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Last active November 26, 2020 17:37
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Gist of DilbertWidget to discuss - Repository is here: []
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: cyan; icon-glyph: user-tie;
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: red; icon-glyph: image;
// Platform: iOS 14
// Application: Scriptable app
// Description of this widget
// ⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺
// Script shows german daily dilbert. Pics from are used.
// To display a full comic strip, only one single pic is shown per widget.
// You have to add multiple widget in one stack. So you can scroll through the comic
// Widget parameter has to be set to select cover (0) or one iof the three pics (1, 2 or 3)
// Installation
// ⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺
// • install scriptable
// • add this script as a new script
// • create 4 scriptable widgets
// • select this script for all 4 widgets
// * each widget should get a number
// - 1st widget: 0 (to show the cover, default)
// - 2nd widget: 1 (to show the 1st pic of the comic)
// - 3rd widget: 2 (to show the 2nd pic of the comic)
// - 4th widget: 3 (to show the last pic of the comic)
// • if everything works fine, you can now scroll through the daily widget
// some tech details
// ⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺⎺
// • Images are only loaded once, to reduce traffic
// • Some images are preloaded for the next days to have them in case of offline mode
// • old images are deleted to reduce used space (a few hundred kBytes per image)
// • cover is downloaded from a deeplink on iTunes (not sure, if this works for a long time)
// • In widget environment Image handling is limited to resolution of 500x500px. This makes images blurry.
// To avoid this limitation, images are handled as raw data
// ToDo / Ideas
// (2) Support of english Dilbert
// (3) Support of other comic strips (should have squared single pics)
// (4) support of other formats (e.g. 4x2 in addition to 3x1) - can be assumed due to image ratio
// (5) other host for images
// ## Debug Support
let DEBUG = false
// ## Configuration
let forceDownload = false
let showInstructions = false
// ## Globals
let wParameter = []
let picNum = 0
let widget
const coverFileName = "dilbert_cover.raw"
const coverURL = ""
const dilbertFileNamePrefix = "dilbert_daily_"
const dilbertFileNameSuffix = ".raw"
const preLoadDays = 5
var fm = FileManager.local() // getFilemanager()
//let fmConfigDirectory = fm.joinPath(fm.documentsDirectory(), '/dilbertWidget')
// Basic widget creation
function createWidget() {
widget = new ListWidget();
return widget;
// Load Dilbert-Image from german website
// then update widget
async function loadPhotoDilbert(widget) {
let widgetURL = ""
let day = new Date()
let today = new Date()
let numTries = 0
let gotStrip = false
let gotCover = false
let DilbertStrip
let DilbertCover
// only support for comic strips with 3 pics in 1 row
const numRows = 1
const numCols = 3
// read given widget-parameters given by user configuration
let parCount = parseInput(args.widgetParameter)
if (showInstructions) {
// Check, if a comic can be found. Check 5 previous days, if necessary.
do {
numTries += 1
day = addDay(today, (-1) * (numTries - 1))
widgetURL = getDailyDilbertURL(day)
await debug_print_async(widgetURL);
try {
DilbertStrip = await fetchDaily(day);
if (typeof DilbertStrip === 'object') {
gotStrip = true
} catch (err) {
while (numTries < 5 && gotStrip == false)
// load Dilberts for the next two days, to be prepared for offline mode
await preloadDilbertComic(preLoadDays);
// special handling for the cover image
if (picNum == 0) {
try {
DilbertCover = await fetchCover();
if (typeof DilbertCover === 'object') {
gotCover = true
} catch (err) {
widget.addText("no Dilbert cover found :-(")
if (gotCover) {
widget.backgroundImage = DilbertCover
widget.url = ""
} else { // picNum != 0
// handling of the comic
if (gotStrip) {
picNum = minmax(picNum, 1, numRows * numCols)
let col = (picNum % numRows)
if (col == 0) {
col = picNum / numRows
let row = Math.floor((picNum - 1) / numCols) + 1
// to avoid misscalculations
col = minmax(col, 1, numCols)
row = minmax(row, 1, numRows)
let singlePic = getSingleComicPicture(DilbertStrip, numRows, numCols, row, col)
if (typeof singlePic === 'object') {
widget.backgroundImage = singlePic
widget.url = widgetURL;
} else {
widget.addText("no daily Dilbert found :-(")
// clear local directory
await clearLocalDir();
function checkImageExists(localPath) {
