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Created June 30, 2018 18:32
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This is an **untested** application to save/restore a notification class recipient list and replace it with the local device. It also dumps out the event notifications it receives.
#!/usr/bin/env python
This application presents a 'console' prompt to the user asking to save and
restore a recipient list from a notification class object, or re-write one to
the local device. It also listens and acknowledges incoming event notifications.
import os
import sys
from bacpypes.debugging import bacpypes_debugging, ModuleLogger
from bacpypes.consolelogging import ConfigArgumentParser
from bacpypes.consolecmd import ConsoleCmd
from bacpypes.core import run, deferred, enable_sleeping
from bacpypes.iocb import IOCB
from bacpypes.pdu import Address
from bacpypes.apdu import SimpleAckPDU, \
ReadPropertyRequest, ReadPropertyACK, WritePropertyRequest
from bacpypes.basetypes import Destination, Recipient
from bacpypes.constructeddata import ListOf, Any
from import BIPSimpleApplication
from bacpypes.local.device import LocalDeviceObject
# some debugging
_debug = 0
_log = ModuleLogger(globals())
# globals
this_device = None
this_application = None
saved_recipent_list = None
# shortcut type
ListOfDestination = ListOf(Destination)
# EventNotificationApplication
class EventNotificationApplication(BIPSimpleApplication):
def __init__(self, *args):
if _debug: EventNotificationApplication._debug("__init__ %r", args)
BIPSimpleApplication.__init__(self, *args)
def do_ConfirmedEventNotificationRequest(self, apdu):
if _debug: EventNotificationApplication._debug("do_ConfirmedEventNotificationRequest %r", apdu)
# dump the APDU contents
# double check the process identifier
if apdu.processIdentifier != os.getpid():
print("note: not for this process")
# success
def do_UnconfirmedEventNotificationRequest(self, apdu):
if _debug: EventNotificationApplication._debug("do_UnconfirmedEventNotificationRequest %r %r", apdu)
# dump the APDU contents
# double check the process identifier
if apdu.processIdentifier != os.getpid():
print("note: not for this process")
# EventNotificationConsoleCmd
class EventNotificationConsoleCmd(ConsoleCmd):
def do_saverl(self, args):
"""saverl <addr> <inst>"""
args = args.split()
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug("do_saverl %r", args)
global saved_recipent_list
addr, obj_inst = args
obj_inst = int(obj_inst)
# build a request
request = ReadPropertyRequest(
objectIdentifier=('notificationClass', obj_inst),
request.pduDestination = Address(addr)
# make an IOCB
iocb = IOCB(request)
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug(" - iocb: %r", iocb)
# give it to the application
deferred(this_application.request_io, iocb)
# wait for it to complete
# do something for error/reject/abort
if iocb.ioError:
sys.stdout.write(str(iocb.ioError) + '\n')
# do something for success
elif iocb.ioResponse:
apdu = iocb.ioResponse
# should be an ack
if not isinstance(apdu, ReadPropertyACK):
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug(" - not an ack")
# turn the property tag list blob into a list of destinations
saved_recipent_list = apdu.propertyValue.cast_out(ListOfDestination)
for destination in saved_recipent_list:
# do something with nothing?
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug(" - ioError or ioResponse expected")
except Exception as error:
EventNotificationConsoleCmd._exception("exception: %r", error)
def do_restorerl(self, args):
"""restorerl <addr> <inst>"""
args = args.split()
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug("do_restorerl %r", args)
global saved_recipent_list
# make sure there is one to restore
if not saved_recipent_list:
print("no saved recipient list")
addr, obj_inst = args
obj_inst = int(obj_inst)
# pass along to the shared function
self.write_recipient_list(addr, obj_inst, saved_recipent_list)
def do_writerl(self, args):
"""writerl <addr> <inst>"""
args = args.split()
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug("do_writerl %r", args)
addr, obj_inst = args
obj_inst = int(obj_inst)
# make a destination for the device identifier
destination = Destination(
validDays=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], # all days
fromTime=[0, 0, 0, 0], # midnight
toTime=[23, 59, 59, 99], # all day
recipient=Recipient(device=this_device.objectIdentifier), # this device
processIdentifier=os.getpid(), # this process
issueConfirmedNotifications=True, # confirmed service please
transitions=[1, 1, 1], # all transitions
# pass along to the shared function
self.write_recipient_list(addr, obj_inst, [destination])
def write_recipient_list(addr, obj_inst, recipent_list):
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug("write_recipient_list %r %r %r", addr, obj_inst, recipent_list)
# the new list has just us
recipient_list = ListOfDestination(recipent_list)
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug(" - recipient_list: %r", recipient_list)
# build a request
request = WritePropertyRequest(
objectIdentifier=('notificationClass', obj_inst),
request.pduDestination = Address(addr)
# save the value
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug(" - request: %r", request)
# make an IOCB
iocb = IOCB(request)
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug(" - iocb: %r", iocb)
# give it to the application
deferred(this_application.request_io, iocb)
# wait for it to complete
# do something for success
if iocb.ioResponse:
# should be an ack
if not isinstance(iocb.ioResponse, SimpleAckPDU):
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug(" - not an ack")
# do something for error/reject/abort
if iocb.ioError:
sys.stdout.write(str(iocb.ioError) + '\n')
def do_rtn(self, args):
"""rtn <addr> <net> ... """
args = args.split()
if _debug: EventNotificationConsoleCmd._debug("do_rtn %r", args)
# provide the address and a list of network numbers
router_address = Address(args[0])
network_list = [int(arg) for arg in args[1:]]
# pass along to the service access point
this_application.nsap.add_router_references(None, router_address, network_list)
# main
def main():
global this_device, this_application, saved_recipent_list
# parse the command line arguments
args = ConfigArgumentParser(description=__doc__).parse_args()
if _debug: _log.debug("initialization")
if _debug: _log.debug(" - args: %r", args)
# make a device object
this_device = LocalDeviceObject(ini=args.ini)
if _debug: _log.debug(" - this_device: %r", this_device)
# make a simple application
this_application = EventNotificationApplication(
this_device, args.ini.address,
if _debug: _log.debug(" - this_application: %r", this_application)
# make a console
this_console = EventNotificationConsoleCmd()
if _debug: _log.debug(" - this_console: %r", this_console)
# enable sleeping will help with threads
if __name__ == "__main__":
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