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Created October 22, 2019 14:20
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Class to create categories for TeacherBoard web app feature.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import json
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
class KmeansGrouper:
# may need a default about of clusters (maybe 2?) since a convergence warning due to duplicates values
# ex: only found 2 when we requested 4.
def __init__(self, clusters):
self.clusters = clusters
self.kmeans_obj = KMeans(n_clusters=self.clusters, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0)
def scatter_plot(self, kmeans_data, groups):
Create the plot for the kmeans grouping to display in the kmeans dashboard
:param kmeans_data: data with groupings attached
:param groups: list of groupings from kmeans
:return: graphjson with chart to plot
# Get length of unique groups
groups_set_length = len(set(groups))
# create traces for scatter plot (+1 for categories to start at 1)
trace = [self._scatterplot_maker(i, kmeans_data, groups) for i in range(1, groups_set_length+1)]
# create figure
scatter_plot = dict(data=trace,
layout=dict(title='<b>Categories Plot</b>',
xaxis=dict(title='Column 1'),
yaxis=dict(title='Column 2'),
graphJSON = json.dumps(scatter_plot, cls=plotly.utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder)
return graphJSON
def _scatterplot_maker(self, group_label, data_np, groups):
# create traces
trace = go.Scatter(
x=data_np[groups == group_label, 0],
y=data_np[groups == group_label, 1],
return trace
def kmeans_categories(self, data):
Apply kmeans to data with 2 columns selected by the user
:param data: dataframe from 2 columns entered by the user
:return: dataframe with kmeans categories created
data_np = data.values
categories = self.kmeans_obj.fit_predict(data_np)
categories = categories + 1
data['Category'] = categories
return data, categories, data_np
def dataframe_constructors(self, df_with_groupings):
Creates list of dataframes split by the categories
:param df_with_groupings: dataframe with groupings from kmeans
:return: list of dataframes equal to the number of categories
categories = sorted(df_with_groupings.Category.unique().tolist())
dataframes = [df_with_groupings[df_with_groupings.Category == category] for category in categories]
return dataframes
def dfs_to_html(self, dataframe_list):
Create html versions of dataframes for display
:param dataframe_list: list of dataframes from dataframes_constructors function
:return: list of tables to display on html in tables attribute of render_template
tables = [df.to_html(classes=f'Category {i}') for i, df in enumerate(dataframe_list)]
return tables
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