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Last active September 2, 2018 05:40
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Linux Speech Install
# speech.install:
# requires package libncurses5-dev xsel
# Tested on amd64, arm64
# Issue: festival's `make symlinks` are the full build path to binaries and configs rather than a relative path
# Currently festival/ is extracted out of build_festival/ into $usr_share_dir/ with the voices installed and the festival binaries and configs relinked to $usr_share_dir by a 2nd full recompilation. make clean && ./configure && make
# Either change symlinks to relative or revise to install voices to target path
# TODO quickfix: festival-mbrola-voices should have working directory ($work_dir) and target directory ($target_dir) for the voices to be installed in the target $usr_share_dir/festival folder.
mkdir -p "$LAB/speechtools"
cd "$LAB/speechtools"
echo "Building festival and speech_tools"
curl -O
#bash "$usr_share_dir" festival # TODO: Install in destination
bash "$work_dir" festival
bash "$work_dir" mbrola
# Download, Setup, and Move the voices into festival
bash "$work_dir" festival-mbrola-voices
echo "Installing festival and speech_tools to $usr_share_dir/"
sudo mv "$work_dir/build_festival/speech_tools" "$usr_share_dir/" # speech_tools not needed for festival runtime. Need for festival recompile
# Move festival to its destination
sudo mv "$work_dir/build_festival/festival" "$usr_share_dir/"
echo "Installing mbrola to /usr/bin"
sudo mv "$work_dir/build_mbrola/mbrola" /usr/bin/
# TODO: reduce the extra recompile by editing to install voices to target festival without the setup files
cd "$usr_share_dir/festival"
make clean && ./configure && make
echo "Recompiled: festival binary relinked correctly to $usr_share_dir/festival"
#./configure && make && make make_library
echo "Add $usr_share_dir/festival/bin to \$PATH"
echo "export PATH="$usr_share_dir/festival/bin:\$PATH""
export PATH="$usr_share_dir/festival/bin:$PATH"
#export PATH="`pwd`/$work_dir/build_mbrola:$PATH"
echo "Linking $usr_share_dir/festival/bin/festival to /usr/local/bin/"
sudo ln -s $usr_share_dir/festival/bin/festival /usr/local/bin/
echo -e "\n\n"
echo "Hello World! Mic Check"
echo "Hello world! This is the festival kal_diphone American English voice. Open the pod bay doors, dave" | padsp festival --tts --pipe
echo ""
echo "Change default voice: edit $usr_share_dir/festival/lib/voices.scm"
echo "Recommended voices: en1_mbrola, rab_diphone, don_diphone, us2_mbrola"
echo "Change voice speed: edit $usr_share_dir/festival/lib/voices/english/kal_diphone/festvox/kal_diphone.scm"
echo "Set voice speed: Duration_Stretch 0.65"
# ---
# padsp festival to use the pulseaudio soundserver
# aoss festival to use the alsa soundserver
# Speak selected text
xsel | padsp festival --tts
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John-Appleseed commented Mar 21, 2018


One stop command to install Text To Speech for Linux on amd64 and arm64 (46 minutes to install on RPI2).

speech.install installs the festival command with a simple set of english and american voices.

Distro festival is currently broken on both apt-get and emerge

  • apt-get has festival 2.4 but will occasionally fail with "pipe_open: fork failed"
  • emerge has festival 2.1 which instantly bricks itself with a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" (without a core dump...)
  • voices are not installed by default in both package distros

Recently, Dec 25, 2017, festival 2.5 was release with support for GCC 6.2.0 along with a fix for the threading issue, and invalid memory access seg faults, thank you Devs!


To get started, download gist, source, and run speech.install to get the festival 2.5 goodness

Activate Text To Speech by echoing text via pipe or by reading txt files with the command festival --tts

echo "Hello World. Festival is alive and well" | padsp festival --tts
festival --tts hello_world.txt

Text To Speech

To complete the festival TTS experience install to enable text selection speech via keyboard shortcut

  • Copy and execute the tts.install code block below into your shell
sudo tee "/usr/local/bin/" > /dev/null <<'EOF'
# /usr/local/bin/

# padsp festival to use the pulseaudio soundserver
# aoss festival  to use the alsa soundserver 

# Speak selected text
xsel | padsp festival --tts


sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
  • Setup the TTS keyboard shortcut as super + esc to /usr/local/bin/

  • MacOS has the TTS (Text To Speech) command as option + esc. For Linux, option + esc is for window switching, so control or super + esc works for Text To Speech

  • With MATE, Menubar > System > Preference > Hardware > Keyboard Shortcuts > + Add new

  • With Gnome, Activity Menu > Settings > Keyboard > + Add new

Now that you have Text To Speech selection installed, select your text on any webpage or pdf, press super + esc and enjoy the reading festival!

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