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Homework 1

Joseph Vanacore

Was the backend or frontend responsible for the bug in the video?

  • The frontend of the examples in the video provided are very important to the success of the code, however I belive the backend of the code is to blame for the bug. It seems like the front end was doing everything it was supposed to do, however when the code gets connected to the backend of the code it causes the bug which makes me believe the backend is to blame.

What languages do you see in this video? List them. If you're not sure what the language is, but you know it's different, indicate that.

  • Using some knowledge I gained in class this past week, I can see the webpage used is HTML which is common throughout multiple web sites. I also recognize Java or JavaScript is being used to communicate with the webpage. The diffrence between the two are that HTML helps display the websites information where as the Java or JavaScript code is producing the website page that is being shown.

What tools, strat

Homework 2

Joseph Vanacore

Link to Part 1 of W2 Homework

Can you change the font color? If not, where do you think it is that being set?

  • Inside the coding systems of HTML and CSS I cannot edit or change the font color with the code lines and examples we have provided. However, we can change the font color settings when coding in java script, Within the example provided, line 50 within the java script lanugage is what would be used to edit the font color.

Look at the constructor() what does this do?

  • Contructors in java script identify a certain object that is going to be built within the system. In this example the constructor is building the diffrent font styles used for the meme such as the width, boldness, padding, and color.

Look at @media in styles() what does this do?

  • The media code in the case described in lines 61-73 in java script developes where the text is going to be placed on the media file/link that we assigned in HTML. It also de

Homework 3

Joseph Vanacore

Link to Codepen

Video 1

What made the idea viable?

  • Since the highlighting issue has an open source code file that can ne inspected and fixed, makes the overall idea viable.

What is the original issue with the Lit code highlighter?

  • The lines being presented at the start of the video are not being highlighted properly which is causing other lines to be highlighted without being commanded to. Instead of the lines being properly highlighted, the lines are getting boxed in which makes the code appear to be highlighted. Changing the width of the box wil change the size of what is being highlighted.

What’s a strategy you can engage in in order to refactor toward better code? What strategy / how many iterations did I go through to get “better code”? - What makes this code better?

Homework 4

Joseph Vanacore

Link to Codepen

What are the similarities and what are the differences in repo structure? Find 5 similarities and 1 difference between each of the 4.

  • They all run under the same programing languages (CSS, HTML, JS).
  • They all need a package to be ran in the programs.
  • The functions are all run on dependency functions.
  • The four repo's have imported test codes that can be replaced with our own codes made in codepen.
  • All the diffrent repo's are required to have scripts built within the file to make it run properly on a page.
JoeVan21 /
Last active February 21, 2023 05:10

Homework 6

Joseph Vanacore

Link To Vercel

What is the difference between these three? (HTML DOM, Virtual DOM, ShadowDOM)

  • HTML DOM is a representation that supports/shows the elements in an HTML document. This provides support for programs to access the structure of a web page. The HTML DOM is opened/created by the browser once the page on the website is loaded fully. It can be motified by Javascript. A Virtual DOM is primarly used in REACT and is used to compare changes within the UI and suggest updates frequently. This is a diffrent way of uploading your coding elements and tend to be faster and more efficent than uploading elements via HTML DOM. Lastly the Shadow DOM is used in styles and markup inside of a component within a webpage. For example, using this style can give access to update/customize HTML elements with their custom styles and behavior without it interfearing with other components on a webpage. Overall they all differ becuase they all

Homework 7

Joseph Vanacore

Link To Vercel

What is confusing about platforms?

  • The most confusing about platforms is the build and how diffrent they are from eachother. For example, I was tasked to work with React which I liked becuase of how simple the layout was and how easily my code was ran. However when I was working with Vue the outline and platform was so diffrent and my code wasnt working properly compared to react where I didnt run into any specific errors. In Vue I had to change terms and classifications to make my code work a little, however Vue also didnt give much feedback on what was wrong with the code. Overall, since the multiple platforms we used are so diffrent from eachother, its harder to learn thus making the topic more consfusing.

How could web components and VanillaJS standards be taught in a way that is more approachable?

  • When learning about JS I used many outside sources like W3 schools to understand what some of the comman