/gist:62e4c7d57dd2b02a153e Secret
April 22, 2013 10:03
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package | |
{ | |
import away3d.cameras.Camera3D; | |
import away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D; | |
import away3d.containers.Scene3D; | |
import away3d.containers.View3D; | |
import away3d.controllers.HoverController; | |
import away3d.core.partition.MeshNode; | |
//import away3d.core.base.CompactSubGeometry; | |
import away3d.core.pick.PickingColliderType; | |
import away3d.core.pick.PickingType; | |
import away3d.debug.AwayStats; | |
import away3d.entities.Mesh; | |
import away3d.events.AssetEvent; | |
import away3d.events.LoaderEvent; | |
import away3d.events.MouseEvent3D; | |
import away3d.library.AssetLibrary; | |
import away3d.lights.DirectionalLight; | |
import away3d.lights.shadowmaps.NearDirectionalShadowMapper; | |
import away3d.loaders.Loader3D; | |
import away3d.loaders.parsers.AWD2Parser; | |
import away3d.materials.ColorMaterial; | |
import away3d.materials.lightpickers.StaticLightPicker; | |
import away3d.materials.methods.EnvMapMethod; | |
import away3d.materials.methods.FilteredShadowMapMethod; | |
import away3d.materials.methods.NearShadowMapMethod; | |
import away3d.materials.TextureMaterial; | |
import away3d.primitives.CapsuleGeometry; | |
import away3d.primitives.CubeGeometry; | |
import away3d.primitives.PlaneGeometry; | |
import away3d.primitives.SphereGeometry; | |
import away3d.textures.BitmapCubeTexture; | |
//import away3d.textures.CubeReflectionTexture; | |
import away3d.tools.utils.Drag3D; | |
import away3d.utils.Cast; | |
import awayphysics.collision.dispatch.AWPCollisionObject; | |
import awayphysics.collision.dispatch.AWPGhostObject; | |
import awayphysics.collision.shapes.AWPBoxShape; | |
import awayphysics.collision.shapes.AWPCapsuleShape; | |
import awayphysics.collision.shapes.AWPCompoundShape; | |
import awayphysics.collision.shapes.AWPSphereShape; | |
import awayphysics.collision.shapes.AWPStaticPlaneShape; | |
import awayphysics.debug.AWPDebugDraw; | |
import awayphysics.dynamics.AWPDynamicsWorld; | |
import awayphysics.dynamics.AWPRigidBody; | |
import awayphysics.dynamics.constraintsolver.AWPGeneric6DofConstraint; | |
import awayphysics.dynamics.constraintsolver.AWPPoint2PointConstraint; | |
import awayphysics.math.AWPMath; | |
import flash.display.Sprite; | |
import flash.display.StageAlign; | |
import flash.display.StageScaleMode; | |
import flash.events.Event; | |
import flash.events.MouseEvent; | |
import flash.geom.Vector3D; | |
public class JBChainPickingTest extends Sprite | |
{ | |
[Embed(source="chianLink.awd",mimeType="application/octet-stream")] | |
private var AWDAsset:Class; | |
// Environment map. | |
[Embed(source="../embeds/skybox/snow_positive_x.jpg")] | |
private var EnvPosX:Class; | |
[Embed(source="../embeds/skybox/snow_positive_y.jpg")] | |
private var EnvPosY:Class; | |
[Embed(source="../embeds/skybox/snow_positive_z.jpg")] | |
private var EnvPosZ:Class; | |
[Embed(source="../embeds/skybox/snow_negative_x.jpg")] | |
private var EnvNegX:Class; | |
[Embed(source="../embeds/skybox/snow_negative_y.jpg")] | |
private var EnvNegY:Class; | |
[Embed(source="../embeds/skybox/snow_negative_z.jpg")] | |
private var EnvNegZ:Class; | |
private var view:View3D; | |
private var scene:Scene3D; | |
private var camera:Camera3D; | |
//camera controls | |
private var move:Boolean = false; | |
private var lastPanAngle:Number; | |
private var lastTiltAngle:Number; | |
private var lastMouseX:Number; | |