//let fm = FileManager.local()
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory()
let path = fm.joinPath(dir, localPath)
debug_print("" /*+ localPath*/ + "(" + fm.fileSize(path) + " kB)");
return fm.fileExists(path)
// fetches the image once, after that the local copy is used
async function fetchImage(localPath, remoteURL) {
//let fm = FileManager.local()
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory()
let path = fm.joinPath(dir, localPath)
let file_exists = false
let gotRemoteImage = false
let cImage
let rawData
// check if file already exists
try {
if (fm.fileExists(path)) {
rawData = await;
await debug_print_async("" /*+ localPath*/ + "(" + fm.fileSize(path) + " kB)");
cImage = Image.fromData(rawData)
if (typeof cImage === 'object') {
exists = true
} catch (err) {
file_exists = false
if (forceDownload) file_exists = false
if (!file_exists) {
try {
rawData = await loadImage(remoteURL);
if (typeof rawData === 'object') {
gotRemoteImage = true
cImage = Image.fromData(rawData)
await fm.write(path, rawData);
await debug_print_async("written " /*+ localPath*/ + "(" + fm.fileSize(path) + " kB)");
} catch (err) {
gotRemoteImage = false
return cImage
// fetches the cover once, after that the local copy is used
async function fetchCover() {
return await fetchImage(coverFileName, coverURL);
// fetches the daily once, after that the local copy is used
async function fetchDaily(day) {
return await fetchImage(getDailyDilbertLocalFileName(day), getDailyDilbertURL(day));
// print date on cover
function printCoverDate(date) {
let dfDate = dfCreateAndInit("yyyy-MM-dd")
let fontSize = 24 // large size widget
let spacerHeight = 45 // large size widget
if (config.runsInWidget) {
fontSize = (config.widgetFamily.indexOf("small") >= 0) ? 12 : 24
spacerHeight = (config.widgetFamily.indexOf("small") >= 0) ? 12 : 45
let stack = widget.addStack()
let dateLine = stack.addText(dfDate.string(date))
dateLine.font = Font.thinMonospacedSystemFont(fontSize)
dateLine.textColor = Color.white()
// print date on cover
function showInstallInstructions() {
let fontSize = 16 // large size widget or app
if (config.runsInWidget) {
fontSize = (config.widgetFamily.indexOf("small") >= 0) ? 8 : fontSize
let instructionStack = widget.addStack()
instructionStr = "🛠 INSTALLATION\n"
instructionStr += "• create 4 scriptable widgets\n"
instructionStr += "• select this script for all 4\n"
instructionStr += "• each widget gets a number\n"
instructionStr += " as parameter\n"
instructionStr += " - 1st widget: 0 (cover)\n"
instructionStr += " - 2nd widget: 1 (1st pic)\n"
instructionStr += " - 3rd widget: 2 (2nd pic)\n"
instructionStr += " - 4th widget: 3 (last pic)\n"
instructionStr += "• combine widgets in 1 stack"
let textLine = instructionStack.addText(instructionStr)
textLine.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(fontSize)
// Loads images for the next 3 days into local directory
async function preloadDilbertComic(days) {
let day = new Date()
let localFileName = ""
for (i = 1; i <= days; i++) {
localFileName = getDailyDilbertLocalFileName(addDay(day, i))
if (!checkImageExists(localFileName)) {
await fetchImage(localFileName, getDailyDilbertURL(addDay(day, i)));
// crop image used for comic strips.
// comic strip with spaces between pics are supported
// offsets at the borders is not yet supported
function getSingleComicPicture(img, rows, columns, selectedRow, selectedColumn) {
let draw = new DrawContext()
let spacerFactor = 22.0 / 313.0 // spacer to the next pic (values are taken from a real pic)
let blackBorderFactor = 4.0 / 313.0
//draw.respectScreenScale = true // ### should delete blur effect in widget, but doesn't work for any reason
// calculate net size of one pic (inkl. black border)
let singlePicWidth = img.size.width / (columns + ((columns - 1) * spacerFactor))
let singlePicHeight = img.size.height / (rows + ((rows - 1) * spacerFactor))
// calculate pos of selected pic
let ulPoint = new Point(0, 0)
ulPoint.x = singlePicWidth * (1 + spacerFactor) * (selectedColumn - 1)
ulPoint.y = singlePicHeight * (1 + spacerFactor) * (selectedRow - 1)
// delete black border of 5px (1,76% of pic-width)
ulPoint.x += singlePicWidth * blackBorderFactor
ulPoint.y += singlePicHeight * blackBorderFactor
singlePicWidth *= (1 - (2 * blackBorderFactor))
singlePicHeight *= (1 - (2 * blackBorderFactor))
//draw.size = new Size(singlePicWidth, singlePicHeight)
draw.size = new Size(singlePicWidth, singlePicHeight)
ulPoint.x *= (-1)
ulPoint.y *= (-1)
draw.drawImageAtPoint(img, ulPoint)
return draw.getImage()
function getDailyDilbertURL(date) {
// e.g. 2020-11-14 results in this URL:
