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Last active March 20, 2017 16:46
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# Week 1 Diagnostic
## Floats and Integers
* What's the difference between a float and integer?
- An integer represents a whole number. A float represents a decimal number.
* What's are the similarities and differences between BigNum and FixNum?
- I've never heard of BigNum. Fixnum is a class that holds a number or something like that, but I'm not sure!
* What will `4.0 / 2` return?
- 2.0, becasue you're dividing a float so it will return a float.
* What will `1.5.to_i.to_f` return?
- 2.0 becasue you're converting it from a float (which rounds it to a whole number(integer) and then back to a float (which will hold a decimal place).
* What part of this expression (`"hi" * 5`?) is "syntactic sugar"? What does that mean?
- Possibly the ? symbol. Syntactic sugar is little things you can do in Ruby to access functions easier.
* What will `10 % 3` return?
- 1
* What will `5 == 10/2` return?
- True
* How can you write 5 to the 2nd power?
- 5 ** 2
## Strings
* How can you grab the substring “ell” from “hello”?
* Give an example of string concatenation and string interpolation.
- last_name = "Lebowski"
- puts "You are Mr. #{last_name}" <---- String Interpolation
- puts "You are Mr. " + last_name <---- String Concatenation
* Give examples of three variable names: a "valid name" (it will work) that goes against Ruby style, an "invalid" name (it will trigger an error), and a valid and stylistically conventional name.
- array <--- valid name that goes against rubys style, by naming a variable after an actual Ruby function
- c#music <--- returns an error. Can't use that symbol in there!
- last_name <--- valid and stylistically conventional name
## Arrays
* How do you add to an array?
- You can shovel stuff into an array.
[1, 2, 3].push(4)
* What will `[1,2,3].shuffle` do?
- Randomly shuffle the array. However, it will not mutate the array
* What do `shift` and `unshift` do?
- Shift returns the value of the first item in an array, and shifts that item out of the array (mutates the array).
- Unshift pushes a new element into an array at the 0 index position. [1, 2, 3].unshift(0) = [0, 1, 2, 3]
* Name 3 ways to retrieve `4` from this array: `[4,3,5]`
- array[0]
- array.shift <--- dangerous!!!!
- array.first
* How would you print each word from this list (`["hello", "goodbye", "cactus"]`) to terminal within this output:
The word is "hello".
The word is "goodbye".
The word is "cactus".
- array.each do |one|
- puts "The word is \"#{one}\""
- end
- list.each do |word|
- puts "The word is \"#{one}\"". <----escape quotes!!!!! WOOT!
- end
## Flow control
* What's the difference between a `while` and `until` loop?
- A while loop continues while conditions are being met. (While breaks when condition is false)
- An until loop continues until conditions are being met. (Until breaks when condition is true)
* How do you escape a pry in the middle of a loop?
- !!!
- ctr - c
## Enumerables (`.each`)
* What is the purpose of an enumerable?
- To be able to iterate through an array
* What are the two different ways that you can represent a block?
- do / end
- { }
* Given this array `["Beth", "Lauren", "Ilana"]`. How would you create a new array of just the first initials of each name?
- initials = do |initial|
- I don't feel we learned this in class. We need to talk about the .map function more, as it's a very powerful tool a lot of us don't understand. Also, until just now... I had no idea you could assign an operation to a variable. This part took me playing in IRB for a long time and asking a lot of questions to figure out, becasue I refused to leave this unanswered for my own benefit. I know we were supposed to do this whole diagnostic rom memory, but this part would have been impossible for me.
## Classes and instance methods
* When you're defining a class, how do you store _attributes_?
- using the initialize method (and adding instance variables)
* What is the difference between attr_readers, attr_writers, and attr_accessors? What do each do?
- attr_reader = user can only read (gives back value)
- attr_writers = user can only write
- attr_writers - user can read and write
* What method corresponds with `.new` when you create a new instance of a class?
- initialize method
## Methods, arguments and scopes
* Describe the scope that methods create. Are variables created in that scope accessible elsewhere?
- The scope that methods create only reach from the definition of the method to the "end" statement.
(Local scope in which variables (local variables) are not accessable elsewhere)
* What does the method scope have access to?
- arguements passed into the method, or actual operations being performed within the method.
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