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Last active February 27, 2017 16:26
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Developing Mindsets to Succeed - Reflection on Articles Prework for Turing School
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Author - The Software Engineer Framework: 8 Ways to Become a Better Software Engineer

Response - Joel Lindow

I found this article encouraging. I'm new to programing. The last time I attempted coding was almost 20 years ago in High school in C++ and Q-Basic. My instructor was as new to it as I was and I learned very little aside from immense frustration and a deeper desire to learn the RIGHT WAY.
This article confirms many of my hunches, as I dive back into this with much more direction and 2 decades of working experience behind me. It confirms that this is going to be very hard, but it will be even harder if I try to learn in a traditional sense. It proves to me that another of my hunches is correct, like many other things I've grown proficient at, which is that practice and a positive mindset are some of the biggest keys to success.
I also am encouraged by the fact that it's a constant reminder to live a healthier life. After losing 90+ lbs over the last 3 years I'm now working on providing more proper nutrition to my mind any body, and am excited to see that pay off through mental health and powerful learning as I take on this challenge of "learning a new language".
Also, the checklist thing resonates. I LIVE in notebooks and daily re-structure tasks through refining daily checklists. I hope to learn to organize better and take this system to the next level.
Finally, and again, I have always failed to truly grow in traditional educational settings. But I'm excited because I'm about to enter a DEEP environment of learning by DOING! That, to me, is a huge source of joy and encouragement.
I definitely enjoyed this article. It helped confirm many things I've learned in my professional life and wish to take to the next level as I shift and enhance my skill-set.

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Atul Gawande's 'Checklist' For Surgery Success

Response - Joel Lindow

Great stuff. When you learn something that might help discover more information, or avoid points of ignorance, it can be very beneficial to add it to a permanent checklist. Also, to be constantly refining the checklist is highly beneficial. Otherwise, every single time you do something.... it might as well be the first time. This is why checklists, protocol and routine mixed with analysis of your process make for a more exposed discovery process. You end up catching basic mistakes, as well as you will overlook the small and basic details less often.
I love the part about the "activation phenomenon" after forcing everyone to learn eachother's names. I find this to be absolutely true in my professional experience. When people know eachother's names they are more likely to speak to eachother and offer eachother opinions and feedback.
The part about making the physicians step into the patients shoes was great. When using empathy toward the patient they changed their opinions on the importance of using certain procedures and checklist items.
I appreciate the part about "teamwork". Never make the checklist about "you" but make it about what will cause the team to interact at the highest level as quickly and accurately as possible. It will, without doubt, produce better results week after week. Sometimes small. Sometimes huge.

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29 Behaviors That Will Make You An Unstoppable Programmer

Response - Joel Lindow

Good article. I really liked the quote "... they’re willing to stomach the pain of learning something new if it will ultimately allow them to be more productive". That's exactly how I feel about going to Turing. It's going to produce an end result I've wanted for years, but it's going to be a painful and massive battle.
I fully agree with the "Not buying into the "sunken cost fallacy" and being willing to re-write entire blocks of code to produce a better result rather than just focusing on the shipable cost" part. I've seen this so many times in my professional life. People pushing for the most shortcuts possible to keep costs down, which almost ALWAYS lead to a customer not being totally satisfied or an end user having a harder usage experience. I'm a believer in doing it right before "experimenting with success on the customer".
Be willing to say "I don't know". Boy oh Boy. I'll say it right now! I don't know much, but I'm willing to learn, collaborate and experiment my way to success. And as I learn, I'll be happy to help those who can admit the same!
Be willing to admit your own mistakes. This is hard for anyone, because we're afraid of the repercussions of appearing weak. However... there is strength in weakness and a humble attitude. Acknowledging our own shortcomings is usually the best way to Finally, I liked the talk about learning under pressure. I come from a life of NO formal education. I've always learned by DOING and that is always a high pressure feeling, as you must move quickly and always be learning to keep up. I've proven to myself and others many times that I can literally master multiple crafts, art forms and concepts in a short amount of time by just being "thrown into the fire". However, the older I get the more I doubt my ability to keep up with those who are younger than me. Yet, I'm used to pressure and used to collaboration, contributing where I add value and embracing the pressure so I can be refined to the next level.
This article is another huge confirmation that a guy like me can survive and can become a huge success if I continue to apply what I know and life by... admit mistakes, share what you know even if you know very little, don't be afraid to rephrase work you've already completed... so much more. I believe I have the mind, personality and ability to DO THIS. Just need to get the rocket off the launchpad... get through the initial pain of gaining altitude and breaking through my little brain's "atmosphere"... and then, when we hit zero gravity.... start exploring space and gaining speed toward the unknown destination that lies ahead, while discovering and learning more and more along the way.

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