let imgURL = ""
// do not build an URL for sundays - have to know the mechanism first
let dfReplaceYear = dfCreateAndInit("yyyy")
let dfReplaceMonth = dfCreateAndInit("MM")
let dfReplaceDay = dfCreateAndInit("dd")
imgURL = imgURL.replace(/#yyyy#/g, dfReplaceYear.string(date))
imgURL = imgURL.replace(/#MM#/g, dfReplaceMonth.string(date))
imgURL = imgURL.replace(/#dd#/g, dfReplaceDay.string(date))
return imgURL
function getDailyDilbertLocalFileName(date) {
let dfDate = dfCreateAndInit("yyyy-MM-dd")
let local = dilbertFileNamePrefix + dfDate.string(date) + dilbertFileNameSuffix
return local
// creates and inits a DateFormatter
function dfCreateAndInit(format) {
const df = new DateFormatter()
df.dateFormat = format
return df
// create widget, load image and push widget
widget = createWidget();
await loadPhotoDilbert(widget);
// check environment to just display widget content
// when running from Scriptable app
if (config.runsInWidget) {
} else {
// parses the widget parameters
function parseInput(input) {
if (input != null && input.length > 0) {
wParameter = input.split(",")
let parCount = wParameter.length
// take over the given parameters to global variables
if (parCount > 0) {
picNum = parseInt(wParameter[0])
if (parCount > 1) {
DEBUG = (wParameter[1].indexOf("debug") >= 0)
if (parCount > 2) {
forceDownload = (wParameter[2] == "force")
return wParameter.length
} else {
// settings for usage in app or non configured widget
//DEBUG = true
//picNum = 2
showInstructions = true
return 0
async function clearLocalDir() {
//let fm = FileManager.local()
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory()
let path
let today = new Date()
var doNotDelete = [coverFileName]
let deleteFile = false
// prepare string-array with filenames, which should not be deleted (previous 2 and a configurable number of next days)
for (i = -2; i <= preLoadDays; i++) {
doNotDelete.push(getDailyDilbertLocalFileName(addDay(today, i)))
// get directory content
let dirContent = fm.listContents(dir)
for (i = 0; i < dirContent.length; i++) {
if (fm.fileName(dirContent[i]).indexOf(dilbertFileNamePrefix) >= 0 || fm.fileName(dirContent[i], true).indexOf(coverFileName) >= 0) {
// check if candidate to delete is part of list to not delete
deleteFile = true
for (u = 0; u < doNotDelete.length; u++) {
if (fm.fileName(dirContent[i], true).indexOf(doNotDelete[u]) >= 0) {
deleteFile = false
if (deleteFile || forceDownload) {
path = fm.joinPath(dir, dirContent[i])
try {
await fm.remove(path);
} catch (err) {
debug_print("fail rm " + fm.fileName(dirContent[i], true))
/* //- ised to delete dilbert jpg-files. (stored as .raw files now)
async function hardCleanLocalDir () {
let fm = FileManager.local()
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory()
let path
// get directory content
let dirContent = fm.listContents(dir)
await debug_print_async("dir: " + dirContent.length);
for (i=0; i<dirContent.length; i++) {
if ( fm.fileName(dirContent[i]).indexOf("dilbert_") >= 0 && fm.fileName(dirContent[i], true).indexOf(".jpg") >= 0 ) {
path = fm.joinPath(dir, dirContent[i])
try {
await fm.remove(path);
await debug_print_async("rm " + fm.fileName(dirContent[i], true));
} catch (err) {
await debug_print_async("fail rm " + fm.fileName(dirContent[i], true));
async function loadImage(imgUrl) {
const req = new Request(imgUrl)
return await req.load(); // returns RAW data
function minmax(num, min, max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max)
// days will be added (can be negative)
function addDay(d, diff) {
d2 = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate() + diff)
//d.setTime( d2.getTime() )
return d2
function getFilemanager() {
try {
fm = FileManager.iCloud()
} catch (err) {
fm = FileManager.local()
try {
} catch (err) {
fm = FileManager.local()
return fm
function debug_print(text) {
if (!DEBUG) {
let debugRow = widget.addStack()
let debugText = debugRow.addText(text)
debugText.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(8)
debugText.textColor =
async function debug_print_async(text) {
if (!DEBUG) {
let debugRow = widget.addStack()
let debugText = debugRow.addText(text)
debugText.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(8)
debugText.textColor =
// We must notify caller that script ended
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Sollte nun wieder funktionieren. Es gibt ein nicht auf allen Geräten reproduzierbares Verhalten bei der Handhabung von größeren Bildern. Die Bildgröße habe ich nun beschränkt. Bei meinem beiden Geräten funktioniert es nun.

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