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Last active November 14, 2020 21:43
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* recursively converts DOM nodes into React elements
* @param {(DOM) Node} element the DOM Node
* @param {number} index the unique key
* @param {number} id the ID of the parent Component
* @returns {JSX} the new JSX element
const reactify = (element, index, id, disableAnchors) => {
// get attributes of DOM nodes and add them to a map to pass to the React element
const domAttrs = element.attributes
// map to hold attributes of vanilla DOM nodes
const attributes = {}
// map to hold the inline style values of vanilla DOM nodes
const style = {}
// populate map so we can pass it into our custom React component
if (domAttrs) {
// NamedNodeMap does not have a forEach
for (let i = 0; i < domAttrs.length; i += 1) {
// React-specific camelCase syntax rules
switch (domAttrs[i].name) {
case "bgcolor":
style.backgroundColor = domAttrs[i].value
case "contenteditable":
attributes.contentEditable = domAttrs[i].value
attributes.suppressContentEditableWarning = true
case "style":
// This is required since the CSSStyleDeclaration object contains every single possible css key
// (including browser-prefixed elements that will cause React to throw warnings)
// The CSSStyleDeclaration object contains a weird mix of array indices and key/value pairs, so we are using a
// vanilla for(;;) loop to be safe
for (let j = 0; j <; j += 1) {
// required since the CSSStyleDeclaration declares its style array values (keys) in snake_case
// but stores its actual key/val pairs in camelCase
const camelCaseKey =[j].replace(/-([a-z])/g, g => g[1].toUpperCase())
// pass the camelCased key to React, since React does not recognize snake_case inline css rules
style[camelCaseKey] =[j])
// some press release and dear colleague documents contain <p> and <table> elements with the HTML5 incompatible align attribute
// some tweet content fields contain <img> elements with the HTML5 incompatible border attribute
// some constituent email fields contain elements with HTML5 incompatible attributes
case "align":
case "border":
case "face":
case "vspace":
case "hspace":
case "valign":
// Despite what the html5 spec claims,
// html5 element attribute names that contain any unicode character (for example, 'xuofi') cause a
// "DOMException: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': '...' is not a valid attribute name."
// on all major browsers.
// Valid html5 attribute characters, as of this comment,
// include A-Z characters (case insensitive) and '-' for custom data attributes
// To fix this, we strip out all invalid characters.
const attributeNameRegex = /[^A-Za-z-]/
const attributeName = (
? domAttrs[i].name.replace(attributeNameRegex, "")
: domAttrs[i].name
attributes[attributeName] = domAttrs[i].value
// prevent warning about modifying a function parameter
let uniqueKey = index
// reactify all child nodes of a given parent
const childHelper = (parent) => {
const children = []
parent.childNodes.forEach((childNode) => {
children.push(reactify(childNode, uniqueKey += 1, id, disableAnchors))
return children
// get the element type
// variable name must be PascalCase in order for React to correctly parse it into a built-in element
const TagName = element.tagName
const Tag = TagName && TagName.toLowerCase()
// use unique keys when rendering dynamic React elements
const key = `${id}${uniqueKey}`
// handle internal linking with our custom Segue middleware
if (TagName === "A") {
if (!disableAnchors) {
// internal quorum Segue links are structured as relative URLs, but the parsed DOM node replaces the
// relative href (i.e., /project_profile/190/) with the
// absolute URL (i.e., http://localhost:8000/project_profile/190/)
// element.href is any external absolute URL
let href = element.getAttribute("href")
let link = {}
let quorumSegue = false
// we check to see if the attribute exists as some anchor elements may not declare an href value
// (which happens in some Document Inlines)
if (href) {
if (
// the only semantic difference between internal quorum segues and external URLs is the leading '/'
href.charAt(0) === '/' &&
// this href syntax is deprecated and breaks when invoking any element properties in Edge 17+
) {
// we do not want to segue to downloads since they will 404
if (!href.includes("/api/")) {
quorumSegue = true
// pathname returns only the content that follows the anchor host (only the Segue link)
if (!href.includes('?')) {
href = element.pathname
const Tag = quorumSegue ? SegueLink : 'a'
link = (
onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation() }}
// if we are dealing with a Quorum segue, set middleware attribute appropriately
to={quorumSegue ? href : undefined}
// if we are dealing with a plain URL, do not create a Segue object (instead set the href attr)
// if we are dealing with a plain (external) URL, make sure it opens in a new tab onClick
target={!quorumSegue ? "_blank" : undefined}
rel={!quorumSegue ? "noopener noreferrer" : undefined}
{ childHelper(element) }
return <object key={key}>{link}</object>
} else {
return element.textContent
// all html elements have some base text content (or nothing)
// DOM Core level 2 properties, so they should work in IE6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 1+ etc
else if (element.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// only return the textContent if the string is non-empty
if (element.textContent.replace(/\s/g, '').length) {
return element.textContent
return undefined
// void elements are not allowed to have any content nor children
else if ([
].includes(TagName)) {
return (
// generalize creation of built-in html elements that allow nesting
else if (element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// the DOMParser() can return elements with a malformed TagName if the html is incorrect...
if (!isValidTagName(TagName)) {
return childHelper(element)
return (
{ childHelper(element) }
// convert backend-generated html to React JSX (hrefs to our SegueLink Component, etc.)
// we use this for both the aforementoned reason and instead of:
// React's dangerouslySetInnerHTML because it is dangerous to pass raw HTML (XSS) and we want to whitelist specific elements
// our old querySelectorAll hack which grabbed and modified DOM nodes after we had already rendered them to the page because
// it is a React anti-pattern to modify DOM nodes in a stateful React component (since React keeps track of the VDOM)
// this performs around the same amount of work as rendering React elements to the page and grabbing the DOM nodes, but instead
// of waiting until React renders and populates the VDOM and then grabbing the vanilla DOM nodes with a querySelector,
// we are instead creating the vanilla JS DOM and parsing the elements into React nodes with their Quorum-specific
// functionality (before React renders them to the page). This avoids directly modifying the document DOM
// (instead of React's VDOM), avoiding what is generally considered to be a React anti-pattern
// this is currently being used to convert:
// the Note Inline's firstLineData and thirdLineData
// the Document Inline's thirdLinedata (in certain cases)
const parseHtmlToReact = (html, inlineId, disableAnchors) => {
// parse a raw html string into DOM nodes
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html')
// grab the nodes from the DOM tree
const elements = doc.body.childNodes
const react = []
// IE-compatible NodeList iteration
//, (element, index) => {
// convert each DOM node to a react element
react.push(reactify(element, index, inlineId, disableAnchors))
// return an array of React elements that we can pass to a React component
return react
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