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Last active November 14, 2019 21:19
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Improve Carthage performance with Per-target manifest caching and optional Fastlane usage
set -e
# : smarter carthage updating and caching by Joe Mattiello
# Inspired from
# The purpose of this script is to reduce the amount of checkouts Carthage runs.
# I use this script in an XCode 'run script' build phase as the first phase before compiling
# If you have mutliple targets, projects, frameworks etc, you can include this script in each and it will selec
# the correct Carthage folder for each target.
# There's also an optional fastlane integration if it's installed.
# For my project we make fastlane optional, this script will choose which ever is availabe.
# An example Fastfile will be included with this gist.
# Usage:
# $ ./ platform
# * platform: Cant be a single platform, 'tvOS', or command seperated multiples, 'tvOS,iOS'
# If not online, we just quit successfully.
# If the user hasn't bootstap'd carthage locally they will most likely get a build error next.
if nc -zw1 443 > /dev/null; then
echo "Online"
echo "Not Online"
exit 0;
# Check for xcodebuild. Alert user if missing
if which xcodebuild > /dev/null; then
echo "Has XCode command line tools"
echo "error: Missing XCode command line tools. Intall with 'xcode-select --install' from terminal then restart XCode."
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to display dialog "Error. Missing XCode command line tools. Intall with xcode-select --install from terminal then restart XCode." buttons {"OK"} with icon caution with title "Missing XCode command line tools"'
exit 1
function runCarthageAndCopyResolved {
echo "Running Carthage.."
if which fastlane > /dev/null; then
echo "Setting up Carthage for platform $1 using fastlane"
bundle exec fastlane carthage_bootstrap platform:"$1"
/usr/local/bin/carthage outdated --xcode-warnings
elif which carthage > /dev/null; then
echo "Setting up Carthage for platform $1"
/usr/local/bin/carthage bootstrap --no-use-binaries --cache-builds --platform $1 --project-directory "$SRCROOT"
/usr/local/bin/carthage outdated --xcode-warnings
# Example how to enable different command for different build styles.
# ie; carthage build, will force a rebuild. Might be preferred for safety for ad-hoc and app store builds
# if [ "${BUILD_STYLE}" == "Ad Hoc Distribution" ] || [ "${BUILD_STYLE}" == "App Store" ];
# then
# /usr/local/bin/carthage build --verbose --no-use-binaries --cache-builds --platform $1 --project-directory "$SRCROOT"
# fi
echo "error: Carthage is not installed, download from"
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to display dialog "Error. Carthage is not installed, download from \n" buttons {"OK"} with icon caution with title "Missing Carthage"'
exit 1
# Copies the Cartfile.resolved file to /Carthage directory
local sourceCartfile="$SRCROOT/Cartfile.resolved"
local destCartfile="$SRCROOT/Carthage/.Cartfile.$1.resolved"
cp "$sourceCartfile" "$destCartfile"
echo "Copied $sourceCartfile to $destCartfile"
echo "This will be used to check Carthage dependency updates in the future."
# Carthage is required, check if installed and alert user how to install
command -v carthage >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
echo "error: Carthage is not installed, download from"
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to display dialog "Error. Carthage is not installed, download from \n" buttons {"OK"} with icon caution with title "Missing Carthage"'
exit 1;
# Function to iterate comma seperated list of targets and
# check that a Carthage/Build/${Platform} exists.
function carthageBuildPathNotExist {
echo "carthageBuildPathNotExist $1"
for i in $(echo $1 | tr "," "\n")
local path="$SRCROOT/Carthage/Build/$i"
echo "Testing for $path"
if [ ! -d $path ]; then
echo "Fail: No path found for $i"
return 0
echo "Success: Path found for $i"
echo "Success: Build paths exist for all targets $1"
return 1
# Function to iterate comma seperated list of targets and
# check that a Carthage/.Cartfile.${Platform}.resolved exists.
# and matches the current Carthage.resolved file
function carthageManifestUpToDate {
echo "carthageManifestUpToDate $1"
for i in $(echo $1 | tr "," "\n")
local path="$SRCROOT/Carthage/.Cartfile.$1.resolved"
echo "Testing for $path"
if [ -f $path ] && \
diff $path \
$SRCROOT/Cartfile.resolved >/dev/null ; then
echo "$file matches $SRCROOT/Cartfile.resolved."
echo "Fail: manifest mismatch found for $path AND $SRCROOT/Cartfile.resolved"
return 1
echo "Success: Manifests match for all targets $1"
return 0
# The main execution starts here
if carthageBuildPathNotExist $1; then
echo "Carthage build required for $1"
runCarthageAndCopyResolved $1
elif carthageManifestUpToDate $1; then
echo "Cartfile.resolved has not changed. Will move on to building project."
echo "Cartfile.resolved not up to date or not found."
runCarthageAndCopyResolved $1
# Example Fastfile that works with
# Default platforms are set to tvOS,iOS. Valid values are:
# iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS
platform :ios do
desc "Lane to run bootstrap carthage in new checkout"
desc "Option: `platform` tvOS,iOS"
lane :carthage_bootstrap do |options|
platform = options.fetch(:platform, 'tvOS,iOS')
command: "bootstrap",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "PVSupport"
command: "bootstrap",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "PVLibrary"
command: "bootstrap",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "./"
desc "Lane to run build all carthage dependencies"
desc "Option: `platform` tvOS,iOS"
lane :carthage_build do |options|
platform = options.fetch(:platform, 'tvOS,iOS')
command: "build",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "PVSupport"
command: "build",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "PVLibrary"
command: "build",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "./"
desc "Lane to update all carthage dependencies to latest versions"
desc "Option: `platform` tvOS,iOS"
lane :carthage_update do |options|
platform = options.fetch(:platform, 'tvOS,iOS')
command: "update",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "PVSupport"
command: "update",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "PVLibrary"
command: "update",
platform: platform,
project_directory: "./"
private_lane :carthage_private do |options|
command = options.fetch(:command, 'bootstrap')
platform = options.fetch(:platform, 'tvOS,iOS')
project_directory = options.fetch(:project_directory, './')
puts "Running Carthage command '#{command}' for platform(s) '#{platform}' in directory '#{project_directory}'"
command: command,
platform: platform,
use_binaries: false,
cache_builds: true,
project_directory: project_directory
# Example gitignore rules that work well with these scripts
# Don't upload built frameworks
# !Recomended otherwise your gitrepo will blow up with binaries
# Ignore the cached local user resolutions !Required
# Ignore checked out dependency sources
# !Not recmended - If the repo disapears it's nice to have dependencies store locally
# Use --use-submodule instead with carthage if you don't want source files uploaded to your repo
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