private var lastMouseY:Number; | |
//lights | |
private var slp:StaticLightPicker; | |
private var dlight:DirectionalLight; | |
// | |
private var timeStep:Number = 1.0 / 60; | |
private var physics:AWPDynamicsWorld; | |
private var debugDraw:AWPDebugDraw; | |
private var camController:HoverController; | |
private var links:Array = []; | |
private var sphereShape:AWPSphereShape; | |
private var shadowMapMethod:NearShadowMapMethod; | |
private var dlight2:DirectionalLight; | |
private var slp2:StaticLightPicker; | |
private var shadowMapMethod2:NearShadowMapMethod; | |
private var cubeTexture:BitmapCubeTexture; | |
private var envMethod:EnvMapMethod; | |
//private var reflectionTexture:CubeReflectionTexture; | |
private var drag3D:Drag3D; | |
private var ready:Boolean; | |
private var mat:ColorMaterial; | |
private var sg:SphereGeometry; | |
private var body:AWPRigidBody; | |
private var pc:AWPPoint2PointConstraint; | |
//private var pc:AWPGeneric6DofConstraint; | |
private var currentDrag:Mesh; | |
private var mouseRb:AWPRigidBody; | |
private var d3d:Drag3D; | |
private const collsionGround : int = 1; | |
private const collsionLink : int = 2; | |
private const collsionMouse : int = 4; | |
private var debugPick:Mesh; | |
private var mat2:ColorMaterial; | |
private var debugPick2:Mesh; | |
private var p2pA:Mesh; | |
public function JBChainPickingTest() | |
{ | |
if (stage) | |
init(); | |
else | |
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); | |
} | |
private function init(e:Event = null):void | |
{ | |
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); | |
// entry point | |
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; | |
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; | |
init3D(); | |
initLights(); | |
initPhysics(); | |
initLoader(); | |
initListeners(); | |
} | |
private function init3D():void | |
{ | |
view = new View3D(); | |
view.backgroundColor = 0x0; | |
view.antiAlias = 8; | |
scene = view.scene; | |
camera = view.camera; | |
//view.mousePicker = PickingType.RAYCAST_BEST_HIT; | |
addChild(view); | |
camController = new HoverController(camera, null, 0, 0, 3000); | |
camController.tiltAngle = 20; | |
camController.yFactor = 2; | |
camController.steps = 32 | |
camController.minTiltAngle = 0 | |
camController.maxTiltAngle = 50 | |
camController.lookAtPosition = (new Vector3D(0, 400, 0)); | |
camera.lens.far = 9000; | |
addChild(new AwayStats(view)); | |
} | |
private function initLights():void | |
{ | |
dlight = new DirectionalLight(1, -1, -1); | |
scene.addChild(dlight); | |
dlight.specular = 1; | |
dlight.ambient = 0.1; | |
dlight.diffuse = 0.4; | |
dlight.shadowMapper = new NearDirectionalShadowMapper(.8); | |
// slp = new StaticLightPicker([dlight]); | |
shadowMapMethod = new NearShadowMapMethod(new FilteredShadowMapMethod(dlight)); | |
shadowMapMethod.epsilon = .0007; | |
dlight2 = new DirectionalLight(1, -1, 0); | |
scene.addChild(dlight2); | |
dlight2.specular = 1; | |
dlight2.ambient = 0.1; | |
dlight2.diffuse = 0.4; | |
dlight2.shadowMapper = new NearDirectionalShadowMapper(.8); | |
slp = new StaticLightPicker([dlight, dlight2]); | |
shadowMapMethod2 = new NearShadowMapMethod(new FilteredShadowMapMethod(dlight2)); | |
shadowMapMethod2.epsilon = .0007; | |
cubeTexture = new BitmapCubeTexture(Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosX), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegX), Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosY), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegY), Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosZ), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegZ)); | |
