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Last active December 2, 2018 23:52
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Draw random numbers from broken powerlaw (broken code ATM)
import numpy
# Sampling from a broken powerlaw or powerlaw segments
# Reference material:
# The strategy is to draw from each powerlaw segment, and make sure the proportions are right based on the segment integrals
# This code does not work correctly, improvements are welcome
def sample_broken(a1, a2, xb, N):
# a1: index for power-law to left of break
# a2: index for power-law to right of break
# xb: break location
# N: final sample size
### CDF at break for both power-laws
n1 = (1-(1+xb)**-a1)
n2 = (1-(1+xb)**-a2)
### PDF at break for both power-laws after truncation
### power-law 1 is truncated at right
p1 = (a1/(1+xb)**a1) / n1
### ... while power-law 2 is truncated at left
p2 = (a2/(1+xb)**a2) / (1 - n2)
### generate sample size for each power-law
print(p1, p2, n1, n2)
mask = numpy.random.uniform(size=N) < p2/(p1+p2)
### case 1; using inverse CDF from 0 to xb
### case 2; using inverse CDF from xb to +inf
f1 = numpy.where(mask, 0, (1 - (1+xb)**-a2))
f2 = numpy.where(mask, (1 - (1+xb)**-a1), 1)
a = numpy.where(mask, a1, a2)
u = numpy.random.uniform(size=N)
x = (1 - (u*(f2-f1) + f1))**(-1.0/a) - 1
return x
def sample_broken_powerlaw(xlo, xbrk, xhi, slopelo, slopehi, size=1):
# first compute normalisation for each segment
# n = slope - 1, slope = n + 1
C1 = slopelo / (xhi**slopelo - xbrk**slopelo)
C2 = slopehi / (xbrk**slopehi - xlo**slopehi)
#C1 = 1. / C1
#C2 = 1. / C2
norm = C1 / (C1 + C2)
#print(C1, C2, norm)
#n1 = (1-(1+xbrk)**slopelo)
#n2 = (1-(1+xbrk)**slopehi)
print('cdf:', C1, C2)
### PDF at break for both power-laws after truncation
### power-law 1 is truncated at right
#p1 = (slopelo/(1+xbrk)**slopelo) / C1
### ... while power-law 2 is truncated at left
#p2 = (slopehi/(1+xbrk)**slopehi) / (1 - C2)
p1 = C1 * xbrk**(slopelo-1)
p2 = C2 * xbrk**(slopehi-1)
norm = p1 / (p1 + p2)
print('pdf:', p1, p2, norm)
norm = 1. / (1 + 18)
# renormalise to 1 across all
mask = numpy.random.uniform(size=size) > norm
# draw random numbers proportionally
slope = numpy.where(mask, slopelo, slopehi)
xlo = numpy.where(mask, xlo, xbrk)
xhi = numpy.where(mask, xbrk, xhi)
y = numpy.random.uniform(size=size)
x = ((xhi**slope - xlo**slope)*y + xlo**slope)**(1./slope)
return x
def sample_powerlaw_segments(xbreaks, slopes, size=1):
# first compute normalisation for each segment
xlos = numpy.asarray(xbreaks[:-1])
xhis = numpy.asarray(xbreaks[1:])
slopes = numpy.asarray(slopes)
# n = slope - 1
C = slopes / (xhis**slopes - xlos**slopes)
norms = 1. / C
# renormalise to 1 across all
norms /= norms.sum()
k = numpy.random.choice(len(slopes), size=size, p=norms)
# draw random numbers proportionally
slope = slopes[k]
xlo = xlos[k]
xhi = xhis[k]
y = numpy.random.uniform(size=size)
x = ((xhi**slope - xlo**slope)*y + xlo**slope)**(1./slope)
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#x = sample_powerlaw_segments([0.5, 1, 5, 50], [-0.4, -2, -3.], size=100000)
#x = sample_powerlaw_segments([0.1, 1, 50], [-1, -3.], size=100000)
x = sample_broken_powerlaw(0.1, 1., 10., -1., -2., size=1000000)
#x = sample_broken(2., 2., 1., 100000)
plt.hist(numpy.log10(x), bins=100, log=True, histtype='step')
plt.savefig('bknpowsample.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
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