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Created April 1, 2022 16:45
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  • Save JoeGlines/aa9df3c2bf27e71070d1ca74c389f292 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JoeGlines/aa9df3c2bf27e71070d1ca74c389f292 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Saving and Importing to a GUI - example from friday support call
#SingleInstance, Force
; Create the sub-menus for the menu bar:
Menu, FileMenu, Add, &New, Clear
Menu, FileMenu, Add
Menu, FileMenu, Add, &Import, Import
Menu, FileMenu, Add, &Export, Export
Menu, FileMenu, Add
Menu, FileMenu, Add, E&xit, GuiClose
; Create the menu bar by attaching the sub-menus to it:
Menu, MyMenuBar, Add, &File, :FileMenu
; Attach the menu bar to the window:
Gui, Main:Menu, MyMenuBar
; Create the main Edit control and display the window:
; Gui [Main] Layout
Gui, Main:Color, 41D2BE
Gui Main:+AlwaysOnTop
;Gui Text
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x22 y19 w100 h20 , User:
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x22 y49 w100 h20 , Institution:
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x22 y79 w100 h20 , Started Work:
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x22 y109 w100 h20 , Current Issue:
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x22 y139 w100 h20 , Callback Number:
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x22 y169 w100 h20 , Ticket Number:
;Gui Edit Fields
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x132 y19 w140 h20 vUser,
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x132 y49 w140 h20 vInst,
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x132 y79 w140 h20 vStWk,
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x132 y109 w140 h20 vTSum,
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x132 y139 w140 h20 vCbNum,
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x132 y169 w140 h20 vTNum,
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x282 y19 w700 h280 vWkDn, Work Done:
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x282 y309 w150 h20 vSgnSt, Signed Status:
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x22 y199 w250 h130 vEmail, Email Body:
;Gui Buttons
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x442 y309 w100 h20 gEmail, Email
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x552 y309 w100 h20 gChat, Chat
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x662 y309 w100 h20 gClosingNote, Closing Note
Gui, Main:Add, Button, Default x772 y309 w100 h20 gWork, Work Done
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x882 y309 w100 h20 gClear, Clear
Gui, Main:Show, w999 h346, New Ticket GUI
GuiControl, Main:Focus, User
; Gui Labels
Work: ;sends the entiretly of the template.
Gui, Main:Submit
Send, ^bUser^b: %User%{Enter}
Send, ^bInstitution^b: %Inst% {Enter}
Send, ^bStarted Work^b: %StWk% {Enter}
Send, ^bTicket Summary^b: %TSum% {Enter}
Send, ^bCallback Number^b: %CbNum% {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, ^bWork Done^b: {Enter}%WkDn% {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, ^bSigned^b: ^uJoshua Thurman - %SgnSt% ^u
Gui, Main:Show
ClosingNote: ;sends JUST the first portion of the template with included variable
Gui, Main:Submit
Send, ^bUser^b: %User% {Enter}
Send, ^bSummary of Issue^b: %TSum% {Enter}
Send, ^bSummary of Resolution^b: {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, Thanks for working with us on this issue. If it persists please feel free to reply to this email directly with any further information about the issue or it's continuance.{Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, Thanks,{Enter}
Send, ^uJosh Thurman - Closing as "Issue Resolved"^u
Gui, Main:Show
Gui, Main:Submit
send, Good Day %User%,{Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, %Email% {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, Thanks, {Enter}
Send, Joshua Thurman
Gui, Main:Show
Gui, Main:Submit
Send, ^bUser^b: %User% {Enter}
Send, ^bTicket Number^b: %TNum% {Enter}
Send, ^bClient Institution^b: %Inst% {Enter}
Send, ^bDescription of Issue^b: %WkDn% {Enter}
Send, ^bTroubleshooting Summary^b: %TSum%
Gui, Main:Show
for each, control in ["User","Inst","StWk","TSum","CbNum", "TNum"]
GuiControl,, %control%
for control,value in {WkDn: "Work Done:", SgnSt: "Signed Status:", EMail: "Email Body:"}
GuiControl, Text, %control%, %value%
FileSelectFile, imFile, 3, % A_ScriptDir , Select file to import
if !imFile
MsgBox, No file selected!
FileReadLine, data, %imFile%, 1
data := StrSplit(data, "`t")
for each,control in ["User","Inst","StWk","TSum","CbNum","TNum","WkDn","SgnSt","EMail"]
GuiControl, Text, %control%, % data[a_index]
Gui Main:Submit, NoHide
FileSelectFile, exFile, S8, % A_ScriptDir "\" (exFile := User "-" A_Mon "-" A_WDay ".txt"), Select file to export to
if !exFile
MsgBox, No file selected!
If (FileExist(exFile))
FileDelete, %exFile%
data = %User% %Inst% %StWk% %TSum% %CbNum% %TNum% %WkDn% %SgnSt% %EMail%
FileAppend, %data%, %exFile%
Gosub, Clear
; FileNew:
; GuiControl,, User
; GuiControl,, Inst
; GuiControl,, StWk
; GuiControl,, TSum
; GuiControl,, CbNum
; GuiControl, Text, WkDn, Work Done:
; GuiControl, Text, SgnSt, Signed Status:
; GuiControl,, TNum
; GuiControl, Text, EMail, Email Body:
; return
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