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; Want a clear path for learning AutoHotkey; Take a look at our AutoHotkey Udemy courses. They're structured in a way to make learning AHK EASY
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* Line based Parser for AHK Code by just me & toralf
* some concepts taken from CoCo's ListClasses scipt (
* April 2015 Version 1.2 * URL:
* Intention:
* Create a generic function to parse AHK code
* that can be used flexible in cases the code structure is needed
* Planned Steps:
* 1) Create a function that mimiks PSPads code explorer (ftAHK)
* Aim: Improve the ftAHK for PSPad
* 2) Generalize the return value of the function
* Aim: return an Object with the structure information,
* so the function can be used in general cases
* 3) Extend the recognition of the command structure to identify all blocks correctly
* Aim: be able to use the function for Auto-Syntax-Tidy
* It doesn't write anything to disk nor does it change your script(s).
* It only read files.
* Please try it on your scripts and report any issues, requests, improvements.
* Preferably with sample code that shows the topic.
* Usage:
* a) Run this script
* It will show the 'main structure' features of this script:
* Functions, Classes, Nested Classes, Methods, Meta-Functions, Class Properties, Lables, DLLCalls, Hotkeys, HotStrings
* in a TreeView
* b) Drag and drop any other AHK file onto the GUI
* The 'main structure' of the first dropped AHK script will be shown
* c) Repeat b
* d) Close GUI or press Esc to exit
* History:
* 1.0: Initial release 4/22/2015
* 1.1: Bug fixes & update 4/23/2015
* Fixed: initialize ContinuationBufferLine (thanks guest)
* Added: detection of `s after Join in continuation block method 2
* Fixed: Lables inside of function body are now shown underneath the function in code explorer
* Fixed: corrected counting of blocks for functions for braces at end of the line
* Improved: some RegEx to detect structures
* Fixed: recognition of class properties
* Changed: simplified OTB search within functions bodies
* 1.2: Bug fixes & update 4/27/2015
* Improved: some RegEx to detect structures
* Improved: limited OTB detection to OTB commands
* Improved: Flow of checks
* Improved: Variable Names
* Added: Count items under each Master tree node (for Joetazz)
SetBatchLines, -1
GoSub BuildGui
Hotkey, Backspace, test
;>>> Test Area for code outside of functions or labels -----------------------------------------------------------------
MsgBox, 4, Test, ; Comment.
; Comment.
( Join(:)) LTrim ;Comment. ;currently doesn't work with 'Join:' (is reported as bug now)
; This is not a comment; it is literal. Include the word Comments in the line above to make it a comment.
This is not a function definition because it is in a continuation section
), 1 ; Comment.
;>>> Parse AHK Function ================================================================================================
ParseAHK(Lines, Tree, DocComment := "") {
; internal vars
local InCommentSection := False ; true if within a comment section '/* ... */'
, ContinuationBuffer := "" ; buffer to collect continuation lines
, ContinuationBufferLineNum := 0 ; buffer for first line number of continuation lines
, InContinuationBlock2 := False ; true if within a continuation block of method 2 '( ... )'
, AllowComments := 0 ; true if comments are allowed within a continuation block of method 2
, Match3 := Match4 := Match7 := "" ; variable names for subpatterns of options for continuation block of method 2
, ClassLevel := 0 ; current class level, 0 if none
, tnClasses := [] ; array of tree nodes of classes, index is class Level
, BlockLevel := [] ; number of open blocks '{ ... }' per class level, index is class Level
