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Last active November 26, 2017 23:54
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Not Giving A F - Turing School

Group Six


The (Not-So) Subtle Art of Not Giving a #@!%


Release yourself from the prison of meaninglessness and gain full control of your life! You took the first step by coming to Turing, now let's keep the train moving.

Sure, life is chock-full of annoying things, but what if we told you that you can CHOOSE the problems that motivate you, the problems you strive to solve? Take back your power, find your courage and concentrate on what really matters.

  1. Embrace the awful
  2. Confront the truth
  3. Gain elite perspective
  4. ???
  5. Profit!

Session Outcomes

Give students the tools to determine for themselves what is important. Worksheet with top five priorities and top five things you don't give a f*** about for personal and professional life

Topic Ideas

  • Remove and filter out external pressures and learn to recognize when they affecting your decision making

  • Not falling into social confitioning traps and understanding the hedonic adaptation and how it affects your hapiness

  • Stop wasting your time so you can use it better and feel more fulfilled.

Session Outline:

Intro - Will - 5min

Ice Breaker - Adam - 5min

Hand out worksheet for priority list and explanation - 2min - Lindsay

TedTalk - pt1 - 4min

Turn and Talk - 5min

  • How does this idea of not giving a fuck relate to your decision to come to Turing? I'm almost 40. I have a certain set of job skills I could sue to keep grinding, and that's what most people reccomend. But... I want to do this so... I'm doing it, damnit.
  • How can this mentatlity be hepful for us? Specifically as developers? When you're willing to be true to yourself, you're not insecure about pleasing other people with how you live your life
  • What are the dangers of "NFGAF"? You could stop caring about others and become very selfish and closed minded. Can't do that!

Two or Three people share w/ Discussion - 5min

TedTalk - pt2 - 4min

Ice-Burg Exercise/Mental Barn Four categories - school/family/friends/extra - 15min

  • Four Categories Family, Friends, Work, School
  • List the top 5 most difficult/annoying/stressful things in those categories Having family tell you that "maybe you should just go back to what you used to do" Having a family with 4 kids is extremely taxing.Dealing with all the responsibilities on top of school is killing me. I hated the people in my old career. They were so focused on making a dying industy survive that they would stab anyone i nthe abck to survive another week. School is hard. I try to stay engaged but I have a really hard time reading so it discourages me majorly. Always struggling with weight has left me feeling pretty shitty for most of my life
  • Decide how many "FB's" You have to spend in that category
  • Decide what you "DGAF" about I DFAG if people dislike me for who I am. I try to worry about other people. I'm willing to fail personally if Ican help someone else succed. PEople don't like that... but that's who I am so who cares?*
  • Cross them off with a big black marker

Two or Three people share w/ Discussion - 5min

TedTalk - pt3 - 4min

Pair Exercise - 10min - Ben 1 Split into pairs. 2 Share a story with your partner about a time you felt obligated and guilty 3 Your partner will help you spin that perspective and decide how these principles apply

Closing discussion and worksheets - Will - Rest of time

  • As we discuss start thinking about how to fill out the other side of the worksheet. What are the top five things that are most important to you. What five things will you immediately stop GAF about.
  • Discuss the hedonic adaptation. How does this relate to what we're talking about. How can we use this perspective to be happier and more fufilled people. I feeel like this is basically saying that if you never take yourself too seriously you're going to achieve a relatively OK level of happiness even if things get tough. The second you start judging yourself for being who you are, you're going to fail. You can challenge yourself and be willing to be wrong, but that doesn't mean you have to hate yourself while you're experiencing life.
  • How has guilt, social pressure and obligation negatively affected your decision making in the past. I used to be guided by guilt. My ex wife would try to guilt me into decisions as a husband and father that were highly irresponsible and dangerous. It made me hate meself sometime for not ebing able to "make things work" but nor I realize that I was just protecting myself and my son and what I did was just fine.
  • What role does our perspective play in what we "GAF" about? Can empathy help "NGAF" in the most positive way? When somebody says something I disagree with I'm willing to understand where they're coming from, challenge my own view... and if it doesn't make sense to me... just NOT GAF becasue I'm not going to let it effect the relationship or me feelings.

Names of group members:

Ben Jacobs Will Thomas Rhonda Wilhelmson Adam Gunther Lindsay Parker

Don't spend more than five things on things that won't matter five years from now

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