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Created October 12, 2021 16:59
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I taught a quick class on how objective C selectors work
objective-c selectors:
The alternative to blocks.
This is how delegate/protocol patterns work. (another talk)
Most common API is for UIButtons / UIControls
[button addTarget:self action:@selector(aMethod:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
Calls the selector on the target.
A selector is it's own type SEL:
SEl selector = @selector(aMethod)
^ notice no * because it's not a pointer
objc uses a integer to store the method name
@selector(aMethod) ---at runtime---> 72388763
Must be done at runtime because objective c is a dynamic language: implementations of functions can be changed while the applicaiton is running using a method called Swizzling (another talk)
So how is a method sent in objective-c?
[object method:parameter] could also be written as [target selector:parameter]
[joe performSelector:@selector(sayHelloToPerson:) withObject:bill];
we can also check if a class implments a method with:
[joe respondsToSelector:methodToCall]
And what it means for properties:
All properties are accessed via selectors on getter methods on functions.
@property (nonatomic) NSString *nonatomicString;
creates getNonatomicString and setNonatomicString automatically
a property access for obj.nonatomicString is = [obj getNonatomicString]
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