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Created January 3, 2017 20:14
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case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
case class Rect(ul: Point, br: Point) {
def covers(other: Rect): Boolean = {
(ul.x <= other.ul.x && ul.y <= other.ul.y) &&
(br.x >= && br.y >=
def overlaps(other: Rect): Boolean = {
// If one rectangle is on left side of other
if (ul.x > || other.ul.x > br.x) {
return false
// If one rectangle is above other
if (ul.y > || other.ul.y > br.y) {
return false
return true
sealed trait QuadTree {
def value: Double
def count: Int
def average: Double
def toList: Seq[QuadTree]
def boundary: Rect
def covering(rect: Rect): Seq[QuadTree]
case class Inner(ul: QuadTree, ur: QuadTree, bl: QuadTree, br: QuadTree) extends QuadTree {
lazy val value = ul.value + ur.value + bl.value + br.value
lazy val count = ul.count + ur.count + bl.count + br.count
lazy val average = value / count
lazy val toList = Seq(ul, ur, bl, br)
lazy val boundary = Rect(ul.boundary.ul,
def covering(rect: Rect): Seq[QuadTree] = {
if (rect.overlaps(boundary)) {
if (rect.covers(boundary)) { Seq(this) }
else {
ul.covering(rect) ++ ur.covering(rect) ++ bl.covering(rect) ++ br.covering(rect)
} else Nil
case class Leaf(value: Double, location: Point) extends QuadTree {
lazy val count = 1
lazy val average = value
lazy val toList = Seq(this)
lazy val boundary = Rect(location, location)
def covering(rect: Rect): Seq[QuadTree] = {
if (rect.covers(boundary)) { Seq(this) }
else { Nil }
object QuadTree {
def reduceCovering(qs: Seq[QuadTree]): Double = {
val (sum, count) = qs.foldLeft(0.0 -> 0)((sc, q) => (sc._1 + q.value, sc._2 + q.count))
sum / count
[[1, 0, 12, 3],
[14, 45, 25, 2],
[62, 2, 255, 8],
[34, 35, 255, 93]]
val ul: QuadTree = Inner(Leaf(1, Point(0, 0)), Leaf(0, Point(0, 1)), Leaf(14, Point(1, 0)), Leaf(45, Point(1, 1)))
val ur: QuadTree = Inner(Leaf(12, Point(0, 2)), Leaf(3, Point(0, 3)), Leaf(25, Point(1, 2)), Leaf(2, Point(1, 3)))
val bl: QuadTree = Inner(Leaf(62, Point(2, 0)), Leaf(2, Point(2, 1)), Leaf(34, Point(3, 0)), Leaf(35, Point(3, 1)))
val br: QuadTree = Inner(Leaf(255, Point(2, 2)), Leaf(8, Point(2, 3)), Leaf(255, Point(3, 2)), Leaf(93, Point(3, 3)))
val tree: QuadTree = Inner(ul, ur, bl, br)
val r1 = Rect(Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2))
val s1 = tree.covering(r1)
val r2 = Rect(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 1))
val s2 = tree.covering(r2)
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