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Created October 10, 2016 18:56
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VBA VersionOne Code
Option Explicit
Const V1METAURL = "/meta.v1"
Const V1RESTHISTURL = "/rest-1.v1/Hist"
Const V1RESTDATAURL = "/rest-1.v1/Data"
Const V1OAUTHHISTURL = "/rest-1.oauth.v1/Hist"
Const V1OAUTHDATAURL = "/rest-1.oauth.v1/Data"
Const V1LOCURL = "/loc.v1"
Public Sub PopulateBacklog()
Dim projectScope As String
Dim sActiveProjects As String
Dim sSel As String
Dim nNextRow As Long
Dim nRow As Long
nRow = 7
'Clear data cell contents
'Get data from named ranges on the active sheet
projectScope = Range("projectScope").Value
If (projectScope = "") Then
MsgBox "Please select and enter valid values.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
'Update Select String to pull in more data
sSel = "Name,Number,Priority.Name,Estimate,OriginalEstimate,Parent.Name,Scope.Name,Timebox.Name,Status.Name,Team.Name,Risk.Name,Dependants,Order"
nNextRow = GetBacklog("Story", sSel, projectScope, nRow)
'For Defects
sSel = "Name,Number,Priority.Name,Estimate,Parent.Name,Scope.Name,Timebox.Name,Status.Name,Team.Name,Order"
nNextRow = GetBacklog("Defect", sSel, projectScope, nNextRow)
End Sub
'Primary Subroutine to retrieve backlog based on Project Scope
Private Function GetBacklog(assettype As String, selectcolumns As String, projectScopeName As String, startrow As Long)
Dim url As String
Dim xml As Object
Dim xmldoc As Object
Dim nRow As Long
nRow = startrow
'Retrieve Tasks
url = "/" & assettype & "?where=Scope.ParentMeAndUp.Name='" & projectScopeName & "';AssetState='64'&sel=" & selectcolumns
Set xmldoc = MakeRequest(url)
'Loop through returned values and add to active sheet
If xmldoc Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim assets As Object
Set assets = xmldoc.SelectNodes("Assets/Asset")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To assets.Length - 1
If assettype = "Story" Then
'Can be more than one Dependant Story
Dim dependants As String
dependants = ""
Dim dependant As Object
Set dependant = assets(i).SelectNodes("Attribute[@name='Dependants.Number']/Value")
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To dependant.Length - 1
If x = 0 Then
dependants = dependant(x).Text
dependants = dependants & ", " & dependant(x).Text
End If
Next x
Range("E" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='OriginalEstimate']").Text
Range("K" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Risk.Name']").Text
Range("L" + CStr(nRow)).Value = dependants
End If
'Populate sheet
Range("A" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Name']").Text
Range("B" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Number']").Text
Range("C" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Priority.Name']").Text
Range("D" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Estimate']").Text
Range("F" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Parent.Name']").Text
Range("G" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Scope.Name']").Text
Range("H" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Timebox.Name']").Text
Range("I" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Status.Name']").Text
Range("J" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Team.Name']").Text
Range("M" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Order']").Text
nRow = nRow + 1
Next i
Set assets = Nothing
Set xmldoc = Nothing
Set xml = Nothing
GetBacklog = nRow
End Function
'Routine to retrieve stories that were split based on Project Scope
Private Function GetSplitStories(assettype As String, selectcolumns As String, projectScopeName As String, startrow As Long)
Dim url As String
Dim xml As Object
Dim xmldoc As Object
Dim nRow As Long
nRow = startrow
'Retrieve Tasks
url = "/Story?sort=Order&where=Scope.ParentMeAndUp.Name='" & projectScopeName & "';AssetState='64','128'&sel=SplitToAndDown,Name,Number,Estimate,Parent.Name,Super.Name,Super.SuperAndUp.Name,Scope.Name,Timebox.Name,Status.Name,Team.Name,Dependants,ChangeDate"
Set xmldoc = MakeRequest(url)
'Loop through returned values and add to active sheet
Dim assets As Object
Set assets = xmldoc.SelectNodes("Assets/Asset")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To assets.Length - 1
If assettype = "Story" Then
'Can be more than one Dependant Story
Dim dependants As String
dependants = ""
Dim dependant As Object
Set dependant = assets(i).SelectNodes("Attribute[@name='Dependants.Number']/Value")
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To dependant.Length - 1
If x = 0 Then
dependants = dependant(x).Text
dependants = dependants & ", " & dependant(x).Text
End If
Next x
Range("E" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='OriginalEstimate']").Text
Range("K" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Risk.Name']").Text
Range("L" + CStr(nRow)).Value = dependants
End If
'Populate sheet
Range("A" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Name']").Text
Range("B" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Number']").Text
Range("C" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Priority.Name']").Text
Range("D" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Estimate']").Text
Range("F" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Parent.Name']").Text
Range("G" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Scope.Name']").Text
Range("H" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Timebox.Name']").Text
Range("I" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Status.Name']").Text
Range("J" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Team.Name']").Text
Range("M" + CStr(nRow)).Value = assets(i).SelectSingleNode("Attribute[@name='Order']").Text
nRow = nRow + 1
Next i
Set assets = Nothing
Set xmldoc = Nothing
Set xml = Nothing
GetSplitStories = nRow
End Function
Private Function MakeRequest(strUrl As String) As Object
Dim strToken As String
'Variables to make call
Dim objHttp As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
Dim lngStatusCode As Long
Dim strStatusDescription As String
Dim strFullUrl As String
Dim strProxy As String
'Initialize Variables
'strProxy = Worksheets("config").Range("PROXY").Value
strFullUrl = Worksheets("Config").Range("SERVER_BASE_URI").Value & V1RESTDATAURL & strUrl
strToken = Worksheets("Config").Range("ACCESS_TOKEN").Value
If Len(strToken) > 0 Then
'Make call
Set objHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
objHttp.Open "GET", strFullUrl, False
'If proxy is set, use the proxy
If Len(strProxy) > 0 Then
objHttp.setProxy 2, strProxy, ""
End If
objHttp.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & strToken
lngStatusCode = objHttp.Status
strStatusDescription = objHttp.statusText
If lngStatusCode = 200 Then
Set MakeRequest = objHttp.responseXML
MsgBox CStr(lngStatusCode) & ": " & strStatusDescription, vbExclamation, "Server Response"
Set MakeRequest = Nothing
End If
End If
Set objHttp = Nothing
End Function
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