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Created October 11, 2016 22:48
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<h2 id="project_tagline">A unified developer experience for web and mobile development</h2>
<section id="intro">
<p>Nuclide is built as a single package on top of Atom to provide hackability and the support of an active community.
It provides a first-class development environment for React Native, Hack and Flow projects.
<div id="promo" class="section promoSection">
<a href="/docs/quick-start/getting-started/">Get Started</a> or read more about using Nuclide for <a href="/docs/platforms/react-native/">React Native</a>, <a href="/docs/platforms/ios/">iOS</a>, or <a href="/docs/platforms/web/">Web</a> development.
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<img src="/static/images/docs/promo-rn-debugging.png" alt="Built-in Debugging" title="Built-in Debugging" />
<h3>Built-in Debugging</h3>
<p>Building upon Chrome Developer Tools, Nuclide has first class debugging support for React
Native (shown here), Hack, Flow and other platforms. <br />
<a href="/docs/features/debugger"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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<img src="/static/images/docs/promo-remote-development.png" alt="Remote Development" title="Remote Development" />
<h3>Remote Development</h3>
<p>Connect to your remote servers, and get full access to the file tree within Nuclide. <br />
<a href="/docs/features/remote/"><strong>Get Started</strong></a></p>
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<img src="/static/images/docs/promo-flow.png" alt="Developing JavaScript" title="Developing JavaScript" />
<h3>Developing JavaScript</h3>
<p>Improve the quality of your JavaScript with built in support for <a href="">Flow</a>,
including autocomplete, jump-to-definition, and inline errors. <br />
<a href="/docs/languages/flow/"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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<img src="/static/images/docs/promo-hack.png" alt="Developing Hack" title="Developing Hack" />
<h3>Developing Hack</h3>
<p>Nuclide is the first IDE with support for Hack, including autocomplete, jump-to-definition,
inline errors, and an omni-search bar for your project. <br />
<a href="/docs/languages/hack/"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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<img src="/static/images/docs/promo-mercurial.png" alt="Mercurial Support" title="Mercurial Support" />
<h3>Mercurial Support</h3>
<p>Local changes to files in a Mercurial repo will be reflected in Atom’s file tree and UI, as
Atom does natively for Git repos. <br />
<a href="/docs/features/hg/"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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<img src="/static/images/docs/promo-working-sets.png" alt="Working Sets" title="Working Sets" />
<h3>Working Sets</h3>
<p>Is your project big, but only a small subset applies to your work? Working Sets can reduce
noise. <br />
<a href="/docs/features/working-sets/"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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This project is unrelated to the <a href="">CSS framework project</a> named Nuclide.
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