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Last active April 26, 2021 15:53
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Peak inside large files and see headers plus # of rows
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SetBatchLines,-1 ;Set run w/o any sleeping between things
#MaxMem,4095 ;Increase the variable allowance to max just in case a massive file
;***********Get row count of file and display headers*******************
Path:= Explorer_GetSelected() ;Explorer Function that gets paths of selected files
SplitPath,Path,File_Name ;grab the file name w/o the path
Loop, read, % Path
last_line++ ;increment lines
rows:=RegExReplace(last_line,"(?:^[^1-9.]*[1-9]\d{0,2}|(?<=.)\G\d{3})(?=(?:\d{3})+(?:\D|$))", "$0,") ;Add commas to the number
MsgBox,4,, % rows " lines found in: " File_Name "`n`nDisplay headers?" ;Display rows and ask if want to see headers
IfMsgBox Yes
FileReadLine,Header, % Path, 1 ;read first row
Comma:={"name":"Comma","char":",","Count":StrSplit(Header,",").count() -1} ;Create Comma object
Pipe:={"name":"Pipe", "char":"|","Count":StrSplit(Header,"|").count() -1} ;Create Pipe Object
Tab:={"name":"Tab", "char":"`t","Count":StrSplit(Header,"`t").count() -1} ;Create Tab object
Delim:={"name":"Tab",Count:"0","Char":"`t"} ;Set tab to the default
obj:={"Comma":Comma,"Tab":Tab,"Pipe":Pipe,"Delim":Delim} ;Shove it all into one object
;********************Now iterate over each count. Whichever one has the most, use that one as the Delim***********
for, k, v in Obj{
if(v.count>obj.Delim.Count) {
Transposed:=StrReplace(Header,obj.Delim.Char,"`n"obj.Delim.char) ;Transpose header
MsgBox,,% "The delimmiters are probably a " obj.Delim.Name " " Obj.Delim.Char ,% Transposed ;Display it all
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