (,context_w)) {
if (context_w.charCodeAt(0)<256) {
for (i=0 ; i<context_numBits ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value&1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = value >> 1;
} else {
value = 1;
for (i=0 ; i<context_numBits ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | value;
if (context_data_position ==bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = 0;
value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value&1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = value >> 1;
if (context_enlargeIn == 0) {
context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
delete context_dictionaryToCreate[context_w];
} else {
value = context_dictionary[context_w];
for (i=0 ; i<context_numBits ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value&1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = value >> 1;
if (context_enlargeIn == 0) {
context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
// Add wc to the dictionary.
context_dictionary[context_wc] = context_dictSize++;
context_w = String(context_c);
// Output the code for w.
if (context_w !== "") {
if (,context_w)) {
if (context_w.charCodeAt(0)<256) {
for (i=0 ; i<context_numBits ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value&1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = value >> 1;
} else {
value = 1;
for (i=0 ; i<context_numBits ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | value;
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = 0;
value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value&1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = value >> 1;
if (context_enlargeIn == 0) {
context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
delete context_dictionaryToCreate[context_w];
} else {
value = context_dictionary[context_w];
for (i=0 ; i<context_numBits ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value&1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = value >> 1;
if (context_enlargeIn == 0) {
context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
// Mark the end of the stream
value = 2;
for (i=0 ; i<context_numBits ; i++) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value&1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
context_data_position = 0;
context_data_val = 0;
} else {
value = value >> 1;
// Flush the last char
while (true) {
context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) {
else context_data_position++;
return context_data.join('');
decompress: function (compressed) {
if (compressed == null) return "";
if (compressed == "") return null;
return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 32768, function(index) { return compressed.charCodeAt(index); });
_decompress: function (length, resetValue, getNextValue) {
var dictionary = [],
enlargeIn = 4,
dictSize = 4,
numBits = 3,
entry = "",
result = [],
bits, resb, maxpower, power,
data = {val:getNextValue(0), position:resetValue, index:1};
for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
dictionary[i] = i;
bits = 0;
maxpower = Math.pow(2,2);
while (power!=maxpower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position == 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
switch (next = bits) {
case 0:
bits = 0;
maxpower = Math.pow(2,8);
while (power!=maxpower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position == 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
c = f(bits);
case 1:
bits = 0;
maxpower = Math.pow(2,16);
while (power!=maxpower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position == 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
c = f(bits);
case 2:
return "";
dictionary[3] = c;
w = c;
while (true) {
if (data.index > length) {
return "";
bits = 0;
maxpower = Math.pow(2,numBits);
while (power!=maxpower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position == 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
switch (c = bits) {
case 0:
bits = 0;
maxpower = Math.pow(2,8);
while (power!=maxpower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position == 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
dictionary[dictSize++] = f(bits);
c = dictSize-1;
case 1:
bits = 0;
maxpower = Math.pow(2,16);
while (power!=maxpower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position == 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
dictionary[dictSize++] = f(bits);
c = dictSize-1;
case 2:
return result.join('');
if (enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits);
if (dictionary[c]) {
entry = dictionary[c];
} else {
if (c === dictSize) {
entry = w + w.charAt(0);
} else {
return null;
// Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary.
dictionary[dictSize++] = w + entry.charAt(0);
w = entry;
if (enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits);
return LZString;
var LZStringNew = (
function () {
// private property
var f = String.fromCharCode,
Base64CharArray = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".split(''),
UriSafeCharArray = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$".split(''),
Base64ReverseDic = {},
UriSafeReverseDic = {},
i = 65;
while (i--) {
Base64ReverseDic[Base64CharArray[i].charCodeAt(0)] = i;
UriSafeReverseDic[UriSafeCharArray[i].charCodeAt(0)] = i;
var getChar16Bits = function (a) { return f(a); },
getCharFromBase64 = function (a) { return Base64CharArray[a]; },
getCharFromURISafe = function (a) { return UriSafeCharArray[a]; },
getCharFromUTF16 = function (a) { return f(a + 32); };
var LZString = {
compressToBase64: function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
var res = LZString._compressToArray(input, 6, getCharFromBase64);