, tnCurrentFuncDef := 0 ; tree node of function while in definition, 0 if not
, FuncBlockLevel := 0 ; number of open blocks '{ ... }' in the current function definition
;dummy values for ftAHK
, IM_FldClose := "image of a closed folder"
, IM_File := "image of a file"
, IM_Obj := "image of a box"
, IM_Point := "image of a grey dot"
, IM_Funct := "image of an pink arrow"
, IM_Proc := "image of an green arrow"
, IM_Prop := "image of an green arrow"
;create master nodes in TreeView od code explorer
, tnClass := AddBaseNode(Tree, "Classes" , IM_FldClose)
, tnFunc := AddBaseNode(Tree, "Functions" , IM_FldClose)
, tnLab := AddBaseNode(Tree, "Labels" , IM_FldClose)
, tnDLL := AddBaseNode(Tree, "DLL calls" , IM_FldClose)
, tnNote := AddBaseNode(Tree, "Notes" , IM_FldClose)
, tnHotkey := AddBaseNode(Tree, "HotKeys" , IM_FldClose)
, tnHotString := AddBaseNode(Tree, "HotStrings", IM_FldClose)
;>>> define RegEx Needles
, DocCommRE :="
( Join LTrim Comment ; DocComment allows comments to show up in Code Explorer as Notes
iS)(*UCP) ;case insensitive (for the DocComment string), Study and Unicode (for \s and DocComment)
(^|.*\s); ;a ';' either at start of line or with some code and a whitespace infront, thus it is an AHK comment
\s* ;optional whitespace
\Q" DocComment "\E ;the literal DocComment string
\s* ;optional whitespace
(.*) ;$2 the documentation string
, HotStringRE :="
( Comment Join LTrim
S) ;Study
^: ;a ':' at start of line
.*? ;options (ungreedy)
: ;a ':'
(.+) ;$1 the hotstring
:: ;two ':'s
.* ;rest of line
$ ;end of line
, HotKeyRE :="
( LTrim Join Comment
S) ;Study
^ ;at start of line
(.+) ;$1 the hotkey at least one character (but including whitespace)
:: ;two ':'s
.* ;rest of line
$ ;end of line
, HotKeyCommandRE :="
( LTrim Join Comment
iS)(*UCP) ;case insensitive (for the Hotkey texts), Study and Unicode (for \s)
^Hotkey ;the text 'Hotkey' at start of line
(\s*,\s*|\s+) ;a comma or space
(?!If) ;not the text 'If'
(.+?) ;$2 the hotkey
\s* ;spaces
, ;a comma
.* ;rest of line
$ ;end of line
, ContinuationBlock2RE :="
( Comment LTrim Join ; for Continuation Block Method 2
iS)(*UCP) ;case insensitive (for the option texts), Study and Unicode (for \s and JoinString)
^\( ;a '(' at start of line
\s* ;optional white space(s)
(Join) ;the option Join (Match3)
(\S{0,15}) ;and an optional joinstring (up to 15 characters long) (Match4)
|(LTrim) ;or the option LTrim (Match5)
|(L|R)Trim0 ;or the option LTrim0 and RTrim0
|(C\S*) ;or the option Comments (a string that starts with a 'C') (Match7)
|(Q\S*) ;or the option Quotes (for AHK v2; a string that starts with a 'Q')
|(`%) ;or the option %
|(,) ;or the option ,
|(``)) ;or the option `
`)* ;the above items are optional and can exits multiple times
(?! ;and the following itmes are not to exist to the right
.*? ;any optional text (ungreedy)
\) ;and a ')'
|:$)) ;or a ':' at the end of line
, LabelRE :="
( Join LTrim Comment
S)(*UCP) ;Study and Unicode (for \s)
^([^\s,`:]+) ;$1 some characters at the start of the line (but no whitespace, comma, backtick or colon)
:$ ;a ':' at the end of line
, ContinuationOperatorsRE :="
(LTrim Join Comment
iS)(*UCP) ;case insensitive (for 'and' and 'or'), Study and Unicode (for \w)
^( ;at the start of line
(and|or)[^\w#@$]| ;either "And" or "Or" followed by non word character
&|,|-(?!-)|!|~|/|<|>|=|:| ;or operators that do not need to be escaped, but no --
\\|\.|\*|\?|\+(?!\+)|\||\^) ;or these operators (that must be preceded by a backslash to be seen as literal), but no ++
, DllCallRE :="
( Join LTrim Comment
i) ;case insensitive (for 'DllCall')
.* ;some code
( ;$1
DllCall ;the text 'DllCall'
\( ;a '('
.* ;some code ; if i would make this ungreedy the first ) would be taken, not necessary the right one.
