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Created April 21, 2022 23:23
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Quick little bisector in swift for hashable items for the case when you're not bisecting a linear list.
// HashableBisector.swift
// TestHashableBisector
// Created by Johann Garces on 4/21/22.
import Foundation
enum BisectorState : Equatable {
case unprepared // same
case running
case completed
case error(String)
// A lot of bisectors are working with just 2D data, lets make something that works with hashable
class HashableBisector <T: Hashable>{
typealias TypedSet = Set<T>
// When we find the 1 item we fill this value, otherwise it will be nil
private(set) var solution: T?
private(set) var state: BisectorState = .unprepared
// Candidates that are active
private(set) var setInTest = TypedSet()
// Candidates that are not active
private var setOutOfTest = TypedSet()
// Add indices to the lists
func setList(_ list: Set<T>) {
if checkIfSolution(list) { return }
state = .running
setInTest = list
split(&setInTest, into: &setOutOfTest)
func testContainsItem(_ containsItem: Bool) {
setInTest = containsItem ? setInTest : setOutOfTest
if checkIfSolution(setInTest) { return }
state = .running
split(&setInTest, into: &setOutOfTest)
private func checkIfSolution(_ set: TypedSet) -> Bool {
if set.count == 0 {
state = .error("Oh boy I fucked up")
return true
if set.count == 1 {
solution = set.first
state = .completed
return true
return false
private func split(_ sourceSet: inout TypedSet, into targetSet: inout TypedSet) {
let halfCount = sourceSet.count / 2
for _ in 0..<halfCount {
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