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Final Project

Joseph Vanacore

Link To Final Project

Vercel Link

Additional Notes

  • I had a really tough time linking the array together. If you see the code, all of the data is there but for some reason I couldnt figure out why it would not display. Overall though I really enjoyed this class and it has tought me so much that will help me in the future. Thanks for everything Prof! Have a good summer!

Final Homework

Joseph Vanacore

Link To Final Project

Additional Questions

  • I cant figure out why nothing is displaying on the local host. I kept playing with CSS and diffrent styles of HTML but for some reason I cant figure out why the course and course information is not displaying. Once I can solve that issue I will be able to implement all the CSS I have so far to make it look better.

Homework 15

Joseph Vanacore

Link To Final Project

Progress Made

  • This week I was able to create new folders and files to store future codes and links needed for the project to come together as one. I also did some coding that hasnt been displayed through the link yet. I was able to input the nessessary details including details and information about each of the weely calender dates. Still much work is needed to be done including CSS coding to make the code respond visually as well as some minor backend coding within the API. I plan to get all of the minor things completed this upcoming week.

Additional Questions

  • As of right now I dont have any major questions. After doing some research and identifing what needs to be solved within the project, I am ready to begin making major code changes throughout next week.

Homework 14

Joseph Vanacore

Link To Final Project

Progress Made

  • This week I took the time to Investigte, Explore, and create the basics of this project. I created a new repo wiring it up to vercel so that way the local host connection is all set up throughout the project. I was able to research ideas of styling with CSS and diifrent components that could be of us with the HTML and api side of the code. I also created some minor changes within the code but nothing groundbreaking yet.

Additional Questions

  • As of right now I dont have any major questions. After doing some research and identifing what needs to be solved within the project, I am ready to begin making major code changes throughout next week.

Homework 7

Joseph Vanacore

Link To Vercel

What is confusing about platforms?

  • The most confusing about platforms is the build and how diffrent they are from eachother. For example, I was tasked to work with React which I liked becuase of how simple the layout was and how easily my code was ran. However when I was working with Vue the outline and platform was so diffrent and my code wasnt working properly compared to react where I didnt run into any specific errors. In Vue I had to change terms and classifications to make my code work a little, however Vue also didnt give much feedback on what was wrong with the code. Overall, since the multiple platforms we used are so diffrent from eachother, its harder to learn thus making the topic more consfusing.

How could web components and VanillaJS standards be taught in a way that is more approachable?

  • When learning about JS I used many outside sources like W3 schools to understand what some of the comman
JoeVan21 /
Last active February 21, 2023 05:10

Homework 6

Joseph Vanacore

Link To Vercel

What is the difference between these three? (HTML DOM, Virtual DOM, ShadowDOM)

  • HTML DOM is a representation that supports/shows the elements in an HTML document. This provides support for programs to access the structure of a web page. The HTML DOM is opened/created by the browser once the page on the website is loaded fully. It can be motified by Javascript. A Virtual DOM is primarly used in REACT and is used to compare changes within the UI and suggest updates frequently. This is a diffrent way of uploading your coding elements and tend to be faster and more efficent than uploading elements via HTML DOM. Lastly the Shadow DOM is used in styles and markup inside of a component within a webpage. For example, using this style can give access to update/customize HTML elements with their custom styles and behavior without it interfearing with other components on a webpage. Overall they all differ becuase they all