\)) ;closing bracket ;>>> to fix: takes the last ) in the line, not necessary the right one.
, ClassRE :="
( Join LTrim Comment
iS)(*UCP) ;case insensitive (for \s, \w and 'Class'), Study and Unicode (for \s and \w)
^Class ;the text 'Class' at the start of line
\s+ ;at least one whitespace
([\w#$@]+) ;$1 one ore more chracters (A-Za-z0-9_) or #, $, @ (all allowed characters in variable names)
.* ;rest of the line
, FunctionRE :="
( Join LTrim Comment ;$1 the whole line will be a match
S)(*UCP) ;Study and Unicode (for \w)
^ ;at the start of line
[\w$#@]+ ;one ore more chracters (A-Za-z0-9_) or #, $, @ (all allowed characters in variable names)
\( ;a '('
, PropertyRE :="
( Join LTrim Comment ;$1 the whole line will be a match
S)(*UCP) ;Study and Unicode (for \w)
^ ;at the start of line
[\w$#@]+ ;one ore more chracters (A-Za-z0-9_) or #, $, @ (all allowed characters in variable names)
, OTBCommandsRE :="
( Join LTrim Comment
iS)(*UCP)^( ;case insensitive and at start of line
If((Not)?Exist|MsgBox)?| ; either If|If[Not]Exit|IfMsgBox
If((Not)?(Equal|InString)|(Greater|Less)(OrEqual)?)| ; or If[not]Equal|If[not]Equal|If[Greater|Less][OrEqual]
IfWin(Not)?(Active|Exist)| ; or IfWin[Not][Active|Exist]
Else|Try|Catch|Finally| ; or
Loop|While|For) ; or
[,\s(] ; followed by an ',' space or '('
;local variable without initialization
, TotalNumberOfLine, PhysicalLineNum, Line, TempLine, TempLineNum, FuncName, IM, Count
;>>> Begin to parse script line by line
TotalNumberOfLine := Lines.MaxIndex()
For PhysicalLineNum, Line In Lines {
Line := Trim(Line) ;remove leading/trailing whitespaces
If (DocComment <> "") ;extract DocComment regardless of where it is (even inside a comment or comment section)
ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnNote, IM_File, Line, DocCommRE, "$2", PhysicalLineNum)
;>>> Remove all comments and skip empty lines ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;Skip comment section
;the /* and */ symbols comment out an entire section, but only if the symbols appear at the beginning of a line
;code after the */ is not part of the comment section
If (InCommentSection) {
If (SubStr(Line, 1, 2) = "*/"){
InCommentSection := False
Line := Trim(SubStr(Line, 3)) ;remove the /* from the beginning of the line and continue checking
Continue ;discard this line, it is in a Comment Section
}Else If (SubStr(Line, 1, 2) = "/*") {
InCommentSection := True
;when InContinuationBlock2 empty lines matter and maybe even comments
;hence, this has to be done before comments are stipped off and empty lines are skipped
If (InContinuationBlock2) {
If (SubStr(Line, 1, 1) = ")"){ ;it's the end of the continuation section
InContinuationBlock2 := False
AllowComments := False
Line := SubStr(Line, 2) ;remove ) from line
If !AllowComments ;check if comments are allowed literaly
Line := RemoveComments(Line)
;when still in continuation section concatenate the line with the JoinString,
;otherwise the code after the ) will be concatenated without any string
ContinuationBuffer .= (InContinuationBlock2 ? JoinString : "") . Line
Continue ;go to next line
;Remove any comment and skip empty lines (If not the last line)
If ((!Line := RemoveComments(Line)) AND PhysicalLineNum <> TotalNumberOfLine)
;>>> HotStrings & HotKeys ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;HotStrings & HotKeys are not allowed inside of functions or classes or on the same line as the } of a {} block
;but AHK takes care of it, so I will not worry and assume that the code provided is valid AHK code.