envMethod = new EnvMapMethod(cubeTexture, 0.8); | |
} | |
private function initPhysics():void | |
{ | |
physics = AWPDynamicsWorld.getInstance(); | |
physics.initWithDbvtBroadphase(); | |
//1 visual units equal to 0.01 bullet meters by default, this value is inversely with physics world scaling | |
// so 1cm = 1 away unit | |
physics.scaling = 1000; | |
debugDraw = new AWPDebugDraw(view, physics); | |
//debugDraw.debugMode = AWPDebugDraw.DBG_NoDebug; | |
//debugDraw.debugMode = AWPDebugDraw.DBG_DrawCollisionShapes; | |
debugDraw.debugMode = AWPDebugDraw.DBG_DrawConstraints | AWPDebugDraw.DBG_DrawConstraintLimits; | |
} | |
private function initLoader():void | |
{ | |
Loader3D.enableParser(AWD2Parser); | |
AssetLibrary.loadData(new AWDAsset(), null, null, new AWD2Parser()); | |
AssetLibrary.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.RESOURCE_COMPLETE, initObjects); | |
AssetLibrary.addEventListener(AssetEvent.ASSET_COMPLETE, assetComplete); | |
} | |
private function assetComplete(e:AssetEvent):void | |
{ | |
if (e.asset is Mesh) | |
{ | |
TextureMaterial(Mesh(e.asset).material).specular = 1; | |
TextureMaterial(Mesh(e.asset).material).addMethod(envMethod) | |
TextureMaterial(Mesh(e.asset).material).shadowMethod = shadowMapMethod; | |
Mesh(e.asset).material.lightPicker = slp; | |
} | |
} | |
private function initObjects(e:LoaderEvent):void | |
{ | |
var sph:Mesh = new Mesh(new SphereGeometry(100, 0, 0), new ColorMaterial()); | |
var groundshape:AWPStaticPlaneShape = new AWPStaticPlaneShape(); | |
var groundCO:AWPRigidBody = new AWPRigidBody(groundshape, null,0); | |
//physics.addRigidBodyWithGroup(groundCO, collsionGround, collsionLink); | |
physics.addRigidBody(groundCO); | |
//groundCO.restitution = 0.5; | |
groundCO.friction = 1; | |
//groundCO.rollingFriction = 1; | |
var groundMat:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(); | |
groundMat.lightPicker = slp; | |
groundMat.shadowMethod = shadowMapMethod; | |
var ground:Mesh = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(8000, 8000), groundMat); | |
scene.addChild(ground); | |
var groundMat2:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0xcccccc, 0.4); | |
groundMat2.lightPicker = slp; | |
groundMat2.shadowMethod = shadowMapMethod2; | |
var ground2:Mesh = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(8000, 8000), groundMat2); | |
ground2.y = 1; | |
scene.addChild(ground2); | |
/*var cubeGeom:CubeGeometry = new CubeGeometry(8000, 8000, 8000); | |
var cubeMat:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0x0,0.1); | |
var cubeMesh:Mesh = new Mesh(cubeGeom, cubeMat); | |
cubeMesh.castsShadows = false; | |
scene.addChild(cubeMesh); | |
Mesh(cubeMesh).mouseEnabled = true; | |
Mesh(cubeMesh).addEventListener(MouseEvent3D.DOUBLE_CLICK, onMouseDb);*/ | |
var linkMesh:Mesh = AssetLibrary.getAsset("polySurface3") as Mesh; | |
linkMesh.geometry.convertToSeparateBuffers(); | |
for (var i:uint = 1; i < 2; i++) | |
for (var j:uint = 12; j > 1; j--) | |
{ | |
createLink(new Vector3D(i * 260, 100 + j * 350, 0), new Vector3D(0, j * 90, 0), linkMesh); | |
// if (j % 21 == 0) | |
// links[links.length - 1].mass = 0 | |
} | |
//balls | |
sphereShape = new AWPSphereShape(80); | |
mat = new ColorMaterial(0xfc6a11); | |
mat.lightPicker = slp; | |
mat2 = new ColorMaterial(0x6afc11,0.4); | |
mat2.lightPicker = slp; | |
sg = new SphereGeometry(80) | |
debugPick = new Mesh(sg, mat); | |
debugPick.visible = false | |
