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Created September 10, 2020 22:22
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Get last commit dates for remote git branches

I had a repo with dozens of abandoned or merged remote branches. Before deleting them wholesale, I wanted to know just how old they were.

I adapted this Stack Overflow answer, but dressed it up in a for loop since I wanted all of them. Also, since I wanted to sort them, I switched the date format to %cs (Short ISO), which didn't work in git 2.18.0 but does work in 2.28.0

for i in `git branch -r|grep -v HEAD` ; do echo `git log -1 --format=%cs $i ` $i; done | sort -r
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For local, different thing to grep out of the results:

for i in `git branch | grep -v master`;  do  echo  `git log -1 --format=%cs  $i` $i; done

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