;potential HotKeys and HotStrings contain a double colon
If (InStr(RemoveQuotedStrings(Line), "::")){
If ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnHotString, IM_Point, Line, HotStringRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)
Continue ;>>> to fix: escaped characters are not escaped in code explorer
If ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnHotKey, IM_Point, Line, HotKeyRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)
Continue ;>>> to fix: DLLCalls on same line will not be shown, but it should be rare
;>>> Collect continuation lines ==================================================================================
;>>> Check for Labels And/Or Start collecting continuation lines
;Label names are not case sensitive, and may consist of any characters other than space, tab, comma and the escape character (`).
;they are allowed inside of functions definitions, thus they are detected here but will be used later (detected again)
If (RegExMatch(Line, LabelRE) or ContinuationBuffer = "") {
;this is not a continuation line. It is a label or the first line to be put into the buffer.
;Labels checked here to avoid false positives in checks below
;Since labels are allowed within a function body, they might be preceded with a brace, e.g.
;e.g. when a label is the first line after a multiline function definition without OTB
; FuncDef()
; { Label: ;this label would not be catched correctly here
; }
;or when it is following immediatly a {} block (within in a function body or outside)
; If( )
; {
; } Label: ;this label would not be catched correctly here
;thus do nothing just now, it will be catched later
;within functions first the {} blocks have to be analysed and the barces trimmed off,
;then the line has to be scanned again, but re-scanning can not start before the swap of lines
; (due to check for continuation) since this might screw up the order of lines
;thus, everything that is relevant within the function body has to be processed after the swap of lines
;in case there is no line in buffer, get next one
;this could happen when a label was detected very early, e.g. on the very first line in file.
If (ContinuationBuffer = ""){
ContinuationBuffer := Line
ContinuationBufferLineNum := PhysicalLineNum
If (PhysicalLineNum <> TotalNumberOfLine)
Continue ;go to next line, but not in case of last line
;>>> Collect continuation section Method 2
;used to merge a large number of lines; can also be used with any command or expression (assignment)
;in most cases there shouldn't be any valuable info for the code explorer on any of these lines (including any code on last line after ")")
}Else If (RegExMatch(Line, ContinuationBlock2RE, Match)) { ;it's the start of the continuation section when it starts with (
InContinuationBlock2 := True ;but doesn't have a ), execption is after Join; it could be an expressions like (x.y)[z]()
;and doesn't have a : at it's start or end, execption is after Join; it could be a label, hotkey or hoststring
JoinString := Match3 ? "``n" : "" ;JoinString is by default `n, when Join is present it is 'no space'
JoinString := Match4 ? Match4 : JoinString ;when a string is given right after Join, it is used instead
AllowComments := Match7 ? True : False
Continue ;go to next line ;other parameters are ignored, because they do not matter for code explorer, e.g. LTRIM or `s
;>>> Collect continuation lines Method 1
;A line that starts with the following operators is automatically merged with the line directly above it
;operators: "and", "or", ||, &&, a comma or a period and all other expression operators except ++ and --
;AHK ignores also ::, but since hotstrings are caught above I see no need in this script
}Else If (RegExMatch(Line, ContinuationOperatorsRE)){
ContinuationBuffer .= " " Line ;merge lines with a space
If (PhysicalLineNum <> TotalNumberOfLine)
Continue ;go to next line, but not in case of last line
;>>> Swap buffer with current line
TempLine := ContinuationBuffer
ContinuationBuffer := Line ;the current line is now buffered to be checked later
Line := TempLine ;Line is now the previously buffered line
TempLineNum := ContinuationBufferLineNum
ContinuationBufferLineNum := PhysicalLineNum
PhysicalLineNum := TempLineNum
;>>> DllCalls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;>>> who has a need for showing DllCall in code explorer?