scene.addChild(debugPick) | |
/*debugPick2 = new Mesh(sg, mat2); | |
debugPick2.scaleX =2 | |
scene.addChild(debugPick2) | |
//debugPick.visible = false | |
p2pA = new Mesh(sg, new ColorMaterial(0xff0000)); | |
p2pA.scaleY = 2 | |
scene.addChild(p2pA);*/ | |
d3d = new Drag3D(view, Mesh(debugPick), Drag3D.PLANE_XY); | |
mouseRb = new AWPRigidBody(new AWPSphereShape(1010), debugPick,0); | |
physics.addRigidBodyWithGroup(mouseRb, collsionMouse, 0); | |
mouseRb.angularDamping = 0.9; | |
mouseRb.linearDamping = 0.9; | |
} | |
private function createLink(pos:Vector3D, rot:Vector3D, mesh:Mesh = null):void | |
{ | |
var clone:Mesh = Mesh(mesh.clone()) | |
Mesh(clone).mouseEnabled = true; | |
Mesh(clone).pickingCollider = PickingColliderType.AS3_BEST_HIT; | |
Mesh(clone).addEventListener(MouseEvent3D.DOUBLE_CLICK, onMouseDb); | |
Mesh(clone).addEventListener(MouseEvent3D.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseLinkDown); | |
scene.addChild(clone); | |
var linkCompound:AWPCompoundShape = new AWPCompoundShape(); | |
var linkShape:AWPCapsuleShape = new AWPCapsuleShape(50, 100); | |
linkCompound.addChildShape(linkShape, new Vector3D(0, 250, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, 90)); | |
linkCompound.addChildShape(linkShape, new Vector3D(0, -250, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, 90)); | |
linkCompound.addChildShape(linkShape, new Vector3D(105, 204, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, 27)); | |
linkCompound.addChildShape(linkShape, new Vector3D(-105, 204, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, -27)); | |
linkCompound.addChildShape(linkShape, new Vector3D(105, -204, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, -27)); | |
linkCompound.addChildShape(linkShape, new Vector3D(-105, -204, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, 27)); | |
linkShape = new AWPCapsuleShape(50, 320); | |
linkCompound.addChildShape(linkShape, new Vector3D(128, 0, 0)); | |
linkCompound.addChildShape(linkShape, new Vector3D(-128, 0, 0)); | |
var cubeRb:AWPRigidBody = new AWPRigidBody(linkCompound, clone, 0.5); | |
cubeRb.position = pos; | |
cubeRb.rotationY = rot.y; | |
cubeRb.restitution = 0.1; | |
cubeRb.friction = 0.3; | |
physics.addRigidBody(cubeRb); | |
cubeRb.activationState = AWPCollisionObject.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION; | |
clone.extra = { rb:cubeRb }; | |
links.push(cubeRb); | |
/**/ | |
} | |
private function onMouseLinkDown(e:MouseEvent3D):void | |
{ | |
trace("chain click" + e.scenePosition) | |
var pos:Vector3D = e.scenePosition | |
pos = pos.add(e.localPosition); | |
d3d.planePosition = pos//e.scenePosition | |
mouseRb.transform = Mesh(e.currentTarget).transform.clone(); | |
trace(e.localPosition) | |
//pc = new AWPGeneric6DofConstraint( Mesh(e.currentTarget).extra.rb, new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), new Vector3D(), mouseRb, new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), new Vector3D()); | |
pc= new AWPPoint2PointConstraint(mouseRb,new Vector3D(), Mesh(e.currentTarget).extra.rb, e.localPosition); | |
//pc.limitSoftness = 0.0001 | |
// | |
//pc.setLinearLimit(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 420, 0)); | |
//pc.getRotationalLimitMotor(0).stopERP = 42; | |
//pc.getRotationalLimitMotor(1).stopERP = 42; | |
//pc.getRotationalLimitMotor(2).stopERP = 42; | |
//pc.getTranslationalLimitMotor().stopERP = new Vector3D(2,2,2); | |
// | |
//pc.getRotationalLimitMotor(0).stopCFM = 8; | |
//pc.getRotationalLimitMotor(1).stopCFM = 8; | |
