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Last active December 20, 2017 08:13
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class ResNet_101(object):
def __init__(self, inputs, num_classes, phase):
self.inputs = inputs
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.channel_axis = 3
self.phase = phase # train (True) or test (False), for BN layers in the decoder
def build_network(self):
self.encoding = self.build_encoder()
outputs = self._avg_pool(self.encoding, pool_size=[1,1], stride=1, name='poo5')
outputs = self._conv2d(outputs, 1, 1000, 1, name='fc6', biased=True)
def build_encoder(self):
scope_name = 'resnet_v1_101'
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name) as scope:
outputs = self._start_block('conv1')
print("after start block:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block1') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 256, 'unit_1', identity_connection=False)
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 256, 'unit_2')
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 256, 'unit_3')
print("after block1:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block2') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 512, 'unit_1', half_size=True, identity_connection=False)
for i in six.moves.range(2, 5):
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 512, 'unit_%d' % i)
print("after block2:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block3') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 1024, 'unit_1',half_size=True, identity_connection=False)
num_layers_block3 = 23
for i in six.moves.range(2, num_layers_block3+1):
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 1024, 'unit_%d' % i)
print("after block3:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block4') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_1',half_size=True, identity_connection=False)
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_2')
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_3')
print("after block4:", outputs.shape)
return outputs
# blocks
def _start_block(self, name):
outputs = self._conv2d(self.inputs, 7, 64, 2, name=name)
outputs = self._batch_norm(outputs, name=name, is_training=False, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu)
outputs = self._max_pool2d(outputs, 3, 2, name='pool1')
return outputs
def _bottleneck_resblock(self, x, num_o, name, half_size=False, identity_connection=True):
first_s = 2 if half_size else 1
assert num_o % 4 == 0, 'Bottleneck number of output ERROR!'
# branch1
if not identity_connection:
o_b1 = self._conv2d(x, 1, num_o, first_s, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/shortcut' % name)
o_b1 = self._batch_norm(o_b1, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/shortcut' % name, is_training=False, activation_fn=None)
o_b1 = x
# branch2
o_b2a = self._conv2d(x, 1, num_o / 4, first_s, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/conv1' % name)
o_b2a = self._batch_norm(o_b2a, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/conv1' % name, is_training=False, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu)
o_b2b = self._conv2d(o_b2a, 3, num_o / 4, 1, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/conv2' % name)
o_b2b = self._batch_norm(o_b2b, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/conv2' % name, is_training=False, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu)
o_b2c = self._conv2d(o_b2b, 1, num_o, 1, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/conv3' % name)
o_b2c = self._batch_norm(o_b2c, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/conv3' % name, is_training=False, activation_fn=None)
# add
outputs = self._add([o_b1,o_b2c], name='%s/bottleneck_v1/add' % name)
# relu
outputs = self._relu(outputs, name='%s/bottleneck_v1/relu' % name)
return outputs
# layers
def _conv2d(self, x, kernel_size, num_o, stride, name, biased=False):
Conv2d without BN or relu.
num_x = x.shape[self.channel_axis].value
with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
w = tf.get_variable('weights', shape=[kernel_size, kernel_size, num_x, num_o])
s = [1, stride, stride, 1]
o = tf.nn.conv2d(x, w, s, padding='SAME')
if biased:
b = tf.get_variable('biases', shape=[num_o])
o = tf.nn.bias_add(o, b)
return o
def _relu(self, x, name):
return tf.nn.relu(x, name=name)
def _add(self, x_l, name):
return tf.add_n(x_l, name=name)
def _max_pool2d(self, x, kernel_size, stride, name):
k = [1, kernel_size, kernel_size, 1]
s = [1, stride, stride, 1]
return tf.nn.max_pool(x, k, s, padding='SAME', name=name)
def _batch_norm(self, x, name, is_training, activation_fn, trainable=False):
# For a small batch size, it is better to keep
# the statistics of the BN layers (running means and variances) frozen,
# and to not update the values provided by the pre-trained model by setting is_training=False.
# Note that is_training=False still updates BN parameters gamma (scale) and beta (offset)
# if they are presented in var_list of the optimiser definition.
# Set trainable = False to remove them from trainable_variables.
with tf.variable_scope(name+'/BatchNorm') as scope:
o = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(
return o
def _avg_pool(self, x, pool_size=[2,2], stride=2, name='pool' ,padding='VALID'):
return tf.layers.average_pooling2d(inputs=x, pool_size=pool_size, strides=stride, name=name,padding=padding,)
class ResNet_101_Extra(object):
def __init__(self, inputs, num_classes, phase):
self.inputs = inputs
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.channel_axis = 3
self.phase = phase # train (True) or test (False), for BN layers in the decoder
def build_network(self):
self.encoding = self.build_encoder()
outputs = self._avg_pool(self.encoding, pool_size=[1,1], stride=1, name='poo5_extra')
outputs = self._conv2d(outputs, 1, 1000, 1, name='fc6_extra', biased=True)
def build_encoder(self):
scope_name = 'resnet_v1_101_extra'
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name) as scope:
outputs = self._start_block('conv1')
print("after start block:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block1') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 256, 'unit_1', identity_connection=False)
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 256, 'unit_2')
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 256, 'unit_3')
print("after block1:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block2') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 512, 'unit_1', half_size=True, identity_connection=False)
for i in six.moves.range(2, 5):
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 512, 'unit_%d' % i)
print("after block2:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block3') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 1024, 'unit_1',half_size=True, identity_connection=False)
num_layers_block3 = 23
for i in six.moves.range(2, num_layers_block3+1):
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 1024, 'unit_%d' % i)
print("after block3:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block4') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_1',half_size=True, identity_connection=False)
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_2')
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_3')
print("after block4:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block5') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_1', half_size=True,
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_2')
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_3')
print("after block5:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block6') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_1', half_size=True,
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_2')
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_3')
print("after block5:", outputs.shape)
with tf.variable_scope('block7') as scope:
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_1', half_size=True,
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_2')
outputs = self._bottleneck_resblock(outputs, 2048, 'unit_3')
print("after block7:", outputs.shape)
return outputs
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