If InStr(Line, "DLLCall")
ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnDll, IM_Proc, Line, DllCallRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)
;>>> Open block counter for classes and functions ------------------------------------------------------------------
;Process braces at the start of a line
;the concept with InStr() was taken from CoCo's ListClasses scipt (line 52;
While (i := InStr("}}{", SubStr(Line, 1, 1)) ) {
If (ClassLevel > 0 AND !tnCurrentFuncDef ){ ;we are in a class definition
BlockLevel[ClassLevel] += i - 2
If (BlockLevel[ClassLevel] < 1)
}Else If (tnCurrentFuncDef){ ;we are in a function definition
FuncBlockLevel += i - 2
If (FuncBlockLevel < 1){
FuncBlockLevel = 0
tnCurrentFuncDef = 0
}Else ;neither in a class nor function definition
Break ;don't trim line and break loop
If !(Line := LTrim(SubStr(Line, 2), " `t"))
Continue, 2 ;when no more braces and line is empty go to next line
;>>> Class definitions ===========================================================================================
;a Class definition starts with the keyword "class"
;Class definitions can contain variable declarations, method and property definitions, Meta-Functions and nested class definitions
;they are not alowed inside a function definition
tn := ClassLevel > 0 ? tnClasses[ClassLevel] : tnClass
If (tn := ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tn, IM_Obj, Line, ClassRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)) {
tnClasses[ClassLevel] := tn
BlockLevel[ClassLevel] := 0
If RegExMatch(Line, "\{$") ;check OTB
;>>> Functions / methods / meta functions / class properties =====================================================
;function/method/metaFunction definitions are only allowed outside of function/method definitions (outside or inside of class) and on base level of a class
; func() ;case 1
; {
; }
; func(){ ;case 2
; }
; class classname
; {
; MethodOrMetaFunction() ;case 3
; {
; }
; MethodOrMetaFunction(){ ;case 4
; }
; }
If (!tnCurrentFuncDef AND (ClassLevel = 0 Or BlockLevel[ClassLevel] = 1)){
; we are not in another function definition and (outside of a class or at the base level of a class)
;>>> Check for a new function/method/metaFunction definition
If (RegExMatch(Line, FunctionRE, FuncName)) { ;potential function definition or call without return value, let's check the end of line or next not empty linep
If ( (SubStr(Line, 0) = ")" AND SubStr(ContinuationBuffer, 1, 1) = "{") ;case 1 & 3: function definition with { on next line
OR (SubStr(Line, 0) = "{" )) ;case 2 & 4: function definition with OTB
tnCurrentFuncDef := 1 ;set that something was found, (the var for the hwnd os misused as a flag)
;class property definitions are only allowed on base level of a class
;they can only have Get and Set functions, but since these would be function definitions within function definition, these will be skipped
; class classname
; {
; prop ;case 1
; {
; get {
; return ...
; }
; set {
; return ... := value
; }
; }
; prop{ ;case 2
; }
; prop[] ;case 3
; {
; }
; prop[]{ ;case 4
; }
; }
;"ClassLevel > 0" is redundant because BlockLevel[0] would not be 1, but for clearity I leave it in
Else If (ClassLevel > 0 AND BlockLevel[ClassLevel] = 1){
;we are not in another function definition and in a class and at the base level of a class
;>>> Check for a new class property definition
If (RegExMatch(Line, PropertyRE, FuncName)) { ;potential a property definition, let's check the end of line or next not empty linep
If (SubStr(FuncName, 0) = "["
AND ((SubStr(Line, 0) = "]" AND SubStr(ContinuationBuffer, 1, 1) = "{") OR SubStr(Line, 0) = "{") ;case 3 & 4
Or SubStr(Line, 0) = "{" ) ;case 1 & 2
tnCurrentFuncDef := 1 ;set that something was found, (the var for the hwnd os misused as a flag)
;>>> Previous checks found a function, method, meta function or class property
If (tnCurrentFuncDef){
If (SubStr(Line, 0) = "{"){ ;check again for OTB
Line := RTrim(Line , " {")
tn := ClassLevel > 0 ? tnClasses[ClassLevel] : tnFunc ;distinguish Functions from methods/meta functions/ClassProperties
IM := InStr(FuncName, "(") ? IM_Funct : IM_Prop ;distinguish ClassProperties from methods/meta functions
tnCurrentFuncDef := ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tn, IM, Line, "(.*)", "$1", PhysicalLineNum)
;>>> Search for braces at the end of a line (OTB)
; for classes no check at end of the line is done, because only definitions are allowed inside a class definition,
; no flow commands that would allow OTB
If (tnCurrentFuncDef AND SubStr(Line, 0) = "{"){
;we are in a function definition and at end of line is a { with some text before it
;class, functions/methods and parameters have been checked for OTB previously
;need to check if the line is a command that supports OTB
;this avoids false positives like "Msgbox, {" or "StringReplace, Out, In, Search, {"
;it is still not 100% robust but close, e.g. "IfEqual, var, {" would still be a false positive.
