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Created October 19, 2020 12:38
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Configure the Zoom key to do a page up / page down
; Capture input from the "Zoom" slider on the Natural Keyboard 4000 and use it to scroll up and scroll down
; The HID top level collection for the Natural Keyboard 4000 is:; Usage 1 ; Usage Page 12
;~ #NoTrayIcon
#SingleInstance force ; Replace any previous instance
DetectHiddenWindows, on
OnMessage(0x00FF, "InputMessage")
SizeofRawInputDeviceList := 8, SizeofRidDeviceInfo := 32, RIM_TYPEMOUSE := 0, RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD := 1, RIM_TYPEHID := 2, RIDI_DEVICENAME := 0x20000007
RIDI_DEVICEINFO := 0x2000000b, RIDEV_INPUTSINK := 0x00000100, RID_INPUT := 0x10000003, Usage := 1, UsagePage := 12
Gui, Show, Hide, NaturalCapture
HWND := WinExist("NaturalCapture")
; Keyboards are always Usage 6, Usage Page 1, Mice are Usage 2, Usage Page 1, HID devices specify their top level collection in the info block
VarSetCapacity(RawDevice, 12),NumPut(RIDEV_INPUTSINK, RawDevice, 4),NumPut(HWND, RawDevice, 8),NumPut(UsagePage, RawDevice, 0, "UShort"),NumPut(Usage, RawDevice, 2, "UShort")
Res := DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "UInt", &RawDevice, UInt, 1, UInt, 12)
if (Res = 0)
MsgBox, Failed to register for Natural Keyboard
InputMessage(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd){
if (DoCapture = 0)
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputData", UInt, lParam, UInt, RID_INPUT, UInt, 0, "UInt *", Size, UInt, 16),VarSetCapacity(Buffer, Size)
Res := DllCall("GetRawInputData", UInt, lParam, UInt, RID_INPUT, UInt, &Buffer, "UInt *", Size, UInt, 16)
Type := NumGet(Buffer, 0 * 4),Size := NumGet(Buffer, 1 * 4), Handle := NumGet(Buffer, 2 * 4)
if (Type = RIM_TYPEHID){
SizeHid := NumGet(Buffer, (16 + 0)),InputCount := NumGet(Buffer, (16 + 4))
Loop %InputCount% {
Addr := &Buffer + 24 + ((A_Index - 1) * SizeHid), BAddr := &Buffer ,Input := Mem2Hex(Addr, SizeHid)
if (IsLabel(Input))
Gosub, %Input%
ControlGetFocus, fcontrol, A ; WM_VSCROLL = 0x115, SB_LINEUP = 0, SB_LINEDOWN = 1
;********************What to do...***********************************
if (ScrollDir = 1) { ;If zoom is up
Send {PgUp} ;Scrolling up
}else{ ;If Zoom is down
Send {PgDn} ;Scrolling down
012E020000010000: ; Zoom down
ScrollDir := 2
GoSub, DoScroll
SetTimer, DoScroll, 1080
012D020000010000: ; Zoom up
ScrollDir := 1
GoSub, DoScroll
SetTimer, DoScroll, 1080
0100000000010000: ; All up
ScrollDir := 0
SetTimer, DoScroll, Off
Mem2Hex( pointer, len ){
A_FI := A_FormatInteger
SetFormat, Integer, Hex
Loop, %len% {
Hex := *Pointer+0
StringReplace, Hex, Hex, 0x, 0x0
StringRight Hex, Hex, 2
hexDump := hexDump . hex
Pointer ++
SetFormat, Integer, %A_FI%
StringUpper, hexDump, hexDump
Return hexDump
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