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Created July 15, 2020 14:33
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Interpolate missing EEG channels based on chanlocs of all channels.
function [EEG] = interpol( EEG, chanlocs, method )
%INTERPOL Performs channel interpolation on eeglab EEG structure
% Receives the EEG structure (see EEGLAB documentation), the disered final chanlocs to
% have on the data and the interpolation method and the algorithm finds the missing
% channels in the EEG structure and calls the pop_interp method from EEGLAB toolbox to
% compute the interpolations. Afterwords sorts the channels to the provided chanlocs
% order and fixes the icachansind field.
% Input:
% EEG - the EEG structure (EEGLAB)
% chanlocs - cell array of channels specification (taken from EEG.chanlocs before
% removing channels)
% method - ['spherical' (default)] interpolation method
% Output:
% EEG - EEG structure with the new electrodes and respective signal added in
% the right places
% Author: Marco Simões ( 2015 - All rights reserved
if nargin < 3
method = 'spherical';
% get a list of existent chanloc names in the EEG structure
chans_eeg = [];
for i=1:length(EEG.chanlocs)
chans_eeg = [ chans_eeg {EEG.chanlocs(i).labels} ];
% make a list of indexes from the provided chanlocs that are not in the EEG structure
idxs = [];
for i=1:length(chanlocs)
if isempty(find(ismember(chans_eeg, chanlocs(i).labels) == 1, 1))
idxs = [idxs i];
% call EEGLAB pop_interp method
EEG = pop_interp(EEG, chanlocs(idxs), method);
%% reorder
% get current EEG chanlocs names
chans_eeg = cell(1, length(EEG.chanlocs));
for c=1:length(EEG.chanlocs)
chans_eeg{c} = EEG.chanlocs(c).labels;
% find order idxs
idxs = nan(1, length(chanlocs));
for c=1:length(chanlocs)
idxs(c) = find(ismember(chans_eeg, chanlocs(c).labels) == 1, 1);
% reorder data and chanlocs based on indexes,:) =,:);
EEG.chanlocs = EEG.chanlocs(idxs);
% updata icachansind for a correct match to the channels used in ica
indcomps = nan(1, length(EEG.icachansind));
for compidx = 1:length(EEG.icachansind)
indcomps(compidx) = find(EEG.icachansind(compidx) == idxs);
EEG.icachansind = indcomps;
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