If (RegExMatch(Line, OTBCommandsRE)){
;>>> Labels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;Label names are not case sensitive, and may consist of any characters other than space, tab, comma and the escape character (`).
;they are allowed inside of functions definitions, in this case they are 'belonging' to the function definitions
;since all the block braces are trimmed off, the remaining of the line is the label
tn := tnCurrentFuncDef ? tnCurrentFuncDef : tnLab
If ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tn, IM_Point, Line, LabelRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)
;>>> Hotkey Command
If ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnHotKey, IM_Point, Line, HotKeyCommandRE, "$2", PhysicalLineNum)
If (PhysicalLineNum = TotalNumberOfLine - 1 )
GoTo ProcessLastLine
;every line that makes it through to this point is a 'normal' command
;in the case of the code explorer nothig needs to be done
;remove all empty master nodes
SortOrDeleteNode(tnClass, True)
SortOrDeleteNode(tnFunc, True)
SortOrDeleteNode(tnLab, True)
SortOrDeleteNode(tnDll, True)
SortOrDeleteNode(tnNote, True)
SortOrDeleteNode(tnHotKey, True)
SortOrDeleteNode(tnHotString, True)
;Count items under each Master tree node
tn := 0
While (tn := TV_GetNext(tn)){
tnChild := TV_GetChild(tn)
Count := 1
While (tnChild := TV_GetNext(tnChild))
TV_GetText(Title, tn)
TV_Modify(tn, "", Title " (count " Count ")")
;expand all nodes except for DLLCall, Hotkey and HotString
tn := 0
While (tn := TV_GetNext(tn, "Full"))
If (tn <> tnDll And tn <> tnHotKey and tn <> tnHotString)
TV_Modify(tn, "Expand")
;>>> PSPad functions to populate its code explorer ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;the following three functions try to mimik PSPad functions, but the real code or function is unknown
AddBaseNode(Tree, Caption, Image) {
Return TV_Add(Caption, 0, "Sort")
}ParseAndAddNode(Tree, ParentID, Image, Line, Needle, Replacement, LineNumber) {
If RegExMatch(Line, Needle)
Return TV_Add(RegExReplace(Line, Needle, Replacement, , 1) " (Line " LineNumber ")", ParentID)
Return 0
}SortOrDeleteNode(TreeNode, Delete) {
If !TV_GetChild(TreeNode) && (Delete)
;>>> Internal Helper Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If !(Pos := InStr(Trim(Line), ";"))
Return Line ; no quote character in this line
If (Pos = 1)
Return ; whole line is pure comment
;remove comments (first clean line of quotes strings)
If (Pos := RegExMatch(RemoveQuotedStrings(Line), "\s+;.*$"))
Line := SubStr(Line, 1, Pos - 1)
Return Line
;the concept how to remove quoted strings was taken from CoCo's ListClasses scipt (line 77;
;replace quoted strings with dots and dashes to keep length of line constant, and that other character positions do not change
static q := Chr(34) ; quote character
;Replace quoted literal strings 1) replace two consecutive quotes with dots
CleanLine := StrReplace(Line, q . q, "..")
