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Created June 16, 2021 19:40
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<header><h2>Greetings From Around the World</h2></header>
<main id="container"></main>
<script src="main.js"></script>
Fundamental review of array methods in JS
// Attach your JS to some element in the DOM where we can dynamically add and/or remove HTML
const greetingListContainer = document.querySelector("#container")
// Array of strings`
const greetings = ["Hello", "Bonjour", "Hola", "Shikamoo"]
// Make a new array of the greetings with added content to each string
const worldGreetings = []
// Your basic loop
// 1) create a variable to describe each SINGLE thing in the array ( const word or const greeting )
// 2) reference the array that those things are in ( greetings )
for( const greeting of greetings ) {
// How many times will the next two lines of code run?
const newGreeting = `${greeting}, world!`
console.log('Our worldGreetings array:', worldGreetings );
// Same result as above, but using .map
const worldGreetings2 =
// how many times will this function be called by .map?
(greeting) => {
return `${greeting}, world!`
console.log('Our worldGreetings array using .map:', worldGreetings2 );
// DOM manipulation example with for...of
// let HTMLStringToPutInTheDOM = `<ul>`
// // Your basic loop used to build HTML to put into the DOM
// // 1) create a variable to describe each SINGLE thing in the array ( const word or const greeting )
// // 2) reference the array that those things are in ( greetings )
// for (const greeting of greetings) {
// // 3) describe the action to take n times (once for each item in the array)
// HTMLStringToPutInTheDOM += `<li>${greeting}, world!</li>`
// }
// HTMLStringToPutInTheDOM += `</ul>`
// greetingListContainer.innerHTML = HTMLStringToPutInTheDOM
// The same result as the DOM manipulation example above, but using map
// **First Show just putting the whole array into the DOM. Doesn't break!**
let HTMLStringToPutInTheDOM = `
// The result of calling map will be an array. We can call join() on that array to produce a string of everything inside that array
(greeting) => {
return `<li>${greeting}, world!</li>`
).join("") // what we pass to join() is what will be inserted between each string
greetingListContainer.innerHTML = HTMLStringToPutInTheDOM
// Array of objects
const greetings2 = [
word: "Hello",
language: "English"
word: "Bonjour",
language: "French"
word: "Hola",
language: "Spanish"
word: "Shikamoo",
language: "Swahili"
// Let's do the same process as earlier, but with each item in the array being an object. How can we get the same result of a string of HTML from this?
let HTMLStringToPutInTheDOM2 = `
// The result of calling map will be an array. We can call join() on that array to produce a string of everything inside that array
// What is greeting? SO important to understand that it is an object, because greetings is an array of objects,
(greeting) => {
return `<li>${greeting.word}, world!</li>`
).join("") // what we pass to join() is what will be inserted between each string
greetingListContainer.innerHTML = HTMLStringToPutInTheDOM2
// What if we don't want all of the things in an array, but just some things?
const greetingsThatStartWithH = greetings2.filter(
(greeting) => {
// does some value in the greeting meet a certain condition? If so, this function should return 'true' and add the greeting to the new arrayof filteredGreetings
const trueOrFalse = greeting.word.startsWith("H") //startsWith returns true or false
return trueOrFalse
console.log('array of greetings that start with H', greetingsThatStartWithH)
// Find the one ( or first greeting that is in Spanish )
const spanishGreeting = greetings2.find(
(greeting) => {
// Just like filter(), if some value in the greeting meets a certain condition, this function should return 'true' to tell find() that it has found what it's looking for.
// Notice that we're doing in one line what we did in 2 lines above. Just a shorthand approach
return greeting.language === "Spanish"
console.log("The object from greetings2 whose language is Spanish", spanishGreeting)
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