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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'fiber'
# This state machine corresponds to the regular expression /ab*(c|d)/
@start = do
loop do
case ( rescue nil)
when 'a' then @state1.transfer
JoergWMittag / reia_familytree.graphviz
Created May 25, 2009 12:11
The Family Tree of the Reia Programming Language
digraph Reia {
Planner -> Prolog [label="Logic Programming"];
Planner -> Actors [label="Carl Hewitt"];
Prolog -> Erlang [label="Syntax, Semantics"];
Erlang -> Reia [label="Execution and Concurrency Semantics"];
Planner -> "Smalltalk-71" [label="Pattern-directed Execution"];
"Smalltalk-71" -> Actors [label="Message-directed Execution"];
Actors -> Erlang [label="Execution and Concurrency Semantics"];
Actors -> Reia [label="Execution and Concurrency Semantics"];
"Smalltalk-71" -> Smalltalk [label="Object Semantics"];
JoergWMittag / yelp_sample_response.json
Created June 10, 2010 16:43
Sample response for the Yelp search API
{"address1":"466 Haight St",
"city":"San Francisco",
require 'rack'
class Object
def webapp
tap {
func, *attrs = env['PATH_INFO'].split('/').reject(&:empty?)
[200, {}, send(func, *attrs)]
# We want a uniform way of reducing a code tree
# so the easiest way to do that is to extend
# Object with a call method and whenever any
# object does not define it's own call method we
# assume the object is implicitly claiming it wants
# to return itself. Since Object is almost at the top
# of the hierarchy almost anything we are interested
# in will work as expected.
class Object
def call
;; This is the Ioke code for comparison.
;; See <http://JoergWMittag.GitHub.Com/lambdaconscarcdr/> for
;; what this is supposed to do.
cons = fn(hd, tl, fn(x, if(x, hd, tl)))
car = fn(l, l(true ))
cdr = fn(l, l(false))
l = cons(1, cons(2, nil))
JoergWMittag /
Created April 26, 2012 11:46
Python does have open classes
class A(object):
def p(__self__):
a = A()
def p2(__self__):
JoergWMittag /
Created March 22, 2014 03:17
Demonstrate the difference between mutating a value and reassigning a different value.
class MutableInt {
private int value;
MutableInt(int value) {
this.value = value;
void mutate() {
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