Pos := 1 ; 2) replace ungreedy strings in quotes with dashes
Needle := q . ".*?" . q
While Pos := RegExMatch(CleanLine, Needle, QuotedString, Pos){
ReplaceString =
Loop, % StrLen(QuotedString)
ReplaceString .= "-"
CleanLine := RegExReplace(CleanLine, Needle, ReplaceString, Count, 1, Pos)
Return CleanLine
_D(Title := "Debug", Vars*){ ;small helper to Debug
local Var,Value,Text := ""
For Var,Value in Vars ;call it like this
Text .= Var ": " Value "`n" ;>>> _D("end of line", {i:i, Line:Line, FuncBlockLevel:FuncBlockLevel}*)
MsgBox, 0, %Title%, %Text%
;>>> Gui ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gui, Add, TreeView, w400 r50 hwndHTV
Gui, Show, , ParseAHK - Code Explorer - Drop your AHK files here
GuiDropFiles: ;only take first file
Loop, parse, A_GuiEvent, `n
{ FillTreeView(A_LoopField)
global HTV
GuiControl, -Redraw, %HTV%
FileRead, Script, %File%
Lines := StrSplit(Script, "`n", "`r")
ParseAHK(Lines, HTV, DocComment := ">>>")
GuiControl, +Redraw, %HTV%
TV_Modify(TV_GetNext(), "VisFirst")
;>>> Test Section for different Syntax =================================================================================
*/ FuncDefOnLastLineOfBlockComment(){
; // Find the hotstring's final double-colon by considering escape sequences from left to right.
; // This is necessary for to handles cases such as the following:
; // ::abc```::::Replacement String
; // The above hotstring translates literally into "abc`::".
::abc```::::Replacement String
::afk::away from keyboard
::btw::by the way
(: ;>>> if this label is after the '(' hotkey, AHK throws error ==> Duplicate label.
MsgBox, This is a label %A_ThisLabel%
F1:: MsgBox, "Help me"
MsgBox, This is a Hotkey %A_ThisHotkey%
GoSub, (
If (alt = 1) {
GoSub, LabelAroundFuncDef
;hotstring & DLLCall
MsgBox, This is a HotString %A_ThisLabel% or %A_ThisHotkey%
Result := Trim(DllCall("DllFile\Function"
, Type1, Arg1
+ text, Type2
:= (x = 1 )
? "test"
: "case" , Arg2, "Cdecl ReturnType")
. "TrimExtension not DllCall")
;function with labels
;Q: should the function def be nested underneath the label? similar to lables within function bodies
; a non empty line (D := 2) is required between label and function def, otherwise error ==> A label must not point to a function.
; because of that and the items below I do not think it should be nested
; a) it is too rare and doesn't have any benefit (I see).
; b) labels within functions are privat but func defs inside labels are public
; c) goto/gosub label will not trigger the function unless the function is also called
D := 2
MyFuncA() {
MyFuncB(A, B)
MsgBox, %A% - %B%
;function with multiline and label
MyFuncB(ByRef A
, ByRef B)
;Test for comment between func def and {
{ LabelWithoutBrace:
A := B := 10
HotKey !c,MySub
Class MyClass
InstanceVar := 5 + 1
static ClassVar := 10 + 2
Class SubClass {
SubClassMethod() {
MyClassMethod1() {
Prop {
MyCLassMethod2() {
}MyCLassMethod3() { ;>>> currently not allowed if previous block is a property
MyCLassMethod6() {
}Class SubClass2 { ;>>> currently not allowed if previous block is a property
SubClassMethod2() {
MyClassMethod4() {
}Class MyClass2
{ Prop2 [ a][ b ] [ c ]{
} }
;class extended with OTB
class ExtendClass Extends MyClass {
, B)
;function after class with multiline and OTB
MyMultilineFunc(ByRef A
, ByRef B){
A := B := 10
;unicode function name
if yy
{ testinnerbrace: ;>>> do not show currently, because {} are only processed currently inside class and function definitions
} testafterbrace: ;>>> do not show currently, because {} are only processed currently inside class and function definitions
} testAfter: ;>>> this shows up, because the } gets removed (it belongs to the function)
MsgBox, {
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