//pc.getRotationalLimitMotor(2).stopCFM = 8; | |
//pc.getTranslationalLimitMotor().stopCFM = new Vector3D(4,4,4); | |
//pc.getTranslationalLimitMotor().enableMotorY | |
//pc.getTranslationalLimitMotor().targetVelocity = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0); | |
//pc.getTranslationalLimitMotor().maxMotorForce = new Vector3D(0, 1,0); | |
//pc.getTranslationalLimitMotor().damping = 0.9 | |
//pc.getTranslationalLimitMotor().limitSoftness = 0.8 | |
physics.addConstraint(pc, true); | |
currentDrag = Mesh(e.currentTarget); | |
} | |
private function handleEnterFrame(e:Event):void | |
{ | |
if (ready) | |
{ | |
var pos:Vector3D = d3d.getIntersect(); | |
pos.y = Math.max(pos.y, 150); | |
mouseRb.position = pos; | |
physics.step(view.deltaTime/1000,6,1.0/240); | |
//physics.step(1.0 / 60, 1, 1.0 / 240); | |
debugDraw.debugDrawWorld(); | |
if (body) | |
trace(body.linearVelocity.length); | |
} | |
if (pc) | |
{ | |
//if (d3d.getIntersect().y > 10) | |
d3d.updateDrag(); | |
// pc.getTranslationalLimitMotor().targetVelocity = new Vector3D(0, -0.01,0) | |
} | |
if (move) | |
{ | |
camController.panAngle = 0.3 * (stage.mouseX - lastMouseX) + lastPanAngle; | |
camController.tiltAngle = 0.3 * (stage.mouseY - lastMouseY) + lastTiltAngle; | |
} | |
//trace(_drag3D.getIntersect()); | |
view.render(); | |
} | |
private function onMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void | |
{ | |
ready = true; | |
/*lastPanAngle = camController.panAngle; | |
lastTiltAngle = camController.tiltAngle; | |
lastMouseX = stage.mouseX; | |
lastMouseY = stage.mouseY; | |
move = true;*/ | |
stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Mouse up listener for navigation | |
*/ | |
private function onMouseUp(event:MouseEvent):void | |
{ | |
move = false; | |
stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave); | |
if (pc) | |
{ | |
physics.removeConstraint(pc) | |
physics.removeRigidBody(mouseRb); | |
} | |
} | |
private function onMouseDb(event:MouseEvent3D):void | |
{ | |
var pos:Vector3D = view.camera.position; | |
var mpos:Vector3D = event.scenePosition; | |
trace(mpos) | |
var impulse:Vector3D = mpos.subtract(pos); | |
impulse.normalize(); | |
impulse.scaleBy(14); | |
// shoot a sphere | |
var sphereMesh:Mesh = new Mesh(sg, mat); | |
scene.addChild(sphereMesh); | |
body = new AWPRigidBody(sphereShape, sphereMesh, 1); | |
physics.addRigidBody(body); | |
body.position = pos; | |
body.ccdSweptSphereRadius = 0.08 | |
body.friction = 1; | |
body.angularDamping = 0.8; | |
//body.rollingFriction = 1; | |
body.applyCentralImpulse(impulse); | |
} | |
private function onMouseWheel(event:MouseEvent):void | |
{ | |
camController.distance -= event.delta * 80; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Mouse stage leave listener for navigation | |
*/ | |
private function onStageMouseLeave(event:Event):void | |
{ | |
move = false; | |
stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave); | |
} | |
private function onStageResize(event:Event):void | |
{ | |
view.width = stage.stageWidth; | |
view.height = stage.stageHeight; | |
} | |
private function initListeners():void | |
{ | |
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleEnterFrame); | |
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize); | |
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); | |
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); | |
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheel); | |
} | |
} | |
} |
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