// To produce valid Base64
var i = res.length % 4;
while (i--) {
return res.join('');
decompressFromBase64: function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
if (input == "") return null;
return LZString._decompress(input.length, 32, function (index) { return Base64ReverseDic[input.charCodeAt(index)]; });
compressToUTF16: function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
var compressed = LZString._compressToArray(input, 15, getCharFromUTF16);
compressed.push(" ");
return compressed.join('');
decompressFromUTF16: function (compressed) {
if (compressed == null) return "";
if (compressed == "") return null;
return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 16384, function (index) { return compressed.charCodeAt(index) - 32; });
//compress into uint8array (UCS-2 big endian format)
compressToUint8Array: function (uncompressed) {
var compressed = LZString.compressToArray(uncompressed);
var buf = new Uint8Array(compressed.length * 2); // 2 bytes per character
for (var i = 0, TotalLen = compressed.length; i < TotalLen; i++) {
var current_value = compressed[i].charCodeAt(0);
buf[i * 2] = current_value >>> 8;
buf[i * 2 + 1] = current_value & 0xFF;
return buf;
//decompress from uint8array (UCS-2 big endian format)
decompressFromUint8Array: function (compressed) {
if (compressed === null || compressed === undefined) {
return LZString.decompressFromArray(compressed);
} else if (compressed.length == 0) {
return null;
return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 128, function (index) { return compressed[index]; });
//compress into a string that is already URI encoded
compressToEncodedURIComponent: function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
return LZString._compressToArray(input, 6, getCharFromURISafe).join('');
//decompress from an output of compressToEncodedURIComponent
decompressFromEncodedURIComponent: function (input) {
if (input == null) return "";
if (input == "") return null;
input = input.replace(/ /g, "+");
return LZString._decompress(input.length, 32, function (index) { return UriSafeReverseDic[input.charCodeAt(index)]; });
compress: function (uncompressed) {
return LZString.compressToArray(uncompressed).join('');
compressToArray: function (uncompressed) {
return LZString._compressToArray(uncompressed, 16, getChar16Bits);
_compressToArray: function (uncompressed, bitsPerChar, getCharFromInt) {
if (uncompressed == null) return [];
var i = 0, j = 0, value = 0,
dictionary = {},
freshNode = true,
c = 0,
c0 = 1,
new_node = { 0: 3 }, // first node will always be
node = new_node, // initialised like this.
enlargeIn = 1,
dictSize = 4,
numBits = 2,
data = [],
data_val = 0,
data_position = 0;
if (uncompressed.length) {
// If there is a string, the first charCode is guaranteed to
// be new, so we write it to output stream, and add it to the
// dictionary. For the same reason we can initialize freshNode
// as true, and new_node, node and dictSize as if
// it was already added to the dictionary (see above).
c = uncompressed.charCodeAt(0);
c0 = c + 1;
// == Write first charCode token to output ==
// 8 or 16 bit?
value = c < 256 ? 0 : 1
// insert "new 8/16 bit charCode" token
// into bitstream (value 1)
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// Value is 0 (8 bit) or 1 (16 bit).
// We shift it into the bitstream in reverse
// (shifting has precedence over bitmasking)
data_val = value >> i | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// insert charCode bits into bitstream
// Nasty but effective hack:
// loop 8 or 16 times based on token value
value = 8 + 8 * value;
for (i = 0; i < value; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Add charCode to the dictionary.
dictionary[c0] = new_node;
for (j = 1; j < uncompressed.length; j++) {
c = uncompressed.charCodeAt(j);
c0 = c + 1;
// does the new charCode match an existing prefix?
new_node = node[c0];
if (new_node) {
// continue with next prefix
node = new_node;
} else {
// Prefix+charCode does not exist in trie yet.
// We write the prefix to the bitstream, and add
// the new charCode to the dictionary if it's new
// Then we set `node` to the root node matching
// the charCode.
if (freshNode) {
// Prefix is a freshly added character token,
// which was already written to the bitstream
freshNode = false;
} else {
// write out the current prefix token
value = node[0];
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = value >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Is the new charCode a new character
// that needs to be stored at the root?
new_node = dictionary[c0];
if (new_node == undefined) {
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// insert "new 8/16 bit charCode" token,
// see comments above for explanation
value = c < 256 ? 0 : 1
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
data_val = value >> i | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
value = 8 + 8 * value;
for (i = 0; i < value; i++) {
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
new_node = { 0: dictSize++ };
dictionary[c0] = new_node;
// Note of that we already wrote
// the charCode token to the bitstream
freshNode = true;
// add node representing prefix + new charCode to trie
new_node = { 0: dictSize++ };
node[c0] = new_node;
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// set node to first charCode of new prefix
node = dictionary[c0];
// === Write last prefix to output ===
if (freshNode) {
// character token already written to output
freshNode = false;
} else {
// write out the prefix token
value = node[0];
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = value >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Is c a new character?
new_node = dictionary[c0];
if (new_node == undefined) {
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// insert "new 8/16 bit charCode" token,
// see comments above for explanation
value = c < 256 ? 0 : 1
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
data_val = value >> i | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
value = 8 + 8 * value;
for (i = 0; i < value; i++) {
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// Mark the end of the stream
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = 2 >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position == bitsPerChar) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Flush the last char
data_val <<= bitsPerChar - data_position;
return data;
decompress: function (compressed) {
if (compressed == null) return "";
if (compressed == "") return null;
return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 32768, function (index) { return compressed.charCodeAt(index); });
decompressFromArray: function (compressed) {
if (compressed == null) return "";
if (compressed.length == 0) return null;
return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 32768, function (index) { return compressed[index].charCodeAt(0); });
_decompress: function (length, resetValue, getNextValue) {
// "Math.log2(resetValue)" is ES6, so we use
// this while loop instead for backwards compatibility
var _resetValue = 0;
while (resetValue >> ++_resetValue) { }
var dictionary = [0, 1, 2],
enlargeIn = 4,
dictSize = 4,
numBits = 3,
entry = "",
result = [],
w = "",
bits = 0,
maxpower = 2,
power = 0,
c = "",
data_val = getNextValue(0),
data_position = _resetValue,
data_index = 1;
// Get first token, guaranteed to be either
// a new character token (8 or 16 bits)
// or end of stream token.
while (power != maxpower) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position == 0) {
data_position = _resetValue;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
// if end of stream token, return empty string
if (bits == 2) {
return "";
// else, get character
maxpower = bits * 8 + 8;
bits = power = 0;
while (power != maxpower) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position == 0) {
data_position = _resetValue;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
c = f(bits);
dictionary[3] = c;
w = c;
// read rest of string
while (data_index <= length) {
// read out next token
maxpower = numBits;
bits = power = 0;
while (power != maxpower) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position == 0) {
data_position = _resetValue;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
// 0 or 1 implies new character token
if (bits < 2) {
maxpower = (8 + 8 * bits);
bits = power = 0;
while (power != maxpower) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position == 0) {
data_position = _resetValue;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
dictionary[dictSize] = f(bits);
bits = dictSize++;
if (--enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
} else if (bits == 2) {
// end of stream token
return result.join('');
if (bits > dictionary.length) {
return null;
entry = bits < dictionary.length ? dictionary[bits] : w + w.charAt(0);
// Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary.
dictionary[dictSize++] = w + entry.charAt(0);
w = entry;
if (--enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
return "";
return LZString;
var testStringRandomNrs = '';
var i;
for (i=0 ; i<1000 ; i++)
testStringRandomNrs += Math.random() + " ";
var testStringRepeat1024 = 'aaaaabaaaaacaaaaadaaaaaeaaaaa';
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
testStringRepeat1024 += testStringRepeat1024;
var testStringAllUTF16 = '';
var i;
for (i = 32; i < 127; ++i) {
testStringAllUTF16 += String.fromCharCode(i);
for (i = 128 + 32; i < 55296; ++i) {
testStringAllUTF16 += String.fromCharCode(i);
for (i = 63744; i < 65536; ++i) {
testStringAllUTF16 += String.fromCharCode(i);
suite.add("OLD 1000 Random Float Nrs", function () {
// OLD 1000 Random Float Nrs
var t = LZString.compress(testStringRandomNrs);
suite.add("NEW 1000 Random Float Nrs", function () {
// NEW 1000 Random Float Nrs
var t = LZStringNew.compress(testStringRandomNrs);
suite.add("OLD 'aaaaabaaaaacaaaaadaaaaaeaaaaa' * 1024", function () {
// OLD 'aaaaabaaaaacaaaaadaaaaaeaaaaa' * 1024
var t = LZString.compress(testStringRepeat1024);
suite.add("NEW 'aaaaabaaaaacaaaaadaaaaaeaaaaa' * 1024", function () {
// NEW 'aaaaabaaaaacaaaaadaaaaaeaaaaa' * 1024
var t = LZStringNew.compress(testStringRepeat1024);
suite.add("OLD all printable UTF16", function () {
// OLD all printable UTF16
var t = LZString.compress(testStringAllUTF16);
suite.add("NEW all printable UTF16", function () {
// NEW all printable UTF16
var t = LZStringNew.compress(testStringAllUTF16);
suite.on("cycle", function (evt) {
console.log(" - " +;
suite.on("complete", function (evt) {
console.log(new Array(30).join("-"));
var results = evt.currentTarget.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.hz - a.hz;
results.forEach(function (item) {
console.log((idx + 1) + ". " + item);
console.log("LZString old vs new compression short repetitive string #jsbench #jsperf");
console.log(new Array(30).join("-"));;
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