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Created December 13, 2014 20:58
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json start
import Json.Decode as Json
import Json.Encode as Encode
import Dict
{-| Given the number of constructors a type has, a constructor name string,
and a list of JSON values to pack,
pack the values into a JSON object representing an ADT,
using the same format as Haskell's Aeson.
packContents : Int -> String -> List Json.Value -> Json.Value
packContents numCtors name contentList =
case contentList of
-- [] -> Json.Null TODO special case for only string
[item] -> let
dictList = [("tag", Encode.string name), ("contents", item)]
in Encode.object <| Dict.fromList dictList
_ ->
if (numCtors == 0)
then Encode.array contentList
dictList = [("tag", Encode.string name), ("contents", Encode.array contentList)]
in Encode.object <| Dict.fromList dictList
{-| Given the number of constructors a type has, and a JSON value,
get the sub-values wrapped up in that constructor,
assuming the values are packed using the same format as Haskell's Aeson.
unpackContents : Int -> Json.Value -> List Json.Value
unpackContents numCtors json = case (json, numCtors) of
(Json.Array contents, 0) -> contents
--Case when there are no values, just constructor
(Json.String s, _) -> []
(Json.Object valDict, _) -> case (Dict.get "contents" valDict) of
Just (Json.Array contents) -> contents
--any other case, means we had a single element for contents
Just json -> [json]
--_ -> Error.raise <| "No contents field of JSON " ++ (show json)
--_ -> Error.raise <| "No contents field of JSON. num: " ++ (show numCtors) ++ " json " ++ (show json)
{-| Given FromJson instances for a comparable key type and some value type,
generate the conversion from a JSON object do a Dict mapping keys to values.
Assumes the JSON values represents a list of pairs.
dictFromJson : FromJson comparable -> FromJson b -> FromJson (Dict.Dict comparable b)
dictFromJson keyFrom valueFrom = \(Json.Array tuples) ->
let unJsonTuples = map (\ (Json.Array [kj,vj]) -> (keyFrom kj, valueFrom vj)) tuples
in Dict.fromList unJsonTuples
{-| Given ToJson instances for a comparable key type and some value type,
generate the conversion from a Dict mapping keys to values to a JSON object.
Represents the Dict as a list of pairs.
dictToJson : ToJson comparable -> ToJson b -> ToJson (Dict.Dict comparable b)
dictToJson keyTo valueTo = \dict ->
dictList = Dict.toList dict
tupleJson = map (\(k,v) -> Json.Array [keyTo k, valueTo v]) dictList
in Json.Array tupleJson
{-| From a Json Object, get a string from a field named "tag".
Fails using `Error.raise` if no such field exists.
Useful for extracting values from Haskell's Aeson instances.
getTag : Json.Value -> String
getTag json = case json of
(Json.Object dict) -> case (Dict.get "tag" dict) of
Just (Json.String s) -> s
-- _ -> Error.raise <| "Couldn't get tag from JSON" ++ (show dict)
(Json.String s) -> s --Ctors with no contents get stored as strings
{-| From a Json Object, get a value from a field with the given name.
Fails using `Error.raise` if no such field exists.
Useful for extracting values from Haskell's Aeson instances.
varNamed : Json.Value -> String -> Json.Value
varNamed (Json.Object dict) name = case (Dict.get name dict) of